Sunday, December 21, 2014

Bah bah


From the cutest little sheep in the Bethlehem Stable (in the chapel in Midway, Utah).

Love you guys!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Our Other Son

Introducing, Luke Kloepfer.

You're welcome.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Some tiny big news

I had a baby!
And He's pretty darn cute if I do say so myself :)
Dempsey Miles Abbott
March 20th 2014
7lbs 8oz 20 inches


Saturday, March 01, 2014


This is my sister Tess. I love her muchly. 
 But there is more to her than first meets the eye (depending on the angle)!

Ta-Da! Tess in all her glory!

Isn't she the cutest? Bring on the baby!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Emmy's Baptism Invitation

Our great big tiny little girl is getting baptized next Saturday!

For those of you who may be in the neighborhood, we would LOVE to see you there.

March 1st 2014
Midway, Utah Stake Center
165 North Center Street

We will meet in the Primary Room in the northwest corner of the building. Food and festivities to follow at our house! Our address is 15 East 400 North, two blocks north of the stake center. 

The next generation of church members is about to begin. Carry On, Carry On, Carry On!  

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hope you're all having fun this holiday season!

Photo cred:  Tess Abbott, who totally rocks.

Friday, November 15, 2013

This is Garrett and Cami

You are crazy, and we love you!  Can't wait for the nuptials!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Catching up

I just had the opportunity to look back over the past year and a half of blog posts. I'm sitting here at work, and I couldn't stop laughing, so they made me go home. If you're ever looking for an excuse to get out of work early, just read the family blog! You'll drive everyone nuts with your belly-aching billows of HA!

I miss you all. Someday I'll contribute to this menagerie of beauty-blogness.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Return of the Jedi. I mean, Cami.

We had a pretty eventful night at the airport last night. Cami, most darling of us all, has returned!


There she is!

 This family is getting gloriously huge.

And, one last Book of Mormon give away on her way out...
"I'm not released yet!"

So SO glad you're home safe, Camalam!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Blog Worthy

For those of you who didn't get this firsthand from my brother, I felt this was definitely worthy of the blog.  So here it is, in Paul Slade's words.


Last Monday, Coleman, Sydnie and I went on a tour of the old Park City Jail, under the museum on Main Street.  The kids wanted to see where Grandpa Tom had to go to jail one day as a kid.  The last time I was there was when Grandpa gave us all a tour several years ago.  Well, the museum has changed since then.  When you go in the basement where the jail cells are, they have added a hallway that goes behind the cells and opens into another basement room with mining artifacts – it’s very interesting.

Anywho, as I walked through this new hallway leading to the back, there were a couple of signs along the wall with stories of the jail in the early days (see “Jail Tales” photo attached).  I started reading the first story and laughed at how familiar it was to Dad’s story as a boy – then I read who the quote was from (see “Curfew” photo attached) – “Tommy Neel”.  Grandpa Tom is quoted on this sign and this is his story.  Has anyone seen this before?  I told the people at the museum that it was my dad, but I didn’t ask where or when they got that quote.  I now have some detective work to do to find out how they got this quote.

So, Tommy Neel is known throughout the world as a “1930’s curfew violator” (there are worse things to be known for).  Maybe that is why he gave his birth name instead of the Slade name – hah.
Love ya’ll,


Jail Tales


In the Cell

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Guess Who?

This is a tribute to the least loved creature in Minecraft; the creeper ( if you are confused, google it).

Monday, July 08, 2013

We are an Independent Family!

We had another great Fourth! Of course. It's always great in Liberty, Utah. Not all of you made it, tragically, so here's a few shots for you. 

Tess was super hot as usual, and rockin' the Christensen Grandkid Bike Train.
Oh, and Diana was super hot, too. As usual.

Fireworks! I was wrestling kids. I only took one picture. Forgive.

The next day we headed to Crystal Hot Springs for some water play and camping. 
 We gave Grandma the assignment of setting up all the tents by herself.

Just kidding.

 The little baby girl second cousins loved each other! What else did you expect?

And because Sara and I are both raising highly intelligent human beings, both babies wanted the book. Intellectuals in the making, right here!

 This is the life.

This is my favorite photo of the entire event.

Just kidding, this one is. But I'm slightly biased.

 GrMa and Aunt Mel were cooking up a storm, making sure we were all fed delicious and nutritious food.

Caleb and Uncle Bry played with the kids, because that's where they fit in the best.

 Isn't it funny that these two aren't from the same generation?

 The sisters (minus one) chatted about... brooms, I'm guessing, while grazing on their roasted vegetables.

 Good Job, Grandma! You probably think you created a zoo (and you did) but we're sure grateful!

Monday, July 01, 2013


I got bored so I posted this.

(PS this is Max)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Happy birthday, little man

We sure miss you around here, Calvin, come visit again soon!  We all wish you a very happy 3rd birthday.  We love you!  Love, Aunt Bethanie & Uncle Paul & Max & Lily

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter to my wonderful family! I am so very grateful for our Savior; his life, his sacrifice, his resurrection. I know He lives , and I love Him!

I hope this link works. :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


We are SO excited to have our long-lost cousins in Utah!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

California Pics: A Smattering

These are in no particular order, as you will soon see for yourself. 

 We love our Mercedes!

Amelia likes Uncle Paul. Who doesn't?

I love Grandma and her healthy snacks. 

SO HAPPY!! Congratulations, you three!

This is the only picture I get could of Sara that wasn't blurry; That girl is wiggly!!

Seriously enjoying some california sunshine!

 The kids on the train at The Fountains 
(I include Grandma JoJo with "the kids")

 Oh lovely, and the drive home over the Sierras. It was pretty awesome!

And we made it!

And we mostly survived.
(No children were injured in the making of this blog post. Also, we were stopped at a gas station. Cease fears.)