Saturday, January 29, 2011

Road Trip...

Andy and I have a goal to visit all 50 states together. We had a free weekend and decided now was as good a time as any to cross a couple more off our list. The border of New Mexico is not too far from where Andy's brother lives and then El Paso is only 3 hours from there. We left Friday afternoon, hit Burger House in Globe - Miami (which is where joy masquerading as a burrito lives) and then headed to Duncan. We spent the night with Paul and Lacy, ate a yummy breakfast at Ol' Joe's cafe and were off. We got to El Paso around noon. Saw the sights and headed back to Duncan around 3. only took 3 hours to see the sights of El Paso and that included driving aimlessly quite a bit because Mr. GPS doesn't know where the heck he's going.
All in all we decided that El Paso was not the place for us (except for some really good Mexican food), but we were able to get out, spend some time together, go on an adventure and cross 2 more states off our list.
Mission accomplished.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's not too late... blog about Christmas is it?
It hasn't even been a month. I think I'm still okay.
We spent Christmas in Mesa with the Ebert crew. Christmas eve consisted of lots of food, a white elephant gift exchange (including Grandma getting a book entitled Naked Conversations...whatever that means) and a slightly modified telling of The Nativity. Andy and I went home for our usual Christmas Eve tradition of watching It's A Wonderful Life. Christmas morning we went back to Andy's parents to open presents and hang out. We went to Gulliver's Travels, ate more, took naps and went shopping. All in all it was a nice Christmas!