Monday, February 4, 2013

 Clips from Sister Willis's e-mail:

ALSO! We attended SIX wards yesterday for fast Sunday and we had time to bare our testimony in five of them! (Talk about having the spirit burst within you!) Anyway, I was standing at the door, greeting people and this woman stood next to me handing out flyers for a ward activity. When she asked me what my reaction was to serving in this mission I told her about how my dad served in the same mission AND SHE STARTED CRYING!! I was like Whoa! Seriously? But she was thoroughly touched! So, that's what I bore my testimony on in that ward. About how my dad had gone before me and served in the same mission and about how he would tell me things like I'd like, things that would be hard, and just about how great it was. I talked about how our Father has gone before us and about how He told us the things that we'd like and that would be hard, and about how great earth life was going to be. I loved it! I love it here!
Oh, funny story. The other day my companion and I knocked on this door and we heard someone yelling behind the door, across the house, in broken English  Soon the door was thrown back and this tall Asian woman with orange hair glared at us. "What you want!" So Sister Fulbright started in on why we were there and the woman yelled. "No! I don't want! Go away!" and slammed the door in our faces. ..It was the fast I've seen a door close! I guess I should have been someone hurt by it (I usually am), but it was just funny. Anyway.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I found this picture as I was going through my picture files today. It was taken like four years ago, but I'm excited to be going back soon! 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Two Weeks!

I leave in just two weeks and I quit my job in a little over a week. I am so thrilled! Today, in preparation for going, I dressed up and went over to my parents house with my grandma and we taught my family the first discussion! It was WAY fun! And they received the lesson very well! ;)

I checked up on my plane ticket today and bought my bus ticket from the airport to the MTC. It's been unusually warm here in Missouri for the beginning of December, but I'm expecting it to be very cold up in the great Salt Lake. So, yeah. Pretty excited. I am also STOKED to be spending Christmas AND New Year's in the MTC. Although, it was a bit of a bummer when I discovered that I wouldn't be able to call home for Christmas while in the MTC. But then.. I'll only have been gone for a few days. Not a big deal. Anyhow, I ought to be heading off to bed. Goodnight!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Oh My Cow!

My plane ticket confirmation was sent today! I'M LEAVING IN LESS THAN A MONTH!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

30 Days

Today marks the thirty day wait until I report to the MTC. Goodness! Where has the time gone? I get to send in the postcard with my flight information today AND I also get to send in all of my other mission papers (like, driver's license, vehicle forms, the Getting to Know You form, and a few other things).Anyways, I am VERY excited! I still have a few things that I need to get done but other than that I'm ready to go!

At church yesterday morning my bishop announced that they're opening up a Young Single Adult Branch in our stake. (That's a BIG step for us! Out of the 500+ YSA's in our stake I think only 80 or so are actually active. So yeah, LOTS of work to be done!) Anyways, it's just something that's been on my mind for when I get back from my mission. To go or not to go. Although, I think I'm pretty attached to the family ward, so ..yeah. Moving On.

My life's pretty basic. Nothing too exciting. Althoooough, my little sister will be turning her papers in this Wednesday and I am VERY excited!! I was hoping to be able to go through the temple with her, but I think that might be cutting it a little close. But, I am VERY excited! (..and I guess I said that already). Well yeah. I guess I'd better get ready for work. Y'all have a great day now, ya' hear?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


So I started looking up flight information to book my flight to SALT LAKE CITY!! I am SSSOOO excited! And, although I've flown in and out of that airport dozens of times and even stayed the night there once, I'm still VERY excited! Cuz I'M GOING ON A MISSION!!!!