Its been 3 years now. =') I know that its kinda hard to believe..I looked thru our pictures and found some of these. I wanted to post more pictures but hey let it be memories that i would always remember. Happy 3rd year anniversary sayang. We've been thru all the ups and downs. We've grown together and learned so much things from each other. Thank you for being such a sweet heart. Thank you for everything! You know that i am not much of a sweet talker. =D i guess no words can describe how much i love you. Appreciate every moments that i have spent with you. No one knows what we have been thru that makes us stronger each and everyday!
2007 @ Charcoal. Haha.N im thinner than you!! Now tell me siapa lampuh?? ah? ah? =D
early 2008 and just cant get enuf of each other. Butterflies.
Late 2008@KK.
early 2009. Awuu anie start lampuh udah.Hehe.But who cares.I know you sayang me still. =p
2009 Langkawi.
I used to search for perfection.I dreamt of happy endings. But then i realized, happiness happened unexpectedly. Happiness comes when u accept them entirely and for me "Trust" seems to be the base for everything.
You know that you love someone and you should know that he loves you too! simple as that! =)
And im sorry if ive ever hurt you in any way sayang. Love you. Thank you again for all the love that you have given me. Thank you for being such a good friend too. =') We laughed and yes we cried too. But in the end i'll always comes back to you.
.Apr 21, 2010 ' 9:45 PM Y
"Hello World"
Its almost 10 and i have not done my work for my peer teaching tomorrow. Preparing stuffs sucks! I just finished watching "Man vs Food" how i wish that i could travel around the world right now and EAT like him!! Hah! =) That wud be great. I wish i could skip my exam and just travel and travel and travel. Out of this place! Im out of things to do hereeee at this peaceful country..You wake up in the morning, get urself educated, go back home and sleep. A routine that somehow i cannot stand! You went out and you have no interesting place to go. How do you people handle that??
Thanks to you that makes my life less lifeless =) i smiled every time i see you face. Everything went just fine with you by my side.
And good friends that makes you laugh so hard everyday!
Soo Happy with my life indeed. =)
.Apr 19, 2010 ' 9:41 AM Y
I want to update but i seriously have no time =) Hehe..last 14th april 2010 was sayang's 18th birthday.Yess.18th!! =p Inda mau2..Hehe.Got him surprised di McD.. =D Will update pictures soon. =) anyway i just wanna say that i'll always love you!
Hope you're happy sayang! =)
To Mukee,Bbeh, Mimi thanks for making it happened.Love yah!
With that i would also like to say happy birthday to ejoy my guitarist last 16th april. =) Jamming soon yea.!
.Apr 8, 2010 ' 4:09 PM Y
"Dead bored"
Ahh well..Ive been busy.With all the assignments, peer teaching and shit. Exams will be coming soon. And right after exam i will be doing my teaching practice.DAMN!! Give me a break!! My three months holiday will be filled with lesson plans and stuffs. Mati tah soo dead. Im excited though going back to high schools.but i just cant imagine how dead i would be taching 35-40 students in a class. Mengajar tuition class about 10 ppl in a class udah mcm kan melatup my brain. I don't even know if i am ready for that.I'll be missing VACATIONS.. =( where i get to relax and just enjoying the days.Hooo Nooooo...Sabar! Owh my last holiday masa atu.We went to KK with the cousins and all..It was a blast..Love'n each second of it.. =) enjoy some of the pictures.
It was my first time going KK with them cousins. I usually went with my friends but it was different when ure going with your closest family.Everyday mesti ada to laugh about.haha!
I was not feeling that well time atu. I was losing my voice. And for your info too till today, my voice balum berapa baik.I lost my original voice forever i guess.Kata my baby, he said i cant sing again psl my suara bida udah.Dem! haha.
I love the archery! Sakai lah ku masa atu..Haha.
Here you can get one piece of chicken wing for RM1..How cheap is that. =)
Shuming.Shuming.I wish the rest of the my cousins were there.
They got same coloured shirt.How cute.
With him being there. Adds the fun! =)
Headed to BED time mlm! Singing i want nobody nobody but youh! haha.
Balik was the boring part.
BURGER KING. I soo want that! Sia sia pun. Makes me hungry right now.I gotta eat like now.i'll update again soon.
-call her YAS 4short
-November 9th is d birthday
-UBD ( edu Major: Chemistry, Minor : Maths)
-Loves to have fun!!
-Singing is the passion..
-To travel around the world is the dream.