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  1. Week 24

    Nov 9, 2008

    So at least I bucked the trend of not blogging my progress for one week, last week, but not this one. I didn't even post a picture of last weeks weigh in! Sloppy on my part. But just because I haven't been reporting it here doesn't mean I haven't been hard at work.

    This was a very active week for me. For the first time in a few months I got in 6 days of quality activity. Sunday was rest. Monday, caching. Tuesday in the gym. Wednesday, running with my wife at Crescent Beach; a great spot I found about a week ago that I swore I would come back to and run. It was a great time. Thursday was the gym again. Friday saw a 4 mile run on one of my usual and favorite routes at Mackworth Island. Finally, Saturday found me in the gym again this time with Amanda.

    The frequency of the workouts was greater but the burner was set a little lower during the sessions. Decided to take it a little easier. I registered a fairly decent loss this week though at 1.8 lbs. I've been wanting to see 2 lbs a week and that's pretty close. Besides, if you average my last two weeks the loss comes out to 2.5 lbs. per so I'm not complaining. Things are finally clicking again and I'm feeling good about starting the 100 Push Ups program next week and figure I'm well on my way to having lost 75 pounds total by the first weigh in on 2009.

    Starting weight : 315 lbs. Last week : 258.2 lbs. This week : 256.4 lbs. Progress since previous weigh in : -1.8 lbs. Total weight loss : -58.6 lbs.

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