July 15, 2014

iPhone pics from our trip to CO

As usual we had a fantastic time in beautiful Colorado. Here are some pictures that I captured on my phone of our time in Vail. 
Waiting for Jon to get the rental car.

Happy 4th of July!

February 19, 2014

Matheson's first Valentines Card!

Thanks Auntie Stace and Uncle Bill

December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

It has been a great year for us and an extra special holiday with the little one in tow!

December 17, 2013

6 Months Old

21 pounds 6 ounces- 97%
28 1/4 inches- 95%
Head 45.8 cm- 90%

Shopping Buddy

He is a happy guy checking out the interesting things at the grocery store. For some reason the thing he wants the most is my grocery list. He is kinda into paper. 

November 26, 2013

5 Months Old

Matheson Man WAS sleeping through the night but has not for the past month. Most nights he wants to party around 3-4 AM. After an hour of hearing him talk (through multiple closed doors) I usually get frustrated and nurse him back to sleep. Otherwise he sleeps from 7 to 7. He must be getting taller because he looks like he is losing some of his rolls. This age is adorable- always alert, reaching for everything, smiling at us and rolling everywhere.

November 19, 2013

Other happenings while 4 months old....

On Jon's day off from work after busy season we went out for breakfast, relaxed around our house and spent some time at the arboretum.

Matheson plays by himself so well. I love to watch him learn and discover new things.
We had a wonderful weekend together at the PK house. The weather was perfect and it was fun for Jon to spend some quality time with Matheson.
Matheson and I had a quick visit to see my teacher friends who I miss so much. One of my former students happened to come by and got to meet our lil guy.
My Mom came to visit us for the week. My M-I-L stayed with Matheson for the day so my Mom and I could do some shopping. My Mom stayed with Matheson so Jon and I could go out too! Thanks Nana and Lulu... I really appreciate you! The Gilberts came over for a family dinner.

 This month was full of playing, rolling, walks, and hugs. 
[disclaimer: the hat is not UT orange... in fact, although you can't tell in the picture, it is a Cutie, as in the mini-oranges. When I was preggo, I could not wait until lunch to eat so I would eat cuties during my 3rd period. One of my sweet students made a "cutie" hat for my "cutie". Cute huh?]
We also had a great time at the GLC. We enjoyed a quick stay with Grams and Grandy on our way to Houston. We were extra spoiled this year to be joined by my parents. It was nice to have them share in this special weekend. Plus, we got a cute pic of the baby with both sets of grandparents! Clearly,  lil man loves to hang out with his Pappy and Paca.

Needless to say, it was a fun month and I am having a GREAT time staying at home with Matheson.