I really can not complain. I expected our 4 years of dental school to be like this all of the time. I know there are medical programs, and jobs, and military, etc. That take dads away MUCH more than Scott's away from us. I can't complain at all, because I feel spoiled, actually.
But after the longest week ever, I didn't know if I could do it alone one more day. I've got a terrible cold, I'm beyond exhausted trying to stay up late working on my etsy orders, the house is a disaster, and my patience is running low.. But today was such a good day. And it's one of those nights where I'm lying in bed, missing my babies. I love those days.
My sweet (and spicey!) Hannah..
She melts me every. single. day. I'm so grateful she still lets me smother her in kisses and hugs, because I can not resist. Lately she's starting saying, "mommy play?" When she wants me to play with her. And I just can't turn down that invitation. She also requests, "get choo mommy?" When she wants me to chase her around the house. Which brings endless amounts of laughter, and she will most definitely throw up from the hiccups. Every time. She teaches me more patience and love than I knew was possible.
And Shelby. Heavenly Father knew just what/who this family needed. She is such a sweet addition to our family. Hannah LOVES her. And I truly can't get enough of her. From her rolly legs, her soft skin, her enormous smiles, her giggles, her snuggles, her easy to please nature.. ugh!! She just gets me. I was slightly worried I couldn't love another baby as much as my first. But I have been so amazed at how much my heart has grown. It's impossible to explain the love you have for your children and family.
Feeling so lucky today.