
halloween 2011

mmmm. halloween. the bane of my existence. but moving on. this year, jack was a ninja (mostly because it was the only costume i could find in his size at walmart 3 days before halloween), and sam was a turtle. together, we had a ninja turtle. hardy-har-har.

the linfords came to join us for the trick-or-treating fun. jordan and shawn like to dress up together. always have, always will. cindy (shawn's mom) dressed up has her dad, papa brough, one of the finest truckers this world has ever known.
had to get a shot of the pummkins, fine works of art. shawn and sam's on the left, mine and jack's on the right.

hee haws

we had a great time this year at hee haws. the boys loved every second.

they had a bunch of fun animals that you could pet. sam loved it. the hardest part was keeping him from sloshing through the poop that was everywhere.

sam loved riding the miniature horse. for days afterwards he would say "remember, the horse? that was fun."
pretty sure this is not sterile at all, but cool nonetheless.