Upon graduating from college,
the church I had attended throughout my
college years was now my employer. My first
year of teaching was one of the first grade
classes in their Day School. Two of my
college friends also taught along with me.
One was a second grade teacher, while the
other taught music class. It was an enjoyable
year, but I began to long for home. So, at the
year's end, I resigned to return to my home
town and family.
and family. A lady who had taught me piano
when I was 10 years old was in charge of
the hiring of teachers in the County where
I lived. I was very fortunate upon turning
my resume in to her and in the fall, I started
my second year of teaching, first in the public
system. The LORD is so good. He had guided
my every step. For the next 6 years I would
teach at the same school from Kindergarten
to 2/3 graders. The school I was in was a
new concept school in that it was the first
completely open classroom in a large pod.
Kindergarten was the only self contained.
Each pod was an enormous building with
4 classrooms in the corners. I taught 2/3rd
graders math/science. During this time I
was able to get my Master's Degree by
attending on Saturdays. So for a year, I spent
my Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. One
course would be completed after attending
four Saturdays. Then the new course would
begin for the next four Saturdays. At the
end of 10 months, plus writing a practicum,
I was given my Master's of Science Degree
in Administration and Supervision. It was
at this time that I bought my own trailer
and began to live the life of a bachelorette.
After 6 years another change was coming
down the road. One that would bring
joy and sorrow.
More to come...