Monday, December 19, 2011

No title can describe

I was digging through a box of photos looking for a certain one this morning, but I honestly can't remember now which photo I was looking for. I found so many other hidden gems and I need to share them with every fiber of my being.

Grandma Nette made us do this.
Yes, we were willing. But look how little the boys are! They didn't know what they were doing! Forgive! Nice beads, Jesse.

 Hey Tess, remember this?
She and I were so very grown up and mature, so we determined to take the younger and inexperienced boys on an overnight "Backpacking Trip" to the pond.

Jojo: "Pretend you're just finishing your hike, because I don't know if I'll have my camera handy when you actually do."

Is this the time that we hiked all the way over the mountains and came out by the lake somewhere and then hiked along the highway all the way to the Junior High Seminary Building where we collapsed with exhaustion?
Or was that a different time?

I saved the best for last.
Every single face in this photo cracks me up! Tess's might be my favorite. Or Hanna's nearly-lost-pants. Just kidding, Jake's my favorite.

Saturday, December 17, 2011