Quote of the Month
"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed."
Theodore Roosevelt
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Daddy's 29!!!! :)
Seth's Birthday was yesterday MARCH 11th. He's 29 today :) We had a fun, very chill day yesterday. I made some of my friend Kristol's pumpkin pancakes for breakfast- so good(nutmeg, cinnamon, chopped dates, pumpkin puree....) The first time I made these Seth said that he never wants to have regular pancakes again- we eat the Pumpkin Pancakes with vanilla yogurt or applesauce- just sooo good :) For dinner we had our first home-cooked lobster tail! Seth wanted to try something new and yummy- and he saw this at costco- so we gave it a try. Really yummy with melted butter. I didn't let him do any school work throughout the day so it was fun and relaxing. Here's a picture of him and his birthday cake! :) Costco strawberry cheesecake
Jacob at 2 Months! :)
Jacob all ready for Church :)
I was waiting to put Jacob in this cute soccer onesie- and when I put it on I realized I may have waited too long- It's already pretty snug! It's so funny, Jacob is wearing 3-6 month clothing. Our cute little chunk :)
Baby Blue Eyes
Jacob and I went to his 2 month appointment this last week. The doctor says that he's a strong healthy baby boy. Stats: Weight: 13 lbs 14 1/2 oz (92%) Length 24" (86%) and head size 16" (64%). Since birth he's already grown 3 inches! :)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Jacob's 5 Weeks Today!! :)
Here's a tribute to Aunt Kelly!! (and all of the other awesome aunt's out there) Aunt Kelly sent sent Jacob this cute onesie :) He loved wearing it yesterday- kept him nice and warm and comfy :)
Here's a picture of Jacob and me heading out to the mall for our first outing together alone! :) We went to Barnes and Nobles- purchased a book there, walked around and met up with the Andelins :) We had a fun trip :)
So here are some pictures of us on our first family walk outside :) It was in the 30's-which is warm ;) So we bundled up and headed out- Jacob slept almost the whole time :)
Friday, February 4, 2011
More Baby Smiles :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bath Time Fun :)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
It's been a loooong time ;)
So it's been a long time since we've posted :) I figure it's a good time to pick it back up as JACOB IS BORN!! We're so happy he's here :) I thought I would share a little about how he came :) Well, on January 4th Mom, Seth and I went to work on our front yard raking the leaves that had been on the ground for months(we were hoping that the snow would cover it for the winter;) This was beneficial as the next day I went into labor.
January 5th: About 1:00 p.m. I started having contractions kind of sporadically every 15-20 minutes. I had a hair appointment! haha at 1:30 so I told the beautician that I was having contractions and if I was breathing weird to just ignore me :) She was awesome:) by 5:30 that night I was contracting every 4-5 minutes. We were planned to go to the hospital anyways that night as Jacob was 41 Weeks and counting.... It's quite interesting- I already cannot remember the exact pain of contractions- weird.
9:00 p.m. we're checked in and naturally having contractions (only dilated to a 1).
2:30 a.m. on January 6th I got the epidural and they started pitocin- I was only at a 2! sad.- I really wanted to try to make it to a 5.. this makes me laugh, but man was I READY for that epidural. It was pretty cool as Seth was able to watch the anesthesiologist- and ask him questions along the way. :)
6:30 a.m. my water broke and I was dilated to a 3.
7:00 a.m. still at a 3 so Seth headed home to shower and to show mom the way to the hospital.
8:00 a.m. Seth and mom arrive and I'm dilated to a 7-8! :)
9:40 a.m. the nurse tells me to stop pushing
10:10 a.m. Seth gets "gowned" so that he can deliver the baby :) - so cool that the doctor allowed Seth to do this! :) Just about a month ago Seth took a class on neonatal care and had learned how to deliver a (fake) baby :)
10:12 a.m. JACOB WAS BORN!! Yay! :) They did as much of the tests as they could with Jacob on my tummy- I cried and was filled with being overwhelmingly happy. I couldn't believe that he was actually our baby! We actually have a baby! :) so cool.
So, there's the story in a nutshell :)So happy Jacob is here and doing well. We have a few concerns- he's having a hard time with keeping his food down and has some associated pain when he spits up a lot. We've got him on an anti acid to help alleviate that pain. But it's neat, Jacob's temperament is happy- he really is a happy little guy- who smiles often. He's pretty chill and loves to be held,loves to take nice warm baths,likes to look around and observe that which is around him, likes to be swaddled and when he's not he kicks his blankets off, and occasionally likes to surprise mom and dad with an explosive poop or pee while changing him ;). He's 3 Weeks old today and weighs over 9.5 pounds :) He's our little sweetheart.
Well, we're adjusting to parenthood. It was sooooo nice to have Mom Hales and Mom Goodman here to help sooo much for a couple of weeks- we definitely went through withdrawals when they left.. but we're doing good, having fun, and building our little family. Seth is a little behind still in school but trying to catch up, he's a wonderful Dad already- Jacob recognizes his voice and likes to listen to him sing and is quite content when daddy is holding him :)
We're having fun and enjoying this time with our little man. :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
I was scrolling through some pics from Lake Powell this year- so cute huh?! It was a fun family vacation!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My first Corn Maze ;)
We had fun wandering through the corn maze trying to find different points to where we could hole-punch our card ;) We went on a "hayride," not quite like Anne of Green Gables- but it was fun. We had s'mores afterwards and chatted with another couple- who turns out has family from Fountain Green Utah- and has some ancestors with the last name of Mikkelson! Small world huh!? They also had a play pin but instead of wood chips they had corn! Fun times, fun times;)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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