Sunday, December 19, 2010


One dark night while max was staying at my house for thanksgiving, he had an epiphany. It went like this:
Me: "Goodnight Max!"
Max: "You know Hanna, you should get some babies. Then i'd want to hang out with you more."
Oh how i love this cousin of mine...

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Did anyone read Gramm'a recent comment down there on Aunt Bethanie's "Turkey Day" post? This lady is crazy funny!

Monday, December 06, 2010


Did I tell you how much I loved Thanksgiving with SO MANY loved ones around?

Woo hoo! New York, baby!

Just a little sampling of our day in New York! Riding the subway was crazy and cool! We are on our way back to SLC now. Thanks to Grandma, Jo Jo, Kari, and everyone else who took such good care of our littles while we were gone--we miss Max and Lily so much!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Listening to kid songs on Pandora Radio this morning, Down By The Bay comes on:

Song: "Did you ever see a Mumu with a band-aid on her boo-boo?"
Emmy: "Mom! That song just said band-aid on a booboo!"
Jonah: "Yeah, you know how Calvin bites Tess on her booboo's?"

Kids hear everything.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Hope everyone's having a good weekend!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Turkey Day in Utah

We're comin'. Hope that's OK with ya'll.

Then we're leaving the kids there for a week. Hope that's OK with ya'll too.

Happy Veterans Day everyone! Thinking of you today, Dad!

Friday, November 05, 2010

Kepsels on ice

If you guys love Jayne and Caleb as much as I do, I recommend you take a little precious time out of your laborious days to view the beauty Caleb's mother has created.

Jayne -- you can kill me later.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


It was Sunday, October 31st, Halloween 2010. Being the Sabbath and all, our festivities had ended already, making it the perfect day to blog and post pics of our awesome costumes (and new haircut. New hair!!) I downloaded the camera, organized photos, and started forming my thoughts. Other duties called, a visit from a friend, dinner preparations, trick-or-treaters at our door.

Monday, November 1st. Happy Lily's birthday month! And a day off from school/work. Lovely. Got lots and lots done, except for blogging. Picked up the computer late in the afternoon, opened it up, and nothing. Power on but no visual. Try again, nothing. Did I tell you I cut my hair?! And I can't show you??

Tuesday, November 2nd. The Apple Store has no remedy for our sick laptop. It must be sent in to a "3rd party," whatever. Pray for our baby, the MacBook, and our photos stored on it.

Did I mention NEW HAIR? Stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hanna's darker side

No one knows what's up with Hanna these days. She's so rebellious.

What is she wearing? This is not 1985!
Tess! Would you stop doing Hanna's hair like this?! We should not be encouraging this behavior!
She used to be so sweet and innocent. She used to be a little homeschool nerd. Just look at what has become of her!

Just kidding. She was going to a Halloween dance. 
I know, you were all really concerned:)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Serving the Lord

Johnny has been recently called as 1st counselor in the Bishopric. I have been called as 2nd counselor to the YW pres. Johnny is over the youth so it's fun we get to go to YMYW together. It's a fun life.....

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Y'all need to go in to Taylor & Mackenzie's blog and check out her's unbelievable!

(Seems that each generation gets better as we go on through time.)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy B-day Maximus!


So....this past week, Sam and I, and two of our friends hiked 17 miles and climbed the cliff with cables to the very top of "Half Dome" in Yosemite! It was so beautiful and amazing! I didn't think we could physically or mentally handle it, but we did! It gave me some perspective on life and made me want to tackle other challenges etc...I highly reccomend this adventure to any of you who haven't done it!! : )
I am totally pooped out though! Haha!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

the Happenings of Sara Haas

Hey all you lovely families! I sure miss and love all of you! I actually think my only redeeming quality is that I'm part of such a great family!!

So...dear (Jayne!)..or to anyone who may be able to spare some time to help me with this "blog-thing"!

1) I want to get rid of the "Medakovic's" blog because (duh) I am back to being Sara Haas...whew!

2)I want to create a blog like you guys have (only mine wont have lots of cute pictures of newborn babies and kids! LOL!) Still...I am always reading all your posts and would like to do it too. I want to be able to post pictures and posts of my own silly-single life! I want to stay in close touch with all of you and be involved.

Anyway--when someone has th time(??)--please tell me how to get rid of the "Medakovics" addition so I can create a new one and so forth. Hugs and Kisses!


Monday, August 30, 2010

One more week of summer

How will we survive without our lazy mornings and breakfast at 10? Our trips to the beach? Our movie marathons? Our late night readings of Harry Potter? Just one more week before we all go back to school/work/real life. I think I kind of like fake life better . . . .

Saturday, August 21, 2010

On Tour

So who's going to see these crazies play TODAY at Thanksgiving Point in UT?!

Have a good show GOGO13!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Poor Hanna

I just found this little beauty of a movie on my computer and almost peed my pants.
Thought I'd share.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Cutest Great Grandma Ever

Grandma Nette and baby Claire

We sure miss you guys!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


We've always questioned the inner workings of Cami and Hanna's minds, but I'm afraid this clip doesn't hold the answers. 

Just watch the movie, but make sure your speakers are cranked. 
You'll be glad you did. 

Monday, July 26, 2010


K so this morning I went to the Deseret Peak Motocross track in Tooele. So my friend Jon and I were riding around. And there were two other guys there with two brand new 2010 dirt bikes. So we were just riding when those two guys invited my friend and I over to practice our starts. So we did a few starts when one of the times that guys bike died so he wasnt able to go that round. And my friends bike wouldnt start either so they just stayed and that other guy and I just went this time. We did a whole lap around the track. So when I got back they were talking. The guy was super nice. Then my friend asked this guy if he raced. He said I used to but then I went on a LDS mission. So my friend and I got all excited and we were asking him questions. And I said where did you go? He said to Ukraine. I just said oh thats cool. And then we started riding again. It didn't occur to me at the time that Uncle Lane was a mission president in Ukraine. So when I got back to the truck I told my mom all about it and she said, You should of asked him if he went to Kiev because Uncle Lane might have been his mission president!!! So I went out there and stopped him. And it ended up that he was his mission president!!! And we made some more connections and talked for a while. But its just crazy that we were in the middle of Tooele, Utah riding motorcycles on a weekday and made that connection with some random guy!!! I usually never talk to other people when I ride!!! Oh and his name was Elder Tullen!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

We're a comin'

These two moppy towheads (plus their mom) are headed to Utah in just over a week! We want to play with everyone, so pencil us in for the first week of August. We can't wait!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Happy fourth at JoJo's

A few Slades from far and wide gathered at my Mom's on Sunday afternoon for some good food and good company.
Jesse! That Cat's a stray! We're not being friends with her!
Okay never mind, she's really nice and we haven't started feeding her yet on threat from my Dad, but it looks like she's here to stay.
Do you know any other Great Grandma who is spry enough to lounge on a blanket on the front lawn? This lady's going to live forever.
This is Chuck's "Don't touch my meat" face.
Caleb took the kiddos on a hike to the Pond. They were gone for a long time and had a great adventure.
He said they all hiked great! It was such a gorgeous evening, and look how beautiful the woods are right now!Doesn't this look a little fairy-landish?
It was great to see all who came! And we missed the rest of you muchly.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Just wondering...

Did any of you pick up on Nick in the background of the picture of Sam at Mel's wedding? I'VE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IN MY LIFE!!! Nick, you're awesome. The end.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guess who's home?

Can you guess who I'm referring to? Here's a hint:
She got home from Italy last night.
I think we need to hear some stories.
And see some photos.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Second Post

Here's my latest project, called "Ready, Set, Go! and Back"

Thank you very much,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Photos just a little late

Hey all! Here are a splatter of photos from Aunt Melanie's wonderful day! I also made an album on facebook with all of the photos taken. Let me know if you want some more, I took a ton.


I thought by the middle of June we were supposed to have hot sunny days, but this morning I walked outside and it was freezing! After taking some pictures of the snow I ran back inside. Now I feel like making hot chocolate or building a fire. Or putting up a christmas tree. Christmas in June, snow included!
But luckly it's warming up... Kind of...