

we just got back from a long awaited trip back home. shawn finished his first session (and did amazingly well, i might add) so we headed to utah for two weeks. we had a great time catching up with family and friends. it was so good to see the mountains again.
the boys.
shawn's uncle todd was kind enough to let us sneak up to their cabin up midway. grandpa and grandma gibbs and nate and callie came up with. jack had fun building a fire with nate and shawn and then we had s'mores. it was beautiful up there and we had a great time.


shawn says we need to fix this and i asked him how. he said he needs to lift weights, so it looks like jack will be hitting the gym.


birthdays galore

jack was invited to another b-day party today and was pretty funny. it was at a beautiful park so the kids had a great time running around on the grass (a rare commodity in vegas) and playing on the playground. then came time for the "organized" games. keep in mind there were about 10 kids between the ages of 2 and 4.

so "red rover" was first. jack couldn't handle it. no matter which side was doing the calling and who was actually called, jack would run every time. once he got to the other side he said "tickle, tickle!" and tickled everyone's arms...like their forearms. are your forearms ticklish? don't know where that came from.

"red light, green light" was next. i tried to explain that when geoff said "red light!", he had to stop running. not possible. every time, jack was sent back to the line because he just ran all the way. who cares? he was having so much fun.

then we played "duck, duck, goose". so everyone sat in a circle (which looked more like a figure 8 by the time everyone sat) and the first goose was selected. once again, jack couldn't sit still. no matter who was the goose, he'd follow them and pat everyone's head and say "jack, jack, jack..." "jack" sounds like "duck", right? then when the real "goose" was patted, he'd run around like crazy, screaming his girl scream.

THEN it was time for the pinata. they had a bat to swing at the pinata...don't need to say anymore.

it was a great time. thanks, aleena and aria!

chunky legs

these pics are specifically for nate and callie, and my dad. with both my boys, my dad held them as tiny newborns and said "just wait till he's 3 months, his thighs will be so chunky". case in point. this is probably the only time it is good to have rolls on thighs.

more sam-boy

doesn't he just melt your heart? mine is in a puddle. sam-boy LOVES his baths.

pirates and princesses

jack was invited to his first birthday party for his friend, annie. it was a princess and pirate party with real live princesses Belle and Ariel. pretty exciting, even for the boys.

check out that patch...he had to kind of hold it up with his cheek. AAARRRRGH, MATEYS!!! thanks for the great pics, rachel!


the big four

shawn and i just had our four year anniversary and i've been thinking about how blessed i am to have him as my husband. since we've moved to vegas i've thought a lot about the crazy world we live in and how sad it can be sometimes. amongst all of that, the prevailing feeling is one of gratitude for shawn. what a blessing it is to feel comfortable and wanted in a relationship, not to have to worry and wonder when it's going to end. i'm so grateful that we both want the same thing, to be with our families and each other forever, and we're willing to work for it. i'm grateful and endlessly touched by what an amazing father he is, and am so acutely aware and thankful for how my boys will be blessed by that.

i love you so much, babe. happy anniversary.