Memorial Day is so important because
it makes us have to realize the lives
given for us to have what we have today.

For Christians, our Memorial Day also brings
to memory what Christ's death, resurrection,
and ascension means for the Church.
Also, the memory of what horrible deaths
His disciples went through in spreading
the Gospel of our LORD's sacrifice.

There are so many beautiful structures in
our nation that reminds us of the events
our nation that reminds us of the events
our country has gone through.

For Christians, we are given a glimpse
in GOD's WORD of what the structures
will be, that will last forever in Heaven;
mansions, streets of gold, building
mansions, streets of gold, building
foundations of all of the precious
stones, gates of ivory, and much more.
There will be no more oceans, only a
sea of glass before the Throne of GOD

On earth, we honor our dead in Memorial
graveyards. In Heaven, there will be no such
place due to death being cast into the Lake
of Fire. Heaven will be full of Life, Glory,
Honor, and Worship of our Holy, Awesome,
Almighty, Creator, Savior, Father God!
Man is now incapable of understanding
what GOD has in store for those who
love His Appearing. (Rapture)

Christ paid the penalty of all of man's
sin; from the first man even to the last
man that will ever be born.
Make this your Memorial too!