so yesterday was shawn's white coat ceremony. it's a big to-do where they receive their white coats and take the hippocratic/PA oath. it was very cool, although a little deceiving because it felt like a graduation ceremony and we're only just beginning. but i mentioned before that he rocked the first session and loved it all. i'm so proud of him, he worked SO hard. i'm incredibly grateful for a husband who is ambitious, works hard, and wants to take care of us. what an amazing blessing. and on we go with the second session...
shawn with his good buddy, aaron paxman. yes, there is a significant height difference, but they can still be friends.
my amazing man
Posted by The Gibbs at 3:03 PM 8 comments
trick or treat?
my poor boys, they have a retarded mother.
1. halloween is my least favorite holiday.
2. i am not AT ALL creative so i have never, and probably will never piece together or make their costumes.
3. i will probably never dress up.
4. i do not think to try their costumes on them (which i did buy) until the night of halloween. that is why jack's costume looks like this. he's supposed to be an elephant, but the head wouldn't fit over his head. so he looked like a fat mouse with a huge elephant wedgie.
yes, you can feel bad for them.
and yes, it was hilarious to watch jack run in it.
yes, they are adorable.
Posted by The Gibbs at 2:50 PM 7 comments
cookie monster
we made some cookies the other day and jack likes to help mix. he got pretty desperate after the mixing was done...but really, who has not done this at least once? i know my dad still does regularly, minus the messy face.
Posted by The Gibbs at 2:45 PM 0 comments
me and the boys
we took the boys to a halloween carnival of sorts. the sign boasted free admission, but the tickets to do stuff were a dollar a piece. whatever. jack had a great time on the rides and the big gigantic slide. the weather is gorgeous right now - 75-80 degrees with a cool breeze. amazing.
Posted by The Gibbs at 2:30 PM 1 comments