Monday, June 25, 2012

Zoo Trip

We went to Park City and Hogle Zoo a few weekends ago.  We ended up staying in a hotel Friday night at Park City, getting pizza and then swimming at the hotel,  Then getting up to get to the zoo when they opened.  Just wanted to have a weekend away...

Jaydon on the way down with Jason's mug and popcorn from Target-he was a happy kid.
Jori loved this mirror at the hotel and sat there for quite awhile.

We met my sister and her family at the zoo. 
Here is Jaydon and Addy with a sea lion in the background.

What a rude mom I am to make him stand by the bears for a picture.

Jaydon and the giraffes.

One of our favorite parts was watching the tigers.  There were two of
them going at it and a sign there saying it was normal, but they got
right up to the glass banging into it and giving the crowd a show!

One of Jaydon's favorite parts-the train ride.

Jori after she woke up-happy girl!

Playing on the polar bear sculptures.

I had to add this picture, the next morning after our weekend away Jori fell asleep
quietly on her own.  She must have been exhausted!

Friday, June 22, 2012


A run-down on May....
We celebrated 8 years of marraige right after celebrating Mother's Day with dinner, then
dinner and the temple the next night.

My "queen for a day" card I got for my birthday from the kids. 
Jaydon wanted me to really wear that crown to church.

Jaydon graduated from Preschool.  Although I really just told him we were going to his program.  He is going again next year so this is just a stepping stone, plus I think graduations for preschool are a little silly.....

Showing off his diploma

We went to Day out with Thomas over Memorial Day weekend like last year.  Although this year it rained a ton.  So it was fun, but too wet to get to do all the fun stuff we did last year.  Although Jori loved the train ride!

Proud of his certificate

Jaydon and dad on the train

Grabbing a quick picture of Jaydon with Thomas in the rain

Once again, it was rainy and cold so a quick picture with Sir Topham Hatt

Good start to a fun summer!