Born in Brighton, England, in 1961 (the same year the Berlin Wall went up). Family emigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1962 (the same month as the Cuban Missile Crisis). I came to Japan in 1992 (the year it was revealed that Dan Quayle couldn't spell "potato").
I've lived here ever since.
Lundella's Lane, 1814
*Marching to the sound of indecision* *Unusually*, my friend Giovanni and I
both had the day off last Friday. That gave us a rare opportunity to get
in ...
August 2016 Pub Con
Recently we've had a lot of great content on our Facebook page. Please
check it out of you are interested (facebook)
Test figure: Freikorps von Pfaffenhofen
Here is the first figure for the *Freikorps von Pfaffenhofen*.
After playing around with different ways of doing the black *Litewka*, I
settled for this. P...
Die preussische Armee kommt!
I was looking at David's blog *here*, where he shows some pictures of the
new Warlord plastic Prussian *Landwehr*. Given the fact that Warlord
aren't ch...
Age of Chivalry- French vs English
Very late post as I had forgotten about this game. During our last club
Games day, a little more than a month ago one of our club members put on an
SAGA ...
Visit to Waterloo
I was incredibly lucky to have had the chance to travel to 1 of our
Napoleonic bucket list battlefields this month. With 3 other Napoleonic
daft chaps we ...
Borodino - taking Utilisa
Last weekend we fought our annual game, this time focusing on the Poles and
the village of Utilisa at Borodino.
We think we may have set a world record for...
I am still alive!
and this time I am painting Prussians!
It has been a long time since I posted anything so let me say that I am
glad to be back again!
2014 was a busy...