Sunday, July 08, 2012


 Here are a few random shots from our Crystal Hot springs camping adventure this weekend.
I honestly have no idea who took this feet photo, but it was on my camera and I kinda like it :)
Everything about this picture cracks me up.
1. Christines rockin hair
2. The cool dudes at the grill
3. Lil' Bachano doing her thing 
Best boy Cousin EVER
 Seriously. I went from being a stressed out, exhausted mommy, to a Happy, relaxed mommy real fast when Jesse was around. Thanks Jess :)
 And then there's Nick...
Where did this kid come from? 
 I have a feeling Cal will be very similar to this cousin whom he adores

 And then there's these Super Awesome people
 Even good-looking from behind
 Max in his element
Have you ever seen cuter trouble than this?
 There are no words.

 And then there's this, GORGEOUS child
 I've never had the pleasure of getting to know little Ammon Steinagel
But after a while he warmed up to me and we became Buddies
 I'm in love.
 Anna actually specifically asked that I NOT put this on the blog, but...
Its for posterity :) Plus she's one of those people who looks amazing even when she's camping
 hahahaha Love you Syd.
If I get around to it I'll post some pool pictures. 
But in the meantime, lets see your camping photos!
And to those who didn't come: We missed you'd and You BETTER come next time!!