Easter 2014

Easter 2014

Thursday, August 20, 2015

So much to do

The kids went back to school today and now I sit at the computer. I hate when the kids leave, however; I know it is necessary for them. As I contemplated them returning I also contemplated the many things I have to do and need to get done. I have school work, house work, errands you name it. I thought how I will be so very busy and some days I truly will be, but not today. Today I started by sitting with my little and watching some cartoons and then picking up some stuff and running an errand. I'm not bored but actually happy to have some down time before the real race begins. I am glad that I still have a kiddo at home and not running around. Although he begins some pre-school this year, it is still our time. Next year the house will be empty. I will have all the time in the world to take classes, do homework and clean house but just for today I think I will watch cartoons and snuggle one more time.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Count Down

We are now in countdown mode in the Skinner home. Johnston has a countdown to when school is over and even a countdown to when his mother/son neon dance will be. I too have countdowns. I am counting down until my babies last prom. I am counting down until she graduates. I am counting down until our last summer where she is unfettered is over. I am counting down until my oldest boy leaves middle school and prepares to enter high school and seminary. I am counting down until he leaves deacons and becomes a teacher. I am counting down until my other baby girl gets her license and enters laurels. I am counting down until my middle boy leaves cub scouts and becomes an 11 yr old scout. I am counting down until my school is over for this semester. I am counting down until Joseph goes into pre-k. Most importantly, I am counting down until Jimmy has his birthday so we will be the same age again hehehe not really. I am grateful for the many firsts we get to have and although some of the endings are sad they are also exciting to be a part of and witness. I wonder why it is so sad for me to see my children grow and leave and then remember that I am not sad that they are growing but sad that they may not need me as much. I miss having them with me all the time, however; I must admit when the tantrums arrive I relish my time alone. Yes time keeps going no wonder what we may want and times change. The Lord is always present to show the many blessings I have in my life. So, I will continue counting down to the big things in my life and even some of the small ones.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Time flies

As I sit here, holding my baby boy trying to make his tummy better, I am once again reminded how fast time goes. This year Jillian will finish high school, Jordyn is a freshman, Jeana will turn 21. Where did my little ones go and why did they get so big so fast. I am so glad Joseph still wants his mommy when he doesn't feel good because one day he won't.  I hope and pray that as they grow up and leave the nest that is our home that we have taught them what they need for life on their own. I want them to know that there is a God and He loves them. I want them to know we love them. I want them to have faith in themselves that they can do anything they set their mind too. I want the best for them in everything. I pine for the times when they were little but have so much joy in what they are becoming. Yes, one day all my little ones will be big, but for now I will keep rocking my baby and will one more moment with him.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

First cast...

I know I know, I am terrible at keeping up with our blog. We are always busy and it falls at the end of the to do list. Things are going good here in SoCal! We had a Disneyland trip with all the kiddos recently, which was fun and spontaneous. But before that, Joseph received his first cast. He fell on the stairs and fractured both his radius and his ulna in his right arm. He was a real trooper though and we were positive it was just a sprain and since it was a holiday weekend we waited an extra day til the doctor was open. Surprise, Surprise, it was fractured. Joseph barely cried after the initial fall and didn't complain at all. Can we say, high pain tolerance. Well he has it. He is rocking an awesome green cast and has found ways to use it ie: hitting walls, banging on chairs etc. Of course this happened just a couple months after having him fall and cut his head which we had to have glued closed. I think he needs to be bubble wrapped and wear a helmet at all times. The fun never ends here in the Skinner Clan

Thursday, May 22, 2014

No matter where you go

I am so grateful that no matter where we go we are always part of a ward family. Moving has been a rough transition on all of us, but knowing we have a ward family has helped a lot. We have friends and "family" no matter where we end up. How many can say that (except for all of us in the LDS church). Seems like a weird thing to think about this long into our move I know but it really hit me yesterday. As I drove with a new friend to the cannery and winco (a new experience) I realized how I have friends here as well as back in Vegas. People from Vegas were definitely worried about us during the fires. I was grateful to know we were loved and cared about. However, here in Valley Center we were united in a different way. There is just something reassuring about being somewhere, far from loved ones, and knowing that you have people around you who care about your well being, honestly. I miss home, I miss our old ward/stake family. I miss walking into Wal-Mart on a Saturday night and having a meet up with everyone else as they make sure they are prepared for Sunday. But I am liking, dare I say loving, it here. Its different, but different is good and the blessings have outweighed the challenges.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Experiences

As I sit here listening to the news about the fires plaguing our valley I almost giggle at the thought that my sweet husband is in Texas at this moment freaking out because he is away and doesn't know what will become of what surrounds his family. I don't giggle because it isn't a very understandable feeling on his behalf. I giggle because it seems that as much as you feel like all is good things can change so quickly and many don't even worry about it until it is upon them. This isn't true for my husband. He is ever vigilant and concerned for our well being. Always planning ahead and making sure that we are prepared for any eventuality. When we moved to CA he bought a trailer and it is ready to hook up to the truck and head out, filled with camping equipment and ready for boxes of pictures and papers to be added. He is always making sure the cars are filled with gas. He made sure we bought a generator and we even *gasp* have a landline in case our cell phones go down. He made sure that our girls, who are on the go constantly these days, have bags with clothes and necessary things just in case they can't get home. This isn't new for him. He is the proverbial boy scout, always prepared. This is why the thought of my daughters being without him at girls camp or my sons not having them at a scout campout scares me. I now realize that I never fully appreciated this facet of him as much as I should. Maybe I just trust in the Lord to much (not possible) or don't ever worry that bad things like that will happen. Sure the washer or dryer will break or a kid will get sick. Those are normals of life. They happen and life goes on. But what about those things that happen that can devastate or damage. If a fire were to hit our area I know that we would be fine because my sweet man has made sure of it. I should be more vigilant and with moving here I think I am better than I was in NV but I can do better. I love that my husband is so prepared and ever patient with me. Maybe that's why I don't worry, because he does and I know he will protect us in any instance.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Busy Life

It is amazing how busy life gets and how totally wonderful. The kids are healthy and happy and we are blessed beyond belief by Heavenly Father. I know I should post more, however; I never seem to take the time. I keep getting wrapped up in my kiddos and the every day. Just this morning I was reminded that sitting and watching cartoons with Joseph was ok when he asked if he could hug me. How could I resist such a sweet request from someone with no other motive but the joy of a hug. I need to constantly remind myself that it is the little things. Like the ride to see my grandma on her birthday, I had two hours of uninterrupted time with Jeana during our drive. We may not have had a life altering conversation but we did talk and she may not have thought it was a great day, but I enjoyed every moment. Take the time to breathe and just be. Watch your children play, turn down the radio, put down the phone, listen and laugh.