Most of the time you generally avoid buying this big of a bag unless you have a family vacation and others are going to help you eat it.
But yesterday I bought it.
And as I gazed at it in my cart at Sam's club I thought you know its bad when you buy an XXL bag of M&M's for yourself.
Not one 50 cent bag from the gas station to calm your nerves but the XXL bag from Sam's Club...that is a whole lot of nerves to be calming. Never before have I thought I was an emotional eater...but as of late M&M's and a Dr. Pepper can bring some EXCELLENT instant relief. Notice I said instant. Every bad day I go to bed thinking surely it will be better tomorrow. I will be better, more patient and just better.
Well my tomorrow was not better.
And so I am starting to think maybe I better start looking toward days---none with a describing word of good or bad.
Today: Mind you I totally skipped over yesterday's lovely day other than actually buying the M&M's.
We started our morning with our routine- you know "stop fighting, get your chores done, don't touch each other, get your chores done, stop fighting, practice the piano..don't touch each other", once we were done with all that we hurriedly rushed to Sammy's art class- she is their for an hour and a block from the library. I have been trying for weeks to get to the library and sign up for the summer reading program.
Surely we can go to the library right?
I have to Gird up my Loins to go to the library because as much as I hate to admit it - I loathe going to the library with my children.
Seriously -THE LIBRARY. Where they welcome kids. Not my kids. They put rocks in the fish pond and scream when I try to leave the fish pond or pull books off the shelf- or fight over the headphones for the computer or get ready for it.....poop their pants at the library.
I know your thinking "oh Zack pooped his pants he is a baby"....No, no, no, no it was my 5 year old. I absolutely hate throwing him under the bus (well kind of) and call him out on this embarrassing thing but I am kinda sick of it. He has this problem when he plays the computer he gets a bit lazy and doesn't go to the bathroom when he is playing the computer.
So standing at the check out line trying to corral a Crazy Cooper and Zack because they cannot be trusted at the fish anymore and Tyson announces that he thinks he pooped his pants but "just a little" and then sticks his hand down his pants to see and brings out a poop finger.
Yep a poop finger. I was actually at that moment caught between mortification, anger and laughter...because really what could you do. We checked out and ran out the door. I had to pick Sammy up in 3 minutes and we had to go to piano so I decided he would just have to wait. We got in the suburban and the smell was through the whole car. Really so bad we rolled down all the windows and Cooper kept saying "what is that smell"? At that point I was almost laughing.
Notice how I said almost....lucky I bought the XXL bag!