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Saturday, 18 December 2010

Friday, 17 December 2010

Friday - the swirl on the cupcake

We learned to make a swirl on top of a cup cake this week in our cake decorating class.

Now on to the Friday Fill-Ins hosted by Janet from Fond of Snape Blog
If you would like to play along, just click on the image below. we go!

1. What in the world was the culprit that triggered this wicked migraine today? 

2. I like organic turkeys that are plump and well fed.

3. Go to a loved one right now and tell them how much you appreciate and cherish them(GO! I'll wait for you to get back to read the rest of my fill-ins)

4. After a visit with my doctor this morning, she sent me straight home to bed.

5. I keep on top of my chores around they house especially around the holidays just in case someone unexpectedly stops by for a visit.

6. I stood on the front step tonight, and look up to gaze at the millions of icy flakes falling from the sky.  We are getting snow like it or not.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to staying in my comfy bed trying to get rid of the migraine hangover, tomorrow my plans include some little leftovers of holiday shopping and Sunday, I want to make chocolates and cookies with the family!
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Thursday, 16 December 2010

End of the week ramble
{Because I need to vent}

Into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I am always confounded by the frenzy that is associated with the Christmas holiday. These last few weeks I have been like a sponge, soaking up a lot of the negative energy from other people around me. Everywhere I go, the sights and sounds and smells of Christmas are in the air. I wish people would just slow down just a little and enjoy the holiday season.

This past week flew by, as we prepared for our own holiday time at our house. David and I are hosting this years work party this weekend, either I'm frantically cleaning the house or trying to keep it clean, or baking and preparing a menu for the party. The tree is all decorated with hundreds of glittering white lights and the only the prettiest adornments and raffia bows that hang delicately from every odd branch. I think it is breathtakingly beautiful (but I am just a tad biased).

As we move farther into this holiday season, my only hope is that I will be able to keep my cool and not cave under all the pressure, and to keep a smile on my face even when times get the most hectic.

One other thing happened earlier this week that put us all in a tizzy. My Father-in-law fell ill having a minor stroke and scaring all of us to tears. He is feeling better and stronger every day, but now the life he knows will have to drastically change if he wishes to live the rest of his life healthy and happy --and we want him around for many more years to come-- we are blessed to have him with us. It's times like this I feel blessed to have my friends, my family, this life. There are many twists and turns life tends to throw our way which we must deal with whether we like it or not. We must keep on your toes and be aware of our surrounding because you never know what little surprise life has in store for you.

Are you ready to take on anything? Are you thankful for everyday you have on this earth?
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Friday, 10 December 2010

It's the hap- happiest season of all!

Finally I have some holiday decorations around the house. Looking forward to cutting down our tree on Sunday and decorating it.  I can't believe how the holiday season has snuck-up on me this year; I still have so much to prepare.  Are you ready for the Holidays?


Friday Fill-Ins #203

Would you like to play along?
Just click on the image below. we go!

1. I wish you all joy, love and peace this holiday season.

2. "How did I let this holiday season sneak up on me again this year?"...that's what I'm thinking.

3. Please bring a bottle of Pinot Gris  and a couple glasses and join me for sip.

4. Life is so amazing.

5. One of my fondest hopes is for a warm home, loving family and friends and to feel blessed going into the new year ahead.

6. I love getting visits here from all of you, and your positive support and sincere comments you leave behind are appreciated. They really do mean a lot to me, and sometimes they help me through some tough times, and I just wanted to say thank you!!!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing at home, tomorrow my plans include starting and hopefully finishing my holiday shopping and Sunday, I want to enjoy the day with the family wandering through a u-cut tree lot looking for the perfect(for us) tree, then heading off to hubby's uncle and aunties farm for a family gathering!

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
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Thursday, 9 December 2010

The Icing On The Cake

I've been taking a cake decorating class at my local Michaels Craft store. It's been so much fun but the Cake Boss has nothing to worry about. It will be quite a while before I will be able to learn those fancy flowers and lovely cup cakes I oh so admire on those cake decorating shows on TV (if ever). But I'm have fun anyway and that is all that matters -- right?

The photo collage above are photos taken from our class last night. My cake is the one in the middle and bottom left.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Technology & Miracles

{Screen shot I took from SIL session}

Last night I got to log on to view my SIL's ultrasound session for baby #2.  It blows my mind how advanced technology has gotten since I had my kids.  I wasn't even allowed to have hubby in the room with me when I had an ultrasound for my first two kids.

Last night we were able to watch and listen to everything going on, and if we wanted, we could interact via web cam or chat with the other people logged on as guests.  Too cool!

SIL's last baby was born three years ago and hubby and myself with the aid of my dad, made baby Ella a cradle.  We dressed it with the cutest bedding and the cuddliest blankets - it looked amazing!

 {see post:  The Cradle Will Rock 2}

I am looking for something equally nice to give to SIL and baby #2, but I am having a hard time coming up with ideas.  Maybe you have some?  If you have any ideas for a gift for my new Niece, leave a message with your idea.  We have until mid February to come up with something; who knows, there may be a little surprise gift for the person with the best suggestion.
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Thursday, 2 December 2010

What have I been up to?

Hello Darlings,

How have you all been? I've been busier than a beaver in a coffee lake. This week I have been doing some heavy duty cleaning and preparing my house for the holiday season. I can't wait to get all my decoration up inside the house as well as finish putting up the lights on the outside of the house. I am also taking a cake decorating course, so that is keeping me on my toes too. I can't wait to actually decorate a cake though, instead of practicing flowers and swirls on parchment.

I have another thing I wanted to share.  I have two new (to me) cameras that I am oh so excited about.  The first one is a Polaroid 215 Land camera made circa 1966.  The other is a Ricohflex VI, circa 1950's.  I think I will wait until after the new year to load the Richo with some film.  120 film is getting more and more expensive to buy here and there isn't a camera shop in this city (that I know of) that still will develop 120 film locally -- it gets a little expensive to sending the film out to be developed.  Perhaps I will look into taking a film developing course after I fishing with the cake decorating.  I did however order some Fuji pack film for the Polaroid and it should be arriving any day now (I love Amazon).  If you have any suggestions for using either camera, I would so appreciate your input and expertise!

I will be back soon, hopefully with some photos from the new Polaroid and my first cake photos.  Until then have a great week and weekend!
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I want the stars and the moon -
Is that too much to ask for?

Last night I dreamed I climbed a ladder into the night sky, up to the heavens.  My husband David was holding the ladder for me while I climbed higher and higher, a canvas bag swung off my arm.  I picked carefully filling the bag with the only the most beautiful, brilliantly bright stars; one for each of my family members.  Hubby yelled up to me to hurry up, it was time to come back down.  My response was --

"I want the moon too!  Is that too much to ask for?"