Thursday, June 23, 2011
A Wren's Life
The only reason I am taking a few minutes (it has taken a lot longer than that because I forgot how to do all this posting stuff) is to introduce you to the hot new up and coming Author and to ask you to check out her new blog. I am proud to say I have personally known her my whole life. She is a fantastic writer. Her mind is and always has been in some other world where there are stories going on. I wish her the best of luck and hope you will check out her blog and from there check out her web page. So why are you still reading this? Why haven't you already gone to check her out? Oh you say, because I haven't given you a link? oh well yes I have, she is over there to the right in my blog roll under A Wren's Life. See it now? I also have linked it in the title of this post, but for all of you who can't pull your eyes away from my fantastic writing then simply click here. Why haven't you done it yet? why are you still reading this? Fine I get the hint I guess I better stop typ.....
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I'm a winner!!!

You all have to check out my friends blog Steals and Deals they put a lot of work into it. They always find amazing deals and often have great give a ways such as this one I just won!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010
To feel guilt or not to feel guilt ...

I have tremendous guilt about not keeping up with my Blog. I love reading others posts. In fact every morning I get on here to read what is going on in the lives of all my friend who are so faithful in keeping up with their blogs, but once I have spent the time doing that I feel it's time to get off the computer and spend some time on toilets or bedrooms or laundry or or or.... the list could go on and on. So I reluctantly slide off the chair and get busy on other things. The whole time feeling guilty that I just read about everything that is going on in everyone's lives and not shared a smidgen about what is going on here. I feel kinda like a freaky stalker or something wrong like that. The truth is I don't have a whole lot going on from day to day or I have a lot going on and don't want to take the time to write about it because it usually involves toilets (who would have thought that adding 3 more children [2 of which are boys] to the family would result in such nasty bathrooms, I need a maid) or something as mundane as that.
So the question is who out there really reads this and would benefit from hearing from me more often? I can do it, and I will do it if there is a need.
Just leave a comment would you?
No promises that I will be any better at posting. I just want to know how guilty I should be feeling!!
Thanks and with Love
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Where has the time gone
Anyway I found a few minutes today and thought I'd mess around on this blog and it seems I have really messed it up Grrrrr.
I want all of you to know that we are doing good. The adoption process is moving forward, but not nearly as fast as we all want it to. We are all learning to adjust to the changes, well for the most part. I don't want to sugar coat anything and will say it is hard, but at the end of the day I find myself thanking my Heavenly Father for this blessing. And that is truly how I feel. We have been blessed with them and I hope they feel blessed to have us. I can't wait 'till I can post pictures of our whole family and introduce them to all of you!!
Wish me luck on fixing this ugly blog!!
'till I post again c-ya
You may have better luck finding me on facebook. It takes so much less time!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Are we ready?!
(I'm not sure if I can post pictures of them yet so this will have to do)
OMGosh that's my family
This past weekend we had all the kids with us for an overnighter. We took advantage of Emmitt's game being canceled and took the kids down to the "flats" and did a little tourist-ing. We went to the blacksmith shop, because every kid in Nauvoo has to have had at one time a prairie diamond. Then we took them on a carriage ride. They fit right in with our other kids because they thought it was pretty boring. Sorry if that offends anyone!!
As of tomorrow they will all be in our home permanently. We are all so excited. Life is about to change, ready or not here it comes!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Change is happening in the Skog family.... and it's a good thing

For about the past 6 years we have been wanting to have more children. And for whatever reason we have not been blessed with a successful pregnancy. So we considered looking in to adoption. Jason and I could never agree at the same time that this is what we needed to do.
Without having to wast your time and my fingers telling you the whole story (call me sometime if you want to hear it) I will just say things finally clicked for both of us back in November of last year.
We took a while to talk about it together just to make sure we both were still feeling this is what we wanted and should do.
After more talking, praying, and fasting we decided to find an agency to work with with us. We then talked to Emmitt and Constance and asked them how they felt about this. Emmitt was very supportive and couldn't wait for everything to get started. Constance on the other hand was a little reserved and had to take a couple of days to gather her thoughts. The day she came to me and told me she was okay with it she cried and said she felt really good about helping other children, and she was excited to get a little brother or sister.
Friday, August 14, 2009
A funny thing happened
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Who would a thought....
What?!?! did you think we would all use the same scrubbie? That's gross!!
We all had a great time just sittin on the beach talking and catching up on each other and our lives. No one would allow a camera during this time so sorry no pictures of that!!
And mom's favorite thing to do every day... watch the sun go down. It is so beautiful and when you see the sun sink into the water we would applaud the day.
At nights when we were in the cottage Mom would teach, all who wanted to learn, how to knit a dish cloth!!
Ann was so proud of herself!! Through out the week she would remind all of us that she was "pretty much a knitter" now. We were all impressed (Sorry Ann for such a horrible picture, but you never read this anyway so won't even know I posted it. That's what you get for not reading my blog)
Mom feeling like she was home!!!
Then the day came when some had pack up the beach chairs and load up the cars and head home.
But for others of us (Ann and I) looked forward to our families joining us for another fun week.
Stay tuned I will post more of that week later.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Where's Waldo... I mean Laura
See ya when I get back!