
family photos

aren't they yummy? these are only a handful of fantastic shots.

our good friend mckenzie is amazing. you can check out more of her work by clicking mckenzie's photos under my friends and fam.

mckenzie got a series of shots of jack "dancing" to his favorite song, jay sean's "baby are you down". that is correct, jack is a hip-hopper. and i could put sam in my pocket, he's so cute. check out those chub cheeks.

we seriously did not pose jack at all, he did this all on his own. so did shawn.



so we had the most fabulous thanksgiving holiday, i truly enjoyed every second. it was the first year having it at my house, my family came to our place and my las vegas cousins joined in the fun...yup that's right, 18 people eating turkey at my house. now my house is definitely bigger than our provo shoebox apartment, yet it isn't huge. somehow, we managed to fit everyone in comfortably. luckily, i had my mom to take command in the kitchen. the weekend included lots of chatting, games, movies, shopping, naps, christmas lights, and shooting with uncle tom. for all that we did, i should have many more pics, but i'm horrible at remembering to pull the camera out, darn it.
playing darts with dad.
jack LOVED having his uncles around, i pretty much didn't see him all weekend. he was in heaven.

what a blessed life we live. hard times come, but isn't it the greatest blessing of all that Heavenly Father will always grant us the peace and strength we need to make it through. for that, i can never thank Him enough.

just some pics...

is that a purple bumbo, you ask? yes, it is. why, you ask, if you have 2 boys? because i got it at a garage sale for $10 which i feel really good about because they're normally $40 in the store.

shawn has had a serious dilemma on his hands for a while now...jack LOVES baseball and was shaping up to be a lefty, which i guess in the baseball world is pretty cool. so shawn really wanted to buy him a lefty glove but wasn't totally sure if he would be a lefty...what if he guided him the wrong way and jack would never the be the ball player he could've been if his dad hadn't forced him into a left-handed glove? this is serious, folks. but one night i left shawn to watch the boys while i went to a baby shower (a much needed break, i might add) and when i came back, jack had his first glove. he's now a for-sure lefty. whew. by the way, you should see this kid throw...and i'm not just saying that cuz i'm his mom.