Tomorrow Marni and I go back to work and that means back to my program full time. This will be the real test of sticking to my workouts. At least break catapulted me off to a good start. I ran two days in a row for the first time since either broken ankle and today Marni and I took JJ to the gym. Climbing with a toddler is difficult but he actually did really well. We both bouldered for about an hour and a half, trading off watching JJ and working problems. I managed to flash my hardest indoor boulder problem yet, who knew? I'm even planning to ride home from work on Wednesday and Friday so anyone still reading, feel free to poke me on this blog or Facebook and hold me to it. Hopefully I can start riding at least one direction (20 miles) 3 days a week plus keep up my running and climbing. It's going to be a challenge for sure but at least now it's January and I've got less than 6 months to go to finish my program.
Alright now time to organize my stuff for another semester while Marni is at yoga!