Hello hello hello hellooooo, welcome to my thoughts today, HELLO!
It has been a great week. Neat things have happened this week!
-We were called on to take a Spanish tour because Sister Esser speaks a little bit of Spanish and all the others sisters who can kind of speak Spanish had appointments in their area and we just had tracting planned...so, we took Adolfo & Carmen from Mexico through the sites. They were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary by doing a small church history tour. THEY WERE ADORABLE!! They were really petite but packed a powerful spirit. To be honest, I don't know if I've ever had a more spiritual tour on my mission. They came prepared and really brought the Spirit with them. It was incredible.
-After that tour, we were running late to an appointment with a less-active member but Sister Esser felt like we needed to stop and talk to her neighbors who were raking the yard in the rain. So we did. The kid that we talked to, Derek, is in high school and knows some of the girls from the stake. He took a copy of the Book of Mormon and when we called a couple days later had read from it! We are going back to see him this upcoming Sunday. I'm really excited!!
-We saw Debi, a less-active member who I love. She hasn't smoked in like a month! She's doing really well. It's really neat because she said that something that I told her in one of our lessons about how others (some not here on earth yet) were depending on her has really helped her to quit smoking and motivated her to be better. Yay for the SPIRIT!!
-We took people from Australia on tour this week! They were the cutest family and so grounded in the gospel. I really grew to love them!
-We saw Mario, a less active member! Sister Esser & I met him for the first time. He is actually only 13. Sister Lee (the one from Louisiana) and Sister Schumann taught him and his mom. Mario progressed but his mom did not. So he was baptized and Aisha was not. When we first got there though, little 6-year-old Jaleya was like THE SISTERS ARE HERE!!!! She was SO cute and so happy to see us! Aisha is really nice. I love her already. I know it's not PC or whatever but I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE! There. It's been said. :)
Mario hasn't been to church since before his birthday in June...sad day! A lot of that is because Brother Hovorka was his home-teacher and was really interested in his well-being....and I can't remember if I told you about Bro. Hovorka or not but he just passed away of brain cancer a week and a half ago. So, as more tumors were in Brother Hovorka's brain, he couldn't remember anything anymore. Mario hadn't heard yet that he had passed so we had to tell him. It was really sad. But...on a happier note, we are seeing the Aisha, Mario & Jaleya again next week. Hopefully we can get Mario AND his mom back at church.
-OH! I almost forgot! We literally almost DIED on our way to Middlefield that day. We were coming down a hill on a slick, rain-covered road, and a car in the lane coming our direction turned left, and that was nerve-wracking enough but then a car turned out INTO our lane from the street where the previous car had turned, and I saw this car RIGHT NEXT TO ME! It was right there! And there was a car coming the opposite direction. I screamed and braced for the impact expecting that we would get thrown around somewhere but somehow Sister Decker was able to guide our car DIRECTLY between the other 2 cars. Seriously, there was probably like 2 inches of room on either side of the car. It was miraculous. But then again, the Spirit is a miracle-worker! We DEFINITELY said a prayer of gratitude after that, so thankful that we were still alive and that we didn't have to waste the precious time we have to teach the gospel by filling out paperwork for an accident.
-We did service for the Hovorka's & raked their leaves while they were in Wisconsin at their father/husband's funeral. That felt really good.
-We taught Pam & her granddaughter Raye this week. They have ALOT of life issues. It was interesting as we taught them, they had some concerns come out. Mainly, they don't have a testimony of the Savior. Raye is 13, and a self-proclaimed atheist who really just wants to feel some love in her life. She has had a really hard life. Her parents were 16 and 13 (if I dwell on that fact, I will literally throw up. DISGUSTING.) when they had her so she's lived with her grandma since she was 9 months old. Her dad is now in jail. When we talked about Christ's sacrifice, she was like "I don't WANT him to do that for me." And we were just like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on the inside. We are teaching them again this week and will focus on finding faith in Christ. Ayayay.
-Also, this week on Saturday, we took a group of people from Michigan on tour. It was a family and 2 people that have met with missionaries that they are friends with. On the tour, I really felt like Kai (pronounced Ky), the husband, was holding his wife, Naomi, back. I had Naomi read the John Murdock experience in the School of the Prophets and you could tell that she was touched by what she read.
We ended their tour with the movie so on the way back from the Johnson Inn, I was able to talk to Naomi a little bit more. She really loved John Murdock's quote and testimony of the Savior. She said that she's been soul-searching because of events that have happened in her life and that it had been really good to be around the Shumway family.
And I was pretty bold with her and asked if when the missionaries had come over they had ever talked with her about baptism. She said that they had but she'd had religion forced down her throat when she was younger and she just didn't want to rush anything. I was able to then just bear simple testimony of the great blessing of not just being baptized but of having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion, all the time.
She sincerely thanked me for that and I knew that she was leaving Kirtland, with a full heart and a mind full of things to think about. I got her email address so I could email her John Murdock's quote and that way, I'll be able to keep in contact with her. Oh....I can't remember what all I told you about chat but now we have email addresses where we can keep in contact with those we chat with, with former investigators from previous areas, etc. It's awesome!
-Then we had stake conference yesterday which was really good, and Sister Park and her family were back visiting! It was fun to see her again, and to meet her parents and her brother & sister-in-law.
-Oh, I saw my old roommate Jasmine Sawyer again, with her husband Mark. She is super pregnant!!! She is due December 10th. When she said that, I was like....oh my gosh, that's when I leave Ohio!!! WAHHHHHHHHHHHH.
-But the best part of yesterday was that we got to take Sarah and her mom on tour of the sites. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!! :) Oh my gosh. Well, actually, we had a picnic first which was really fun. And then, we went on tour. Sarah's mom most definitely knows that this is Christ's church. You could tell! She started crying the second we stepped into the Whitney store! On the tour, I invited her to pick up the Book of Mormon again and in the School of the Prophets Sister Esser told her that we would never deny her the blessings that come from being baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that the door was always open. Sarah LOVED the sites! She is so wonderful! I hope that she does end up going to BYU and we can be best friends forever. Pretty much.
Other than that, not too much has happened! We haven't heard anything about transfers because for some reason the APs/zone leaders can seem to understand that we need to know TODAY so that we can pack if someone is being transferred. ARGHHHH I'm just a LITTLE bit frustrated with them. We think Sister Decker is being transferred. We shall see.
My quote of the week for this week is really good so I thought I'd share it:
"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly." Isn't that lovely? It's true too.
Once a friend told me that that this is the most important time of my mission. I agree. I want to make this last transfer the BEST ONE EVER. I am going to work harder than I have before. I am going to talk to EVERYONE! I am going to share this message because I know how much it blesses lives and I know how quickly time flies. Jesus Christ lives! We are privileged to get to learn of Him and His ministry through the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I know that that book testifies of Christ's divinity and that it is truly the word of God. I know that Heavenly Father LOVES US! He really does. He is so aware of us, and desires nothing more than for us to be happy. I want that for each of you too, and for my brothers and sisters here in Ohio.
Until next week,
Sister Webb