So, finals week is still two weeks away, but here's the official "to-do" list...
this week: 3 tests, Saturday lab, and a power point presentation
next week: 2 tests and a paper
the next week: 2 finals
Should be fun right? oh yeah...and fit in there somewhere MOVING! Our house should be done in the next couple of weeks! We are getting pretty excited! Jake keeps telling us that he want to "go home"...we're assuming that means to his new house. Hopefully that transition will go smoothly for him! He's going to miss his Papa and Gwama! Here are a few pics from the past couple of weeks...the first one I just couldn't resist, he's too cute!!
Jakey got his first bee sting last week...we couldn't help but document! In Jake's words: "Buggie Owie!!!"