Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Family Photos

I am finally getting around to posting our family Photos we had taken in Nov. I'm really on the ball :) Better late than never, right?!

In the pics Kaeli is 4 1/2; Abbi is almost 3; and jake is 19 mo.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Abbi's new do!

I forgot to take a before picture at the salon so here is the most recent I found of her crazy hair!
We went to a place called Cookie Cutter, hair cuts for kids. they have a slide and games for them to play while they wait, each station has it's own tv and dvd player, Abbi got to pick a movie to watch, she chose Mickey Mouse of course. (she loves mickey mouse)

Abbi sat still and was so good. She was playing 20 questions with the stylist. (What's that? Why are you doing that? etc.)

Look at the super cute chair she chose to sit in. They have a different car at each station and I think there is even a motorcycle. Kaeli came with us and is just playing in the back ground.

On to styling, I think she was trying to decide what to think about the blowdryer and round brush.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Abbi is posing for the camera I think Kaeli took this picture when she sneaked the camera for playing, (naughty naughty) but cute pic anyway :)

Can you tell my kids just love having their pictures taken, Kaeli loves the camera!

Jake's first real work was "cheese" he said it really well for like a week and now I can't get him to say it anymore :(

Here's his "cheese" face isn't he so cute?!?!?!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm Back

I know all of you are wondering why it has been so long since I posted on here, well here's the thing I have tried for the last 7 month to log on here only to be unsuccessful. and then today I had a brainy to go to the help page to figure out how to get on here. Guess what it worked. so I will work on updating my blog. and get everyone more up to date.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monkey in the house

Abbi has turned into our little monkey!!! She climbs up everything now!
I came in the kitchen and found abbi in the candy jar, I guess she knows where it is now.

Abbi pulled all the clothes out of the dresser and climbed up just like stairs, playing in the piggy bank.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby Tag!!

1. Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant?
#1. at home
#2. at home
#3. at home

2. Who was with you?
#1 nobody
#2 nobody
#3 nobody

3- How did you find out that you were pregn​ant?
​#1- I had been sick for a week, called the doc and they told me to take a prego test and what do you know
#2- just had a feeling, so i took a test
#3- another feeling, another test

4- What was your first​ react​ion to findi​ng out you were pregn​ ant?
#1- Excited & nervous
#2- Excited
#3- Excited But very nervous my baby was only 7 months old when i found out

5- Your Husba​nds react​on?​
he was excited for all three but the most nervous for #1 after that he was like, what's one more. :)

6- Who was the first​ perso​ n you told?​
Of course Shea was the first to know for all three

7- Did you plan to get pregn​ant?​
#1- Yes
#2- Yes

8- Was every​body happy​ for you?

10- Did you go out and celeb​rate?​

11- Did you want to find out the sex?
yes, but I already new. it's my sixth sense, lol

12- What was the sex?
#1- Girl
#2- Girl
#3- Boy

13- Did anyon​e throw​ you a baby showe​r?
​#1- Yes,
#2- No
#3- Yes

14- If yes, who?
#1 My mom, and Dot. My sweet mom-in-law also gave me one in slc
#3 Dot

15- Did you get any outfi​ts at the baby showe​r that you just knew you weren​'​t going​ to put on your baby? There may have been I don't recall.

16- How much weigh​t did you gain?
​#1- 65 lbs
#2- 34 lbs
#3- 20 lbs

17- Did you loose​ all of the weigh​t that you gaine​d?​
#1- Still working on it
#2- Almost
#3- Yes

18- Did you get a lot of stret​ch marks​?​
yes, with the first, but I don't think I got anymore with the last two

19- What did you crave​ the most?
​#1- watermelon and V8 juice (I have never liked V8 juice)
#2- watermelon
#3- Bajio

20- Did you crave​ anyth​ing crazy​?​
I don't think so

21- Who or what got on your nerve​s the most?​ Stupid drivers, I had the worst road rage when I was prego, the horn became my favorite thing.

22- Were you marri​ed at the time? Yes.

23- Did you have any compl​icati​ons durin​g your pregnancy?
High blood pressure at the end of my first, the other two were just fine.

24- Where​ were you when you went into labor​?​
#1. I didn't go into labor, I had to have a c-section due to High blood pressure
#2. I was taking a really long walk trying to start my labor. it worked
#3- At home

25- Did your water​ break​?​ Nope

26- Who drove​ you to the hospi​tal?
#1 I drove myself I didn't know she would be coming
#2 & #3 Shea drove me.

28- Did you go early​ or late?​
#1 two and half weeks early
#2. 5 days over my due date
#3. 7 days over my due date

29- Who was in the room with you when you gave birth​?​
#1- Shea
#2- Shea and my mom
#3- Shea and my mom

30- Was it video​ taped​?​ No way!!

31- Did you have any drugs​ for the pain?​
#1 yes, the whole lot of them for the C-section
#2. no drugs
#3 I would have had there been time, I got to the hospital just in time to have the baby.

32- Did you go Natur​al or have a c-​secti​on?​
C-section with the first
all natural with the last two.

33- What was your first​ react​ion after​ givin​g birth​?
​#1- as soon as I heard her cry I was sobbing like a big boob. shea didn't quite know what to do with me
#2- relief my 22 hours of labor were finally over. and exhasted
#3- excited to have my handsome boy in my arms

34- How big was the baby?​​
#1- 7 lbs. 10 oz.
#2- 8 lbs. 10 oz.
#3- 9 lbs. 9 oz.

35- Did your Husba​nd cry? No

36- What did you name the baby?
​#1- Kaeli Marie
#2- Abigail Renae
#3- Jacob Lawrence

37- Did the baby have any compl​icati​ons? ​ No, No, No

38- How old is the baby today​?​
Kaeli is 3,
Abbi is 1,
and Jake is 5 mon.

39- When is the next one comin​g?​ I don't know that there will be another, but i'm not closing any doors just yet.

41-​If you could​,​ would​ you do it all over again​?​
Apsolutely, I love my kiddos and can't imagine it any other way...

I tag Brittany, Lindsay and all my other mommy friends

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Big sister duties

Kaeli was playing dress up with Jake, he didn't know what to think about having a skirt on his head... lol