Friday, January 4, 2019

2019 Keep the Books Off the Shelf Challenge

Challenge Basics: 

Name: Keep the Books Off the Shelf Challenge
Hosts: Me!
Starts: January 1, 2019
Ends: December 31, 2019
Goal: 15 books
Eligible Books: Books you acquire in 2019

Why I'm Interested:  

I'm not sure if anyone is actually hosting a challenge like this, but it's a challenge I'm giving myself, again. Last year I read a ton off books I acquired in 2018, and rather than feel bad about neglecting my previously owned books, instead I felt like I was accomplishing something with every new book I acquired and read. And I was!

Every year I participate in the Read My Own Books Challenge where I try to read as many books I own as possible. Downside? Those challenges don't count books you acquire during the challenge year, and I think they should! Sure, I know the goal is to read all those books that have been languishing year after year, but what about preventative measures? I think those should be rewarded, too!

(I feel like a health insurance plan)

So, enter my challenge. I'm going to try to make a dent in the books I get in 2019 and therefore whittle down my mountain of books remaining unread on my shelves in 2020 (I can't believe I just wrote 2020...where is the time going?!).

Some books I'm considering: 

As many books from my Acquired 2019 shelf as possible. At the end of the year I'll compare how many books I acquired to how many books I've read from that list to see how well I've done. I'd like to shoot for reading/DNF-ing at least 15 books.

Books Completed:

42. Elizabeth the Great by Elizabeth Jenkins
41. The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowksi
40. 1536: The Year that Changed Henry VIII by Suzannah Lipscomb
39. The Making of a Marchioness by Frances Hodgson Burnett
38. The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
37. The Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Whaton
36. The Ghost-Feeler by Edith Wharton
35. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
34. The Christmas Spirits on Tradd Street by Karen White
33. The Orange Trees of Versailles by Annie Pietri
32. The Swap by Megan Shull
31. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
30. The Kiss of the Concubine by Judith Arnopp
29. The Sisters Mortland by Sally Beauman
28. A Little Bit of Buddha by Chad Mercree
27. The Case of the Gypsy Good-Bye by Nancy Springer
26. The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline by Nancy Springer
25. The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan by Nancy Springer
24. The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets by Nancy Springer
23. The Case of the Left-Handed Lady by Nancy Springer
22. The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer
21. The Sacred River by Wendy Wallace
20. The Mozart Girl by Barbara Nickel
19. Always Emily by Michaela MacColl
18. Let's Move and The Show Must Go On by Courtney Shienmel and Bianca Turetsky
17. The Vanished Bride by Bella Ellis
16. The Poison Thread by Laura Purcel
15. The Ghost Tree by Barbara Erskine
14. Where I End and You Begin by Preston Norton
13. 104 Horses by Mandy Retzlaff
12. The Last Collection by Jeanne Mackin
11. Royal Flash by George MacDonald Fraser
10. Busy Body by Marion Chesney
9. Productivity Hacks by Emily Price
8. Henry VIII by Robert Lacey
7. There Goes the Bride by Marion Chesney
6. The Kings and Queens of England: A Tourist Guide by Jane Murray
5. A Spoonful of Poison by Marion Chesney
4. Remembrance by Jude Deveraux
3. Kissing Christmas Goodbye by Marion Chesney
2. Love, Lies, and Liquor by Marion Chesney
1. Dream More by Dolly Parton

Books DNF'ed: 


Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Historical Fiction Challenge

21/15 books

Challenge Basics:  

Name: 2019 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge
Hosts: Passages to the Past
Starts: January 1, 2019
Ends: December 31, 2019
Eligible Books: YA and adult historical fiction books. Non-fiction included.
Levels: I am going to try for 15 books

Why I'm Interested:  

Historical Bio and Historical Non-Fiction: These are the weightier, meatier books that I want to make top priority. They go into detail about actual people and events and I'll learn the most from them. I've thrown in the non-fiction books onto this shelf, too. I've been toe-dipping into non-fiction, and I'd like to continue that toe-dip.

Historical Fantasy: These vary as far as actual historical learning goes. Some have a ton of historical detail, but most just use a historical setting. Some of my favorite books come from this shelf and I don't want to neglect them just because they're not heavy historical fiction.

Historical Lite: These are a lot like the books on my Historical Fantasy shelf, just without the fantasy elements. Usually they're mysteries or romances set with a historical backdrop of varying degrees of detail. They're often easy breezy, fun books and I want to make sure I read them as well.

Books Completed:

Historical Non-Fiction

8. Elizabeth the Great by Elizabeth Jenkins
7. 1536: The Year That Changed Henry VIII by Suzannah Lipscomb
6. The King is Dead by Suzannah Lipscomb
5. The Borgias by Christopher Hibbert
4. Henry VIII by Robert Lacey
3. The Kings and Queens of England: A Tourist Guide by Jane Murray
2. The Medieval Anarchy by Kaye Jones
1. Rotten Rulers by Terry Deary

Historical Bio (fiction):

6. Mary, Bloody Mary by Carolyn Meyer
5. Marie Antoinette (Royal Diaries) by Kathryn Lasky
4. Hammer of the Scots by Jean Plaidy
3. The Kiss of the Concubine by Judith Arnopp
2. The Mozart Girl by Barbara Nickel
1. The King's Secret Matter by Jean Plaidy


7. The Orange Trees of Versailles by Annie Pietri
6. The Time-Traveling Fashionista at the Palace of Marie Antoinette by Bianca Turetskey
5. Always Emily by Michaela MacColl
4. The Vanished Bride by Bella Ellis
3. The Last Collection by Jeanne Mackin
2. Royal Flash by George MacDonald Fraser
1. Flashman by George MacDonald Fraser

Historical Lite:

17. The Making of a Marchioness by Frances Hodgson Burnett
16. The Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Wharton
15. Come, Tell Me How You Live by Agatha Christie Mallowan
14. Perfecting Fiona by Marion Chesney
13. Refining Felicity by Marion Chesney
12. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
11. The Case of the Gypsy Good-Bye by Nancy Springer
10. The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline by Nancy Springer
9. The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan by Nancy Springer
8. The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets by Nancy Springer
7. The Case of the Left-Handed Lady by Nancy Springer
6. The Case of the Missing Marquess by Nancy Springer
5. The Sacred River by Wendy Wallace
4. The Poison Thread by Laura Purcell
3. The Ghost Tree by Barbara Erskine
2. The Far Side of the World by Patrick O'Brian
1. Yvonne Goes to York by Marion Chesney



Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 Read My Own Books Challenge

22/12 books

Challenge Basics: 
Name: Read My Own Damn Books Challenge
Previous Hosts: Estella's Revenge
Starts: January 1, 2019
Ends: December 31, 2019
Eligible Books: Books you own prior to 2019.
Levels: I'm going to try to read and/or DNF and get rid of 12 books I own.

Why I'm Interested:  

I seriously have too many books and they keep sitting on my shelves unread. I did this challenge in 2015 and ended up getting rid of almost all the books I read for the challenge, which means I've carted around and found room for all those books that I didn't even end up liking. Before I move again, I need to reevaluate the books I'm bringing with me and make sure they're books I actually want.

Some books I'm considering: 

Anything on my Own-Unread shelf that I acquired prior to 2019.

At the start of 2019, here's where I stand as far as what books I own and what percentage of them I've read:

26% read of books acquired in 2018 (250)
21% read of books acquired in 2017 (360) 
37% read of books acquired in 2016 (368) 
19% read of books acquired in 2015 (113)
35% read of books acquired in 2014 (80)
47% read of books acquired in 2013 (58)
43% read of books acquired in 2012 (77)
77% read of books acquired in 2010-2011 (146)
81% read of books acquired in 2008-2009 (36)
87% read of books acquired in 2003-2007 (100)
97% read of books acquired in 2002 and earlier (76)

Books Completed:

27. Mary, Bloody Mary by Carolyn Meyer (2014)
26. The Winter of the Witch by Katherine Arden (2018)
25. The King is Dead by Suzannah Lipscomb (2017)
24. A True Home by Kallie George (2017)
23. The Borgias by Christopher Hibbert (2013)
22. Marie Antoinette (Royal Diaries) by Kathryn Lasky (2014)
21. Stomy Petrel by Mary Stewart (2018)
20. The Time-Traveling Fashionista at the Palace of Marie Antoinette by Bianca Turetskey (2017)
19. Come, Tell Me How You Live by Agatha Christie Mallowan (2018)
18. Catch Me a Colobus by Gerry Durrell (2017)
17. Hammer of the Scots by Jean Plaidy (2015)
16. Perfecting Fiona by Marion Chesney (2018)
15. The Trouble with Twins by Kathryn Siebel (2015)
14. Refining Felicity by Marion Chesney (2018)
13. Hestia the Invisible by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams (2016)
12. The King's Secret Matter by Jean Plaidy (2014)
11. The Far Side of the World by Patrick O'Brian (2003-2007)
10. Amphitrite the Bubbly by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams (2016)
9. A Tangled Web by L. M. Montgomery (2017)
8. Princess at Sea by Dawn Cook (2013)
7. Flashman by George MacDonald Fraser (2016)
6. Sif and the Dwarf's Treasure by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams (2018)
5. The Medieval Anarchy by Kaye Jones (2018)
4. Rotten Rulers by Terry Deary (2017)
3. Yvonne Goes to York by Marion Chesney (2018)
2. The Perfect Paragon by Marion Chesney (2018)
1. The Deadly Dance by Marion Chesney (2018)

Books DNF'ed:


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019 Re-Read Challenge

Challenge Basics: 

Name: The Re-Read Challenge
Hosts: Belle of the Literati (in 2016)
Starts: January 1, 2019
Ends: December 31, 2019
Eligible Books: Books you've already read.

Why I'm Interested:  

Whether it's re-reading for comfort or to revisit old favorites, I want to make sure I enthusiastically dive into re-reading whenever I feel the urge.

Some books I'm considering:

My Special Shelf favorites, of course. Also, books I liked enough or am curious enough to re-listen to on audio.

Books Completed:

10. Heart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
9. A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
8. A Pearl Among Princes by Coleen Murtagh Paratore
7. The Decoy Princess by Dawn Cook
6. Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
5. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
4. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J. K. Rowling
3. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling
2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J. K. Rowling

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