
halloween 2011

mmmm. halloween. the bane of my existence. but moving on. this year, jack was a ninja (mostly because it was the only costume i could find in his size at walmart 3 days before halloween), and sam was a turtle. together, we had a ninja turtle. hardy-har-har.

the linfords came to join us for the trick-or-treating fun. jordan and shawn like to dress up together. always have, always will. cindy (shawn's mom) dressed up has her dad, papa brough, one of the finest truckers this world has ever known.
had to get a shot of the pummkins, fine works of art. shawn and sam's on the left, mine and jack's on the right.

hee haws

we had a great time this year at hee haws. the boys loved every second.

they had a bunch of fun animals that you could pet. sam loved it. the hardest part was keeping him from sloshing through the poop that was everywhere.

sam loved riding the miniature horse. for days afterwards he would say "remember, the horse? that was fun."
pretty sure this is not sterile at all, but cool nonetheless.


family pics 2011

bwa ha ha! this one cracks me up.

love this. sam was a little camera-shy, and he kept losing it. so here is jack trying to take care of the situation.

again, jack trying to take care of sam, but he's too engrossed with this ancient book mckenzie brought entitled "watches: adjustment and repair".

the claw.
pure yumminess. the brilliance that is mckenzie never disappoints. check her out on my sidebar under mckenzie's photos.

drill time

we had drills here the other day. sam was commander in chief. he'd say "the lamanites are coming! the lamanites are coming!" then he'd say "march!" and he'd lead shawn and jack around the island. then he ordered, "DROP YOUR SWORDS." so they'd drop them (below). he would tell them very seriously, "never fight. never fight." then he'd yell "the lamanites are coming! the lamanites are coming!" and it would start all over again.

the fearless general. and strong. and handsome.
i tell you, soooo much personality in this little body.

best buds

more lines

more ocd line-ups. i love the bottom pic, cuz it has the cups in the background. that's how it is, you walk around the house and there are little line-ups in different spots. so funny. the other day, we were eating dinner at my parents house and sam went outside on the back patio while we were inside eating. i look out and sam had lined up the patio chairs in a perfect line, perfectly straight, perfectly lined up. like 8 chairs. when do you start to worry?


OCD for real

it seems that i have passed on my OCD tendencies to my son. he's either genius or sick, one of the two.

i prefer to think he's genius...below he has lined the dinos up by class. he's 2, people.

sorted perfectly by color and piece. the best darn sorting i've ever seen.

sheep dogs?

so did anyone else know that there are sheepherding competitions held for the world to see? for labor day, my parents took us up to midway for the worldwide sheepherding finals. what? maybe not the funnest thing in the world, but different, right? we were all game. there were lots of dogs, good food, dogs chasing sheep across the mountain, and dogs jumping into pools. good times.

future farmer.
any cool pictures of some dogs? nope, just a random one of us walking.

chill time

that is my ipod that shawn stuck in his diaper. cute pic, but gross.

love how the ear bud is nowhere near his ear canal.