Wednesday, March 28

Kena transfer lag

so puchong was a bit dangerous, it's true. it got pretty sketch basically all day every day everywhere we went.....haha. we tried to be troopers but when it didn't change they took us out. so now we are in the zone leaders area, they moved to ours, and we live in the heart of kuala lumpur. dead serious. we live in a high sky rise apartment, with a panorama view of the petronas towers, and my life just become even more sweet. it is unreal. I cried my last sunday in puchong. we were there very short but I seriously loooooooooved it. and mostly I absolutely adored every member in the branch. it was an insane branch, all native malaysians (no white expats like my branch now is made up of!) so that was fun, its rare in the KL area. no ex pats. all natives. very strong members, chinese, know what they are doing. work really hard. and have the most pure hearts out of anyone you have ever met. dead serious. which is saying a lot because I just came from east malaysia. the members were incredible and I cried because I had to leave them. sister carol picked us up monday morning and drove us all the way to our new place in KL and helped us move in. and I cried a bit more. so pathetic! only three weeks and I have so much love for them.
but now here we are in kuala lumpur. the first day we walked into our beautiful apartment, I took my shoes off, and within five minutes of being barefoot, my feet were completely black. dirty dishes, socks and random articles of clothing lying all over the trash cans, trash bags, just trash "piles". it was disgusting and me and gopi about freaked out. they didn't even have cleaning supplies. so we went to go buy all that stuff and spent the entire night trying to clean the place. it looks like a beautiful mod city apartment now, exactly how it should be...
it has been wild even though we have only been here two days now. yesterday was our first all day exploring...that went. awesome. we went knocking, (because I was a bit too intimidated at the whole street contacting idea on our first day...) and our knocking experience ended up being the coolest thing ever. once again, the mosque was blaring it's prayer right next to us, only this time the man had the most beautiful and eery voice you've ever heard. it was entrancing. and we knocked basically all hindu flats. now, these aren't just like ish hindus. these guys are devout devout hindus. at one house I started laughing uncontrollably because I saw a golden calf statue in the wind. I go, "hey gopi look, there is where the brazen calf went to!" and then we laughed again for very long time. it was epic. what was even more epic, was, kid you not, 10 flats where we spoke to them, told them we were missionaries blah blah, and they said "oh, you are jesus people" we go, "yes, we are messengers for jesus christ." and they go, "oh. I have no need for jesus christ." and then slam the door in our face. now, normally door slams make me laugh really hard. I mean, like people seriously feel it necessary to slam a door in two young white american girls faces who are trying to teach about church! but yesterday was killing me. the fact that they all said different variations of "no, I don't want jesus christ." was surprisingly hard for me to handle. I got a bit emotional in my head at the end of the day. all I could do was bare testimony to them that christ was their saviour, and when they understand that they would feel differently. I got a bit mad and rude with one particular man, which I felt bad about. but he was saying awful things about MY saviour. you know? it was a bit hard to take. but a growing experience.
also I had a really cool conversation with an old man from Iraq that lives in our apartment building. he gets into the elevator, I say hello how are you. ask where he's from. he says Iraq. I say oh very nice. he asks where I am from, I say america. he says oh very nice too. he then asks, do you want to go to Iraq? and I go, I would love to go and see your country. he kindof smiles this really sweet smile and doesn't say anything. and then I ask if he wants to go to america. he says, you have a beautiful country, I would love to go as well. and then we kindof like smile at each other, and I go, yea, perhaps one day we will. and then nothing more was said. but it was a very sweet pleasant experience between two extraordinarily different people. it was actually really amazing. who would have thought?
also a funny little tidbit, I tried to contact this old chinese uncle that was walking past me on the street all sweet and old man like. he had this way sweet jade ring on and so I compliment him on it. he takes it off and goes, "here, its yours now!" and despite everything I tried to do, he absolutely would not let me give it back. I tried to tell him that he was very sweet and christlike, which he did not like. he is buddhist but apparently an expert on christianity. he told me that eve was in hell, noah was an evil man because he didn't try to warn anyone but his family about the flood, and, because I was american, I was also evil because all americans have slaves and kill the "red indians" hahahaha. try as I might, I just got reamed into by this cute old chinese uncle. his name is foo suan thye and he will forever be remembered in my heart. he was rad.
I could continue with the countless other random random experiences that seem to just be common living in KL, but I'll save some for next week. we had to start over again, the elders had basically no investigators, just like in puchong. so start from scratch. we try our hardest to get our message out there, and hopefully just like in puchong we will meet some waaaay incredible people and start to see things move here. I'm excited. although I'm praying this really is my last area, I do not want to have to whitewash for the third time. two is enough.
oh! and here is the new address, for all of you who want to know:
Lisa Jensen
Block B 13-02
Suria Jelatek Residence
No. 7 Jalan Jelatek
54200 Kuala Lumpur
I love you all! so much. thanks for everything.

Tuesday, March 20

Lost tribes of Israel

hey everyone.
it has been a week. a week of people. I wanted to start by sharing my list I have made of all of the different countries of people I have met in the three weeks I've been here. here it goes:
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
South Africa
pretty wild, right? three weeks. I feel like I'm in a state of the gathering of Israel. only problem, most of them don't know....needless to say I have my work cut out for me! too bad I can only talk to about 40% of them!
anyway. so the coolest thing that happened was running into three beautiful girls from Kenya. most africans here are from nigeria. and there are tons. and I saw these girls walking, and they were so beautiful and I just stopped and started talking to them. I asked where they were from, they said kenya, so I like screamed "mambo vipi!!!!!!!!" hahahaha. and they got soooooooo excited and yelled back "poa!!!!!!!" a little swahili from the good old days in tanzania! turns out one of them actually lived in arusha, tanzania for a while...I've been to arusha! it was like an hour or two away from moshi, where I stayed. they were awesome. we talked and laughed and we contacted them and everything and they left. and a few minutes later one of them texted and said "your joy is incredible, and can be felt by everyone you smile at. so nice to meet you sis jensen." so cute huh!!! oh it made my heart die. I was freaking out a bit. I have wanted to teach tanzanians/kenyans my entire mission and I finally met some! they haven't met with us yet....which is hard....but I'm not giving up hope. they were dolls.
we had dinner at brother perumal and sister meera's house the other night...I was so happy! authentic indian food! tandoori chicken, homemade naan, this cilantro yogurt sauce, some curry, ooooooo boy. I don't know what I'm gonna eat when I come home. my taste buds are different. everyone is amazed at me because I can eat food hotter than a lot of the natives:) what can I say? a girl needs her curry bah.
we are still trying to build our area, it was pretty dead when we got here. it's challenging. we work hard every day. keep praying some good solid investigators and some more baptisms will come out of that. no doubt in time.
the last thing I'll mention is how cool the book of Esther is in the old testament. seriously. I read that one day for personal study and I was reminded again how cool she was. it started with her beauty, then it went to her kindness and meekness and politeness, her service, her love, her loyalty, courage, strength, intelligence.....she saved all of israel! she was amazing! she lived her life and handled that situation beautifully. she left me inspired to name a daughter or at least a very cute dog esther. haha. we'll see:)
and I'm out of time. love you all!

Wednesday, March 14

hello family!
so today I have less than one hour for emails, we have the sister AP's with us, Rinet and Kubota, and we did a zone activity today and did this huge ropes course/climbing/repelling thing in the jungle. it was sooooooooo right up my alley. I was faster than the elders, not even kidding. the french man that noticed was thoroughly impressed with me:) haha just kidding. the elders were fast. but I could keep up. anyway, enough of the bragging for the day.....
last night I got to go out with Kubota and it was SO rad to be with her. she's a great missionary with a lot of energy, and she's bold! and I also have lots of energy, also tend to be a bit on the bolder blunter when we combined, it was BOOM! we put an impossible person on date. his family were pioneers of the church in the 1970's. some of the first members in Malaysia. he is 30, and still never been baptized. elders and elders and elders have tried to teach him, put him on date, but he always freaks out and everything. well he called me yesterday, so I brought sister kubota and we went to his house to meet him and his parents. they showed us pictures from the 70's, turns out his parents were taught by sister missionaries. probably the last sister missionaries in puchong until us!! so we talked, we were bold, we listened, we taught and testified with everything we had, and I felt like we were on fire! and he finally decided he wanted to get baptized, and picked a date. a miracle!!!! it was so intense though. kubota and I both wanted to just sleep after that tiring. but it was awesome. he says he wants to get baptized in las vegas though, he has friends with an old senior couple there, so I told him I'd drive down and see it. pretty cool. won't lie.
this week was a bit better. we're starting to get better hang of puchong. still new, but can get around. it's a pretty rad place. parts are definitely sketchy though. so that is our biggest challenge right now, trying to be street smart.
so I was reading the book of mormon yesterday, I'm starting over again. it's kindof like my lifeblood, if I read too much bible and little book of mormon my spirit starts to drop. so I save 20 minutes of personal study for strictly book of mormon. anyway, I got to 1 Nephi 13. and I never before realized how coooooool that chapter is! it is like straight up prophecy! it tells it exactly how everything happened. the apostasy, goes to restoration, everything. and I just read that chapter marvelled by how awesome the scriptures are. of course it's true. if you really look, everything happens exactly how it says its going to. way sweet.
also, new favorite scripture I found in my old testament studies. 1 chronicles 28:20. I don't have my bible with me, so I can't quote it for you....wait maybe can.
And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.
so, I love the story of david and solomon. and this is where davids giving over the huge insane kingdom to his son solomon. and solomon has the responsibility of building the huge gorgeous temple. so I imagine he's feeling pretty overwhelmed...and these are the words of encouragement his dad gives him. I took this verse very literally for me and for where I am right now though. to be honest, gopi and I are a bit nervous a lot here. we've had some experiences. puchong is definitely different than miri and kk. I found myself being scared a lot. and this verse is reminding me that I need to develop the christlike attributes of courage and strength. be strong, be courageous, don't be scared, don't get discouraged, just DO IT! because the Lord is with me, He's not going to fail me, or forget about me, until I have finished my work He has called me to do. I'm still scared, but it was a good reminder. I know that God protects his missionaries, and his children. wherever they are. I just need the faith.
it was a good week, I love you all!

Tuesday, March 6


there are lots of indians in puchong, I'm trying to pick up a little tamil. why not? when in rome.
so this week was wiiiiiiild. puchong is wild. so insanely different than all of east malaysia. I'm still trying to keep up and figure everything out. the approach to missionary work is so much different. fun though.
so our first real day, we didn't have ANYTHING to do. so we decided to go out exploring/contacting. why not? it gets pretty late, and our area is dangerous when it's dark, so we decide to head home. we stop at a little minimart about five minutes from our house first, and this sweet tiny little indian woman walks up to me and tells me I have the "light of christ" in me. haha. so sweet! so we start talking, she lives in a little house kindof by us, and she is a veeeeeeerrrrrryyyyyyyy hardcore catholic. so sweet! flawless english. she had a bunch of groceries so I told her we'd walk her back home so she's safe and not too tired from her heavy stuff. she really appreciated that I think. she linked arms with me on our walk home:) when we get there, she invites us inside. she has three old sisters, and an ancient mother, that live with her. all very catholic. pictures of mary everywhere, as well as all the other saints, rosary beads all over the place. her house looked so ancient, almost like a ghost house to be honest. I felt like the saints eyes were going to follow me around the room. but it was sweet. the grandma came up and gave me a big kiss on my face. right on my lips. that was epic. they were this intensely strange yes sweet family that deserves a tv show. they said don't want to learn, but we'll keep stopping by occasionally. maybe something will soften their hearts.
also here's a weird story! so my preceptor from nursing school, the lady that trained me for so many hours in the hospital? she told me she had a sister that lived in malaysia. well, small world! I go to church on sunday, and there is this member from goa, india. I go wow! I know someone from goa. and she goes, marilyn aston? and I go yes!!!!!!! and she goes, thats my sister!!!!! hahahahaha. intense!!!! I had seen a picture of sister meerah and her whole family because marilyn showed me one night. I'd heard tons of stories about was just so intense. we couldn't get over it. small small world.
also, more small world. one of the elders recent converts here is named dora. she is from KK. so I talk to her, and she was like, I have spoken to you before. and I was like oh when did you live in KK? and she was like, 12 years ago. so I was like oh...well this is my first time I've ever been here but I guess maybe could have? and then she goes, I spoke to you on the phone! my sister is a member! so then we get talking, and I remember. one of my favorite members, jemimi, from KK told me she wanted me to teach her sister that lived in KL. she had visited KK for a day and wanted us to meet, but there wasn't time. so she gave me her phone number, I called and talked to dora for a while, and then gave the referral to the elders in KL. so now, 6 months later she is baptized! and I get to teach her all of her recent convert lessons! she is a doll. i love her. and she decided she wants me to meet her other sister that lives here also so I can try to get her to want to come to church. CAN! haha. that was exciting. to be continued on that story....
so puchong is so different from everywhere else I have served. there are hardly any christians. not even kidding. usually the only christians are the nigerian students here. tons of hindu people, with hindu temples everywhere. tons of buddhists, with buddhist temples everywhere. tons of muslims, with tons of mosques everywhere. seriously, it is so intense! so different. I'm finding it fun, exciting, and extraordinarily difficult to try to help these busy divers people realize the need for a Saviour. need for Christ. still working on that. it's going to be an interesting last five months for sure.
I got to see NORTON!!!! we had a mission tour conference, elder perkins from the seventy came to speak to us. it was amazing. he brought the spirit so strong, and I walked away on clouds. wanting to work so much harder. it was just what the doctor ordered for sure. also, seeing norton was also what the doctor ordered. it has been like 8 months since we last saw each other. and now we won't for 5 more months. I criiiied when she left. she is one of the most incredible people I've met. bar none. she fixed my heart, and encouraged me to do everything even better from before. words don't convey how much I love her.
I also just read a really sweet verse, I'm loving the old testament. Psalms 31:24. if we have hope in the Lord, we will have courage and our hearts will be strong. that hit home for me. it's intense and difficult being a missionary here. scary even! but I hope in the Lord, and have faith, that He really is with me. just like He promised. and that hope gives me courage and a strong heart to keep going.
it was a good week, next week will be better.
love you all so much.