Four days in the sun and on the bike, escaping this...

And this in the predawn hours. Single digits were surprising nevertheless.

By that afternoon, ahhhhh. Tights not required.

My first trip to Goose was sweet and the sun and great company didn't hurt.

Adam showing me around the mesa.

Yes yes, I have a light on my helmet :p

Mr.Nice enjoying a ride with me that doesn't involve freezing our asses off for once.

Reflecting on terrain not covered by frozen white stuff.

The Friday afternoon crew was 3 SS and 1 fixie.

Meredith and Dave in the other Dave's bike cave.


It has three speeds...and shifts!

The group with our hostess getting ready to head out. Two dozen plus strong and raring to ride.

Those specks are DH and Josh, pretty much my view all day.

Chris hoping his heart doesn't explode.

DH snacking well ;)

I need to get me one of those...

Kenny riding strong.

Bart flying up in the big ring.

Did you ride it? Neither did I.

The train.

Well it sounded like a good idea in my head.

From here to there.

Beautiful scenery all around.

View from the top.

Then back down there.

Dave and the praying mantis.

This looks like a good place to stop. stop.

What a gem!

A couple hundred miles of dirt, great friends old and new, awesome climbing and my biggest worry usually what to eat next. Not a bad way to squander some vacation days and start the year.
Huge thanks to the hosts, let's do that again!