Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!

Well, we just got the first snow today!! It sure is beautiful. These are the days to snuggle up and drink hot chocolate and watch a really good Christmas movie.
Ella, wanted to get right in the middle of it today and I asked her what she was going to do to keep warm. She had on her church clothes still and put her boots on. I asked her to change into pants or something and she said "Oh mom I am good. I have a really warm blanket under my coat and it is really hot." I then came outside and saw that she didn't have her gloves on anymore and she said her hands were so hot she had to take them off. I think my daughter could honestly live in Denmark or something :) She is as happy as can be.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy 8th Birthday Ella

I was telling Ella that she liked to hide in my bedroom under the pillows and when I would find her she would get so excited and start laughing. Here is one of the very many that I have of her doing just that :)
Ella loved to dress herself and I loved seeing what she would put on. She had fashion at a very young age :)
Here she is taking her baby out :)
I just love this picture!
Ella loved going to Grandma and Grandpa's house and sitting in the sink in the laundry room.

Ella found curtain rod holders and put them on her ears as earrings :)
She put her own make up on and did her own hair and dressed up like my Ella Bella Cinderella :)
I came in the room and Ella was listening to music and was so happy that she was alone (or at least she thought she was) just enjoying the moment
I just love her sweet smile and love how little she is. I adore her.
Ever since Ella was little she just knew how to take care of babies. Here she is taking care of 3 or 4 at a time. Can you see that she is telling the baby to Shhhhhh and patting her doll? So cute. She is so great with kids and they love her.
Below is Ella's 2 year old picture.

Can my little girl already be 8? I can't believe how much she has grown and it feels like yesterday that I was just having her. Time flies and they grow up so fast. Ella, I am the luckiest mother in the world to have been blessed with you! You are the sweetest little girl and so full of life. You are happy all the time and have such a sweet tender heart. Everyone who knows you can't help but love you and you make our life greater than anything. What an honor to be your mother. Here are a few pictures that I wanted to share from when she was younger. I absolutely love every single picture of her and they show just how happy she is and still is.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ella's Photo Shoot

I am not sure what happened to my post but I had to redo this one so I am sorry if you are seeing this for the 2nd time. I found a really cool place to take pictures and decided to take Ella out for a photo shoot. She is so fun to take pictures of because I don't even have to tell her what to do she just does it naturally :) I edited 2 of her pics in photoshop and used the Seventies look. Pretty cool eh? Don't you love the fingers? I definitely have a very girly girl and I love it :)

First Day of School

Well, Ella is officially in the 2nd grade. I can't believe we are here at this point again. Last night before going to bed Ella was so excited she laid out what she was going to wear and was so happy and said she couldn't sleep. I remember when I felt like that too. We woke up and I went into her room and I was starting to help her get ready and she said "mom I can do it" I think I was excited too but I realized at that moment she was getting bigger and I hope that she will always want my help. Well here are a few pictures I took this morning!!! I just love her to pieces and there is nothing better in this world to replace the feelings I have for her and to be so lucky to be her mother.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ella's Testimony

Here is the sweet testimony that Ella had written down on a piece of paper. It made me so happy and excited that she would feel the need to write it down and wanted to share.