Friday, August 21, 2009


whether you r my heartbreaker
I m your heart pain~ER

Will m i ???
By why u r the one who let me full of pain
who give u the power???
Now i only realized
I m the one who give you the power to hurt me
Your r my heartbreaker
or else i m the loser
aint important for me already

A picture with a broken frame
can it heal and reframe again???
of cause is no problem
but it edi full of scar......
and become meanningless edi

why should still wanna hold tight??
If let time to heal it
can i become a heartbreaker for you???
I wanna to be.....BUT.....
No Way......


Saturday, August 8, 2009

tagged by CheeYi

1. Besides your lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed?

forehead OR cheek= =

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?

m i dreaming

3. Who was the last person/people you took a photo with?

hmm.....feipo???i also 4get dy....^^

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?


5. Will you ever donate blood?

No.cause underweight,sobbbb

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?

For Sure

7. Do you want someone to be dead?

Definitely NO !!!

8. What does your last text message say?

good night+bobo

9. What are you thinking right now?

scaring for later QT test 2.....god bless me^^

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now?

Yes,but that is impossible.....

11. What was the time you went to bed last night?


12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?

forget edi,swt

13. Is someone on your mind right now?

Of course, yes

14. Who was the last person who text


*8 lucky person to do this quiz~*

*My dear(C)

*My lovely daughter(Eyrans)

* Karen

* Onnie

* Stacy

* ying hui

* Khim Yao

* Toh


Friday, August 7, 2009

Dong Hae's Lovely Father

Lee Dong Hae is one of the Super junior member
His daddy passed away on August 8, 2006
due to chronic illness....
His daddy was suffering for the cancel for 3 years
But at last,he also choose to leave
And wuli donghae oppa also become stronger
He is now trying hard to hold back his tears
just because he promised his dad to be tough....
But yet
everytime donghae tear off
also because of thinking and missing his abuji
Donghae had cried when thinking about his Dad
He said his dad just like his best friend
But now
he cant share hapiness or sadness
with him anymore

I still remember
When his father was sick,
donghae rushed over to see him
I still remember
When he received his first place award for the first time,
he said, "Father, I hope you're healthy."

Although almost 3 years,
But yet i know
he still love and miss him so much
during Super Show 1,
he solo and sang the song "My everything"
to his daddy which no longer at his site
but yet he still want to say with him
"You're My everything....."

My lovely donghae's father,
I know u so love and care for ur son
but yet,i know he also apart of ur proud
Ur son,danghae is achieving towards a high level
He chased ur dream
He wish to become a successful singer
which was ur dream n wish last time
so u no need worry about him
Let ELFs take the opportunity
to take care for HIM,Lee Dong Hae...

Below is two videos that i wish to share

this is DongHae's FathEr's last letter
which wrote for his lovely son--LEE DONG HAE
so touching....

To. My son, DongHae.

DongHae ah. My son, DongHae ah.
My beloved son, DongHae ah.
Dad is very happy.
Because you are my son.
Also because you have become a singer.
Really very happy.
You always give dad a call.
How are you, must be healthy, really so sorry, and also love me a lot
DongHae ah, when dad sees you on television
Will always feel so emotional.
Maybe, because dad loves our DongHae a lot?
DongHae ah, to dad.
You know that being a singer is my dream too.
But because of your grandfather’s objection
Has no chose but to give up the dream of being a singer in Seoul
Brought your mum back to Mokpo
Later you brother DongHwa was born, then after that you were born.
I’m very happy.
DongHwa and you really are my sons.
Really thanks god.
When you were in primary or secondary school
I asked you whether you want to be a singer or not?
That time you said you want to study and play.
But after a few years, you said that you want to become a singer.
When you said that you want to become a singer
All my previous feeling and wishes appear in my mind.
I put the money in your hand, let you go Seoul once then come back.
After you went Seoul, your mother and I always pray for you.
Full of tears, full of emotions my son, DongHae.
Our DongHae will sure success.
If, even if our DongHae has failed
Must not leave wound in you heart.
praying, praying, keep praying.
Later you said you are qualified.
Feel so happy at that moment.
To dad, you really make me proud.
From that moment our DongHae went to live in Seoul
On the one hand I very happy for you
On the other hand feel very sad.
But still believe our son, DongHae sure can do it.
What I can give you is just giving you courage.
After a few years, you finally become a singer.
The first time when received first, DongHae worried about my health and hope that I live healthily.
This is what you said when you gave me a call on that day.
“Dad, I wouldn’t cry now, now definitely wouldn’t cry.
Looked at my fans, good right?
In this world, the person I loved the most is dad, favourite color is sapphire blue.”
When seeing you on the television.
Will remind me of my dream when I was young.
My beloved son, DongHae.
Dad, unable to see my son, DongHae receives new artist award
Also unable to see my daughter-in-law and cute grandchild, really very regret
But, our DongHae must remember.
I will always be guarding you in heaven, will always be supporting you.
Also, our DongHae is the most handsome in the world after me.
My son, DongHae.
I love you.
I love you..

From. Dad of the world most handsome DongHae
PS:I miss donghae's abuji
thanks for him
to bring donghae here


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Change Mind

Thought is creative
All thoughts are tend to be material things
The environment is fulled of influences
It will made me to change my mind
I dont wish to change my mind
i hold tight and walk till here
i wont know where is my destination
but yet i dont wish to stop
or even U turn back on the road

Along the road....
many times i wonder

should i just stop to walk along
wat m i suppose to hunt for
I dont know

what i know is
I wish to keep back my mind
i dont wanna to change my mind

I believe what i should stay hold
I trust what i wish to love

I walk along the road....
just bacause of my love


Saturday, August 1, 2009

How dare the theives

Last night i slept at 4am
then 2day early in the morning
around 7.30am someone knocked my door
i tod i was slept late to school edi

My sister wake up and opened the door
OMG,something so unpredictable have happened
My 2 housemates which stay in the downstair's room
said 2day morning wen they wake up
they realize their hp which put on the desk have been stolen

that was a shocked news
when i heard it,i totaly awaken from my sleepy mood
we all rushed down to my friend room to have a look
they said that ,
they just open a bit the window b4 they slept
and yet this morning they saw the window is opened widely
and their two handphone gone edi
called also cant reach to call...totally engaged

but how the thief done so?
the desk and the window is quite far distance
and the important thing is
both of my friends still slept inside the room
both of them even din realize got any sound
one of my friend slept at 3am that time
also haven happend anything
their hp also still on the desk
we suspend that the theif mayb notice us quite a long time
cause actualy my friends normally slept in the living room
just last night they slept inside the room

I totally cant imagine
how the thief "fish" the two handphone without any sounds
and even so dare to done so
during my friend were sleeping inside the room

there is not 1st time my kampar house being house-break in
altod tis time not consider house break in also
but also we have lost our valueble things
yes,just two handphone not realy loss so much
but yet,there is so scary to imagine that
how dare the thief act like nowsaday
our saftey is totally cant be secure edi....haihz

hope all my friends,
especially kampar's frens
take good care of ur valueble things
kampar is realy UNSAFETY
dont try to harap any security gurad o police
that is much better u self protect urself.......

i said before
devil is scary,but at least we know about that
but human being is much scary and horrible than devil
we totally don have sensor if someone want to attack u in the dark
this wold is full of danger.......


My confidence

i found myself
lack of self confidence
it was become lesser and lesser

My negative thinking made
my emo is full of fear,anger and guilt
Am i too critical ???
Everytime,i m tried to find a way
to citisize myself in certain moment
I knew that i still tend to stay in the past
Dont willing to look forward

Most of the time,
I rather to escape from the facts
I scare to face the truth
I cant even imagine i losssed or failed

"If you do not have confidence,
remember that no one was born perfect."
--------------I like this phrase

I wish to change my mind right now.....


Let Go

rather to view backward
why should i dont just let go
and go on to my next journey

but how come is too heavy
for me to step on

aint anything i cant throw away
might i should let go all the pain
but why.......
i failure to do again......sobs