Sunday, June 28, 2009


So, most of you know that for the past two years we have been eating free of "bad" chemicals (artificial flavors, colors, preservatives). It's been good. It helps Max tic less and helps both the kids with hyperactivity, focus, etc. Well, we had a "free week" last week because the week before the kids had some food infractions during the last few days of school, and Max had Cub Scout Day Camp each day last week, so we decided to give him a break and be able to buy candy and ice cream with the rest of the boys. Kind of a reverse test, if you will. So we all took advantage of the break--we ate out, got frozen yogurt, movie popcorn, the works. Interestingly, by Tuesday night Max said, "Mom, I think I'm done with bad chemicals." A wave of surprise and excitement rushed through my little mother heart. "Oh really? Do you feel a difference in your body?" "Yah, I'm moving a lot, and my head feels [waving hand in front of his forehead] cloudy." Oh . . . my . . . glorious day! Can you hear the trumpets? I can't tell you how happy this makes me--to know that all my efforts to keep their systems clean have a tangible, physical and mental effect. And to finally have the kids, well, Max at least, be able to verbalize the way it makes them feel. So cool! Today is Day 1 of their detoxification. We know the chemicals remain in their bodies for about a month, so it's a long process, but worth it. Anyway, I just had to share!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes! Lal la la!

Hi everyone,

Sadly, I am going through a divorce and it is a hard thing to go through...
However, I am moving to Utah and will be staying with Grandma for a while!!
I am lucky to have such a loving grandma and all of you to be so kind to me. I am sure grateful to those of you who have offered refuge for me during this time.

So now...I have to prepare for...snow in the mountains. Yikes!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's me again.

I've been super slacky at Sladesnews blogging lately, so I'm trying to make up for it. If you haven't noticed:)
Some one else post more than me!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Eat every potato and pea on your plate!!

I have very mixed feelings as a Gardener. I'm only going to share photos of my peas with you today, because they are truly the only thing that I am growing that I would want anyone to view. And that is because they seem to be over achiever peas.
I say mixed feelings because while my peas are doing great, my pumpkin plant just barely got it's third leaf and I think my tomato plants are growing smaller. I don't even want to talk about the "6 foot hollyhocks" that forgot that they were supposed to be tall.
My peas bring me such joy. If it wasn't for them, I would dig a hole and plant myself.
Is anyone growing a fantastic garden that I can dream about? Someday! I will figure it out someday! Until then I'll stick to peas. I always was the trial and error type learner.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Do they look alike yet?

Today is Tess and Chuck's Fourth Wedding Anniversary.
I really like these guys.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Wonderful Thing Happened Today

Wow......Today Jayne the Blog Queen "repaired" my inability to blog under my own name. After months of my having to use someone else's password and not being able to straighten it out, she finally took pity on me and worked it out. What brain power lies within that cute litle head.

So even though outside it's wet and grey,
Inside is a happy and rewarding day.
For now the communication will be easier to do,
Rambling on randomly with you and with you....

Thank you Jayne. from your corny gr.

Congratulations, Taylor N. and Kenz!!

What a surprise to finally hear what Kenzie's "news" is. (See previous post comments)..... yahooey.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Okay, I don't have permission to say anything, so I'll let her do it. :)

Plus, we are so excited about Jordy and his call, overlapping his MTC time with CJ's!!! Yay--The Lord sends us so much good in the midst of difficult times, it sure softens the blows, doesn't it. Jord will be back around the first of August to spend time in Provo with fam and friends, so I hope you all get to see him then. Pictures coming.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

C.J.s going on a mission!!!

Want to know where?

well I guess you'll just have to watch this and find out!

congratulations C.J.! We love you!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Okay, had to show off one of our pictures.... here is Jesse with his friends at his 9th grade graduation. (I know, they all kind of look like girls since they all need haircuts!) Hooray for EFY which requires short hair!

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Graduation! :)

Hey family! Jamie here. On Tuesday, June 2, a wonderful event occured. I graduated from high school! WOOT WOOT! So here are a couple of pics. Graduation was originally supposed to take place outside on the football field but... it rained. So Trav (my principal) made us do it inside, in the hot, stuffy, little gym. Just ask was miserable! However, it was still FABULOUS because now I'm officially done with high school! :D

A happy happy day.This fall... off to college!

Saturday, June 06, 2009


Posted by Grandma: So much happening all the time....I am so blessed to have
all these wonderful progeny, keeps me busy thinking about other things besides
talking to myself all the time. Latest.....Jo and Layne went to Italy for a few days,
Jamie graduated from Grantsville High (we need a picture, Jamie).
Jordy is graduating from (whatever school in Kiev), and also receiving his
mission call for Chile, Santiago West; Austin graduated from Jr. High; Jesse graduated from Jr. High; Jake graduated from high school......whew!
We hope you all can give us some details. Much love, Gr
(posted by Gr)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Jayne Rocks!

Wow, we're finally able to post to Sladesnews... Thanks to the Aazing Jayne! (thank you) We didn't know we had to be "invited." Hmmmmm, fancy shmancy!
Here's Sydnie completing her first official 5K (with her dad)... we're so proud of her... what a cutie!
Now, we're off to Jesse's 9th grade graduation (sob-sob-sniff-sob-sniffle-sob-sob).... my baby is growing up so fast!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

This afternoon:

Emmy: "Hey Mom, benember that guy Austin?"
Jayne: "Yeah, he's our cousin"
Emmy "Oh. I like that guy a lot."