Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My New Project

As if I need to add one more thing to my plate right?!? Kyle and I have decided to take on a garden this year and try our hand at growing vegetables. I hope to get a little produce out of everything that we have planted. I guess time will tell.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It seemed like the only time my phone rang today I received bad news or had to add another thing onto my never-ending to-do list. So I found it appropriate to make this not-so-healthy dinner for the kids and at least make someone's day. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Snow Canyon Hikes

I took the opportunity to go on a little morning "hike" with some of the women from relief society the other Saturday, and I actually had fun (I never thought I would say that). We walked up to Jenny's Canyon and then over to see the pioneer names that were written in axel grease back in the 1800's. The weather held off until we were finished and it was just right outside to get some great shots.

My Little Leprechaun

This is what greeted me on the sidewalk the other day when I went to do preschool pickup; my own little leprechaun. Eventhough he said he didn't find any pots of gold that day, I still took him home with me cause he was just too dang cute.