Composing My Life
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Testing 1, 2, 3
So I am trying to switch over my authorship to a new email account so I can delete the other one (the current one for this blog) and the blog is the only thing standing in my way so I am writing this post as an experiment to myself to see if I have been successful.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Bible Dictionary:
purpose of the atonement is to correct or overcome the consequences of
sin." Sin separates us from God- hence the atonement sets us "at one".
Conditional: we all sin differently; works by faith in Christ, repentance, and obeying the Gospel.
of it, all are redeemed from the Fall of Adam, we are responsible for
our own actions, and children under 8 are saved/ innocent.
"The Sacrament— a Renewal for the Soul" by Cheryl Esplin Oct. 2014
"Elder Jeffrey R. Holland described. He said, ‘One of the invitations
inherent in the sacramental ordinance is that it be a truly spiritual
experience, a holy communion, a renewal for the soul."
- listen to the prayers and recommit to your covenants
story of a mom and her self evaluation each week "She could see that
she was making the same errors over and over again, week to week. But
then she had a distinct impression that she was neglecting a big part of
the Atonement--Christ’s enabling power. She was forgetting all the
times the Savior helped her be who she needed to be and serve beyond her
own capacity."
"The Sacrament and the Atonement" by James Hamula Oct. 2014
- the day before His suffering in Gethsemane was the last supper/ the sacrament
"The ordinance of the sacrament has been called “one of the most holy
and sacred ordinances in the Church.” It needs to become more holy and
sacred to each of us. Jesus Christ Himself instituted the ordinance to
remind us what He did to redeem us and to teach us how we may avail
ourselves of His Redemption and thereby live with God again." -> Okay
so how do we do that? Prepare more earnestly by repenting, reflecting
and recommitting yourself, mindful of what you're thinking about
BREAD "And in taking the bread to ourselves, we acknowledge that, like
Christ’s mortal body, our bodies will be released from the bonds of
death, rise triumphantly from the grave, and be restored to our eternal
WATER "In taking the water to ourselves, we acknowledge that His blood
and suffering atoned for our sins and that He will remit our sins as we
embrace and accept the principles and ordinances of His gospel."
"Brothers and sisters, the most important event in time and eternity is
the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He who accomplished the Atonement has
given us the ordinance of the sacrament to help us not only remember but
also claim the blessings of this supreme act of grace. Regular and
earnest participation in this sacred ordinance helps us continue to
embrace and live the doctrine of Christ after baptism and thereby pursue
and complete the process of sanctification. Indeed, the ordinance of
the sacrament helps us faithfully endure to the end and receive the
fulness of the Father in the same way Jesus did, grace for grace."
"Wilt Thou Be Made Whole?" by Timothy Dyches Oct. 2013
(Suggested by Sister Minert)
- it is a question he asks us. He will do it! But we have our end of agency as well.
- "thy faith hath made the whole"
- "“Come, follow me” (Luke 18:22)
invites us to leave behind the old life and worldly desires and become a
new creature for whom “old things are passed away [and] all things are
become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17), even with a new, faithful heart. And we are made whole again."
"If you feel unclean, unloved, unhappy, unworthy, or unwhole, remember
“all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement
of Jesus Christ.” Have faith and patience in the Savior’s timing and
purposes for you. “Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36)."
"Lord, Is It I?" By Pres. Uchtdorf
"We must approach our Eternal Father with broken hearts and teachable
minds. We must be willing to learn and to change. And, oh, how much we
gain by committing to live the life our Heavenly Father intends for us."
For Christ's ultimate sacrifice, we have to sacrifice and give
something too.
"But those who want to improve and progress, those who learn of the
Savior and desire to be like Him, those who humble themselves as a
little child and seek to bring their thoughts and actions into harmony
with our Father in Heaven--they will experience the miracle of the
Savior’s Atonement. They will surely feel God’s resplendent Spirit. They
will taste the indescribable joy that is the fruit of a meek and humble
heart. They will be blessed with the desire and discipline to become
true disciples of Jesus Christ."
The Fourth Missionary
we are always changing. Sometimes people "excuse their failures and
weaknesses by saying 'that's just the way I am'" and so on. No! To say
and accept this is "reject[ing] the central truth of the plan of
salvation;" even Jesus Christ, His Atonement. His atonement allows and
makes a way for us to change. Change and growth are good!
challenges and trials allow us to learn/ change/ be better. "Without
opposition the plan would be frustrated, you could not progress and the
purpose of life would be unachievable."
Missions are hard and full of opposition. Missions are the greatest
experiences anyone could ask for. How? How can is be greatest when it
is hard? Well, when you succeed or overcome the opposition, you become
all the more strong. When you fall, you have the amazing blessing to
apply the atonement, pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and try
- We cannot and will not be changed against our own will.
"Is Faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ Written in our Hearts?" By Linda K. Burton
similar to the pioneers, we may ask ourselves "what can we put on this
handcart"? They could only hold so much. Or to ask "what is written in
our hearts?"
“We are like the [woman] in the pit. Sinning is like falling into the
pit, and we can’t get out by ourselves. Just as the kind passerby heard
the [woman’s] cry for help, Heavenly Father sent his Only Begotten Son
to provide the means of escape. Jesus Christ’s atonement could be
compared to lowering a ladder into the pit; it gives us the means to
climb out.” But the Savior does more than lower the ladder, He “comes
down into the pit and makes it possible for us to use the ladder to
escape.” “Just as the [woman] in the pit had to climb up the ladder, we
must repent of our sins and obey the gospel principles and ordinances
to climb out of our pit and make the Atonement work in our lives. Thus,
after all we can do, the Atonement makes it possible for us to become
worthy to return to Heavenly Father’s presence.”
"Remember the woman President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke of recently? He
said: “One woman who had been through years of trial and sorrow said
through her tears, ‘I have come to realize that I am like an old
20-dollar bill--crumpled, torn, dirty, abused, and scarred. But I am
still a 20-dollar bill. I am worth something. Even though I may not look
like much and even though I have been battered and used, I am still
worth the full 20 dollars.’”"
"When each of us has the doctrine of the Atonement written deep in our
hearts, then we will begin to become the kind of people the Lord wants
us to be when He comes again. He will recognize us as His true
"Making, keeping, and rejoicing in our covenants will be the evidence
that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is truly written in our hearts?"
Wherefore, he has given a law; and where there is no law given there is
no punishment; and where there is no punishment there is no
condemnation; and where there is no condemnation the mercies of the Holy
One of Israel have claim upon them, because of the atonement; for they
are delivered by the power of him.
For the atonement satisfieth the demands of his justice upon all those
who have not the law given to them, that they are delivered from that
awful monster, death and hell, and the devil, and the lake of fire and
brimstone, which is endless torment; and they are restored to that God
who gave them breath, which is the Holy One of Israel.
Nephi 9:25-26~ the atonement delivers me! I think it is also neat to
look at the atonement in terms of restoration. Restoration is to be
made new again and the first message we teach as missionaries! When we
were born, we were all clean, pure, innocent, new. The atonement helps
us be made to a state in which we once were before- clean, pure,
innocent, new.
Lived in Heaven" This song is about the plan of salvation! Mainly the
premarital life and Christ's atonement for us. 'Father said he needed
someone who had enough love': that is Christ! I know that the atonement
is the greatest act of love of all time.
"He Sent His Son" Christ is our central message! The Father told, showed, and helps us on our way because of Jesus Christ
" He Dies that we might Live Again" If we want to give thanks, we should sing and show that kind of love in return.
"To Think About Jesus" It shouldn't be hard- but then why is it some times?
"Help us,
Oh God, to Understand" We probably will never fully understand. It is eternal. There is just do much he did for us!
"The Third Article of Faith"
Monday, December 1, 2014
He Is The Gift
One of Sister Hyatt's former companions, Sister Williams, shared this story with her and then Sister Hyatt shared it with me and now I would like to share it with you:
If today you are feeling the heat of fire, remember: God has His eye on you.
Her brother served in the Czech Republic and saw no baptisms but kept a good attitude. When I asked him how he got through the hard times he simply said, “It’s all about remembering the small and simple things. Making someone smile today, helping someone feel God’s love, or just being grateful to be in the moment that you’re somewhere you may never be able to be again.” He told me a little about his mission and how he got fed about once a month if that and less actives didn’t even want
them to come visit because they were tired of missionaries. But he knew he was there to at least convert one person. Himself. At a really low point in my mission he sent me this story that has helped me so much! I hope you can feel that same spirit and think about how God is refining you and helping you become better each day.
There was a group of women in a Bible study on the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter 3 they came across verse 3 which says, "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver" (Malachi 3:3). This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out about the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study. That week the woman called up a silver smith and made an appointment to watch him work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest in silver beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silver smith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in redefining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest, as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in a hot spot. Then she thought again about the verse, that he sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asked the silver smith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eye on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silver smith, "how do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy. When I see my image in it."
them to come visit because they were tired of missionaries. But he knew he was there to at least convert one person. Himself. At a really low point in my mission he sent me this story that has helped me so much! I hope you can feel that same spirit and think about how God is refining you and helping you become better each day.
There was a group of women in a Bible study on the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter 3 they came across verse 3 which says, "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver" (Malachi 3:3). This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God. One of the women offered to find out about the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible study. That week the woman called up a silver smith and made an appointment to watch him work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest in silver beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver. As she watched the silver smith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in redefining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest, as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in a hot spot. Then she thought again about the verse, that he sits as a refiner and purifier of silver. She asked the silver smith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eye on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left even a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed. The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silver smith, "how do you know when the silver is fully refined?"
He smiled at her and answered, "Oh, that's easy. When I see my image in it."
If today you are feeling the heat of fire, remember: God has His eye on you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Have you heard of the new video initiative the church is emphasizing this Christmas season? It is called "He is the Gift". They must've had a lot of success and good feedback from the Easter one, "Because of Him" that they are pushing this again. I love it! As missionaries, we are highly encouraged to talk to at least 10 people a day about He is the Gift. President Anderson told us that individuals who get the Ensign should get 9 pass along cards of their own. Will you prayerfully hand out all 9 by Christmas? It can be to strangers or the cashier or neighbors and friends. Anyone! Let us flood this season with Christ and hopefully it will stay more year round!
I know that Christ was given to us by a perfect and loving Heavenly Father. Christ and His atonement are the best gift anyone could ever get. This gift does not break. It does not get tarnished. It is priceless! Its worth does not diminish over time. In fact, I feel the gift's worth increases over time. It has for me as I mature and learn more about my Savior. This gift is also the best gift because even as you share it, you will never lose it. Again, I feel that as we share this gift of Jesus Christ, it becomes worth something more.
First, #discoverthegift for yourself.
Then, #embracethegift in all you do, say, and think.
Finally, #sharethegift with all whom the Lord places along your path.
Our Thanksgiving was really great! In the morning, our Ward had a turkey bowl. As sisters, well... We didn't play but we did play tennis and it was so fun! Then us and the Spanish Sisters headed to Bridgeton to serve at a different Soup Kitchen than we usually serve at. I volunteered to direct people outside to where it was at. Sister Guzman, one of the Spanish Sisters, volunteered to come with me. I am so grateful she did because over half the people spoke Spanish!
Then we house hopped! Places/ Santiagos, Riveras, Vickie Corson, Sheetz/ Tarasevichs.
Lance didn't show up for our lesson or church. We have been communicating as best we can but he responds minimally. We hope he is doing okay and that Satan isn't getting the better of him.
Friday we had Mission Leadership Council and it went over better than last month. The Assistants, Elder Tarry and Elder Watt, called a couple weeks prior and asked me to role play as a less active you knows the church is true but something keeps holding her aback from coming to church. I decided to portray a sister suffering from depression and not feeling loved. We had gone on exchanges and this one lady that had this similar problem held in my mind. I wanted it to be a tough problem, not the usual Word of Wisdom or being offended excuse. They conducted is similar to the first day in the MTC where the missionaries take turns teaching me. So I had 30 some odd Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders testifying and teaching and trying to discover my concern. It was tough! But fun!
One of my goals to myself was to tell you all individually why I was grateful for you that morning.
Leonard: a leader by example and testimony
LeeAnn: warm and understanding heart
Janae: sets her mind to something and does it the best she is able
Kyle: works hard and finds a way to make it fun
Candon: best big brother anyone could ask for!
Rowen: a learner from some of the best teachers
Tiana: creative and it is still hard to believe she is a mother, great example
Scott: happy go getter
Beckett: it has been so fun to see you in pictures growing up and being an aunt more
Sean: has a tender heart underneath his tough guy
Cameron: goes the extra mile
Braydon: smiley (hard to picture him without a smile) and loving our inside sayings
I hope you all know how much I love you! I honestly do not know what I would do without anyone. You all add so much to my life and my love.
You are in my heart and prayers. I want nothing less than the best for each of you and future family to come.
President Heber J. Grant (1856–1945) said, “I have little or no fear for the boy or the girl, the young man or the young woman, who honestly and conscientiously supplicate God twice a day for the guidance of His Spirit. I am sure that when temptation comes they will have the strength to overcome it by the inspiration that shall be given to them. Supplicating the Lord for the guidance of His Spirit places around us a safeguard, and if we earnestly and honestly seek the guidance of the Spirit of the Lord, I can assure you that we will receive it” (Gospel Standards [1976], 26).
If you are not already reading the scriptures, studying them, and praying everyday, I want to testify to you of their importance. We must build ourselves strong every day. I cannot do it for you. No one else can do it for you but yourself. I know the scriptures are the word of God from His servants. The Bible and the Book of Mormon are brothers. More family! Yay! I also know that God hears our prayers. How awesome it is to be able to speak to the most powerful person we know!
Hugs and kisses all around!! XOXO
Sister Hanson
Monday, November 24, 2014
Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles!
4 major miracles this week:
- Tracy let us IN her house to teach her! It has always been on her front porch!
- First, I met Brother Lee (less active). He is super friendly! Then, he invited himself in to sit on Lance's lesson!
- We had received a media referral at the end of last week. We had a cancellation Monday night and decided to go see her. They did not seem happy to see us. When we asked if she had requested a Bible she said it was an accident. She said that our Bible is different than hers. I pull it out of my purse and say, "The King James Version? This one?" She told her granddaughter to go and fetch her Bible. As she opened up both books to compare, we talked about her family and the church she goes to. She invited us inside! Shortly we found out it was her birthday! We continue to talk and she opens up. Who we originally thought was angry, and then happy and solid in life, we soon discovered her sadness. Her parents had both passed away. Her mom's death was unexpected and every midnight on her birthday, her mom would called her. She missed that. We continued to talk and bear testimony and shared some of our favorite scriptures that related to the discussion. We had been there for an hour and we needed to go. I asked if we could sing to her for her birthday before we left. She said yes. Sister Steadman chose "I Stand All Amazed." She said we brightened her night and that we are welcome to come back. I love the Spirit! He softens hearts if they hearts allow themselves to be softened! The contrast from when she first opened the door to closing the door... So neat!
- Keysha had insurance approval for her surgery, which she totally didn't think would happen, and she said it was a sign from God that what we are telling her is true. (At our last lesson we had given her specific questions to ask in prayer and that was one of them.)
We had two exchanges this week. What is interesting is we originally planned for two but then for district meeting this week, the days were changed and so we had to cancel with one set of Sisters and reschedule and they picked this week! So then we were going to have 3! But then another set of Sisters cancelled because on was sick, so it went back to two. Crazy! They went well! I love working with other Sisters and get to know them better, plus be a listening ear when they need it.
Reading the Book of Mormon is so vital for conversion. Brother Williams, the 7th Day Adventist, still comes to church every Sunday but we had stopped going over because of pride. We decided to try again and this time read from the Book of Mormon with him because he doesn't really on his own, neither does he understand what it is still. We read 1 Nephi 1 and it was picked apart. He said he would have to reread it to understand. This will continue to be a challenge like none other I have had before. Thanks goodness for good, storing members that will come with us!
We were asked at the end of Ward Council to teach Gospel Principles. What?! Why not the Elders? Man, my attitude was not where it should have been even though that is something I have been trying to work on the most lately. Anyway, the lesson was on Scriptures. That was a plus. It is a great subject to talk about with the investigators we had in mind. Also, I had learned from Sister Hyatt just to talk! We didn't even cover everything and we went over. Great participation! We started by talking about the increased availability for scriptures, then asked people to share their favorite scriptures and they all related to one another (it was so cool!) and then wrote a timeline on the board of when each book was written when and what they are/ why they were written. Old Testament (BC). New Testament (AD). Book of Mormon (600 BC and 400 AD). Doctrine and Covenants (1830s). Pearl of Great Price (all of them! across the board- BC, AD, and 1830s). General Conference as continuing scripture.
Here is how to say sorry the right way
- recognize/ acknowledge what they did wrong
- why it is wrong
- in the future I will... (has to be something positive)
- will you please forgive me?
She asked everyone what they did in their families that helped them on the right path and with good patterns. I thought about Family Home Evening. Our teacher said she could not remember one lesson that was taught in FHE. I thought about ours. One lesson that always comes to my mind was from dad (I think) based on the talk "Good, Better, Best."
He made a chart of things we do and we had to check mark if it is something that is good, better, or best and then reevaluate if it fit how we were acting or placing it as priorities. Then to work on them that week.
One thing that I am grateful for is our bodies. I know they are precious gifts from God! Carli had her twins this week. What a blessing for us to come to Earth and have the experiences we do. Our senses! Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch! Going further, our bodies try to heal ailments on their own. Some times they can, some times they can't. We do not have to think to breath or pump blood. Having a body allows us to be one step further to becoming like God.
Love you all so very much! Remember to work hard and Smile! :)
Sister Hanson
Monday, November 17, 2014
Here we go!
My new companion is Sister Steadman. She, like me, served in Delaware and Pennsylvania. In fact, at one point we were in the same zone in Valley Forge. She was the only Sister Training Leader who had posted on Facebook that she was leaving and so I thought "hmmm she might be mine." And so she is.
At the soup kitchen this week, they were making macaroni and cheese for a side dish. I look in the trash and thought "dang; it is boxed." The boxes looked store brand and so I looked closer to see where they were from. The brand was Desert. Wait a minute... I pull a box out and sure enough it has the church's name on the back and talks about Bishops handing them out. We showed one of the ladies in charge. We asked her if someone had donated them and who. She didn't know and said they'd been in the back for a while. I don't think it phased anyone that we belong to that church. Whatever. But as we continued to help prepare the food, Sister Steadman stirred the Mac and cheese and discovered bugs (ants?) in it! Yuck! The guy said it was only one but Sister Steadman said there was more. Needless to say, we didn't eat it and then we felt silly connected our church to the Mac and cheese to the other volunteers.
We carpooled with the other Elders in our ward and our Zone Leaders to District Meeting. On the way back from, Elder Mask asked us to put together a district of Disney missionaries. Here are the results:
The District leader is Ham and his companion is.... Goofy.
The Spanish Elders are Genie and Buzz.
The first set of Sisters are Belle and Rapunzel.
Milan will be training a Golden, Violet Par.
President Anderson is Zeus and Sister Anderson is Kanga. (Where they individually fit those characters, Zeus and Kanga being married does not go together. Oh well, group decision.)
The service Elders are Maximus and Pegasus.
We were at the library this week trying to make some family names of William available for temple work. He gave us another name to try to add. Anyway, there wasn't any computers next to each other so we chose the ones closest together to keep an eye on each other. Anyway, the lady in between us hear opus talking and trying to figure out family history stuff and we were able to tell her about and she logged in and we gave her the hours to the church/ family history center. Right place. Right time. Right. Especially because we had tried doing this the day before at the church and it didn't work and we needed to before the Stake Temple trip that was on Saturday.
Some people saw snow this week but we only had slush precipitation. Ah Winter!
Yesterday, an eight year old boy was baptized. He was SO excited, more excited than I have ever seen anyone. He was jumping and dancing and kept vocalizing how excited he was. Last night, we did a Slitz Blitz where members of the auxiliaries go out with us. Our Bishopric has made it assignment to do once a month to go along with their goal of visiting every member over the next few months. We had good success yesterday. I'm think more wards should do this!
Lance came to church again and afterwards, we asked him if he had prayed about being baptized. He said he feels right about it and had a great experience in Priesthood. We were going to go through a game plan with him at our lesson this past week for his baptism but the setting was not ideal. It has to be done this week! We gave a written out Game Plan to Joell and Kylie this week. A game plan consists of writing down all the lessons we are to teach and ways for them to be converted (daily reading and praying, knowing the scriptures are true, regular attendance at church, and so forth).
I have only ever written this out once before for Femi. It is such a good idea and I wish I had done it more. For me, I think it allows us to be on the same page as each other.
Keysha wants to be baptized! We gave her a list of questions to pray about and ask this week: if the Book of Mormon is true, if Joseph Smith is a Prophet, if what we are telling her is true, and when to be baptized.
I have three main goals for this transfer: to introduce Sister Steadman to everyone I have met here (or at least carried on a conversation with), throw one thing away a day, and keep up my journaling (new journal for my dreams because of Sister Hyatt and my regular one). I will also be keeping up with my study of the Atonement. One of my favorite quote I have found is, "If you feel unclean, unloved, unhappy, unworthy, or unwhole, remember “all that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”" I share it with so many people! I so enjoy seeing the power of the Atonement in the lives of the people I get to work with. Just as, or more, important is seeing the Atonement at work within me.
At one point or another, we all will feel unloved and unworthy or unhappy. But the Atonement is infinite and eternal. Jesus Christ has covered everything. We need to take the steps necessary to allow Him to cover us. He cannot and will not force Himself on us.
"Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly; And you will be singing as the days go by." One thing I am grateful for this week is music. I love music! It cheers people up! It is one way to instantly invite the Spirit. It had come up this week that listening to music (especially at a young age or in the womb) helps people be smarter. It is still a goal and part of my personal missionary purpose to sing in at least one lesson every week. Now that may not seem like a lot, but some times we just don't have time in a lesson or we forget or something. It isn't usually hard to get one song in but two stretches us.
Sending my love,
<3 span="">
Sister Hanson
Monday, November 10, 2014
Where are you Anchored?
This week has been a total go, go, go! Thus, it has been good and I think the best way to go for Sister Hyatt. On that note, it has been sad and hard to see her leave. I understand her denial phase because it truly hasn't hit me yet that she is gone. I am with Sister Maughan today. She came out with me and was in my MTC district. It just seems like we are on exchanges! On Friday, when her companion and Sister Hyatt went to the DC temple, we were on exchanges. She came to Vineland but today I am in Woodstown because she is leaving, sister being doubled out and area combined with the Elders. So, nonetheless, she needs to finish packing and wants to say her last goodbyes. That's what I would want to do!
We had Zone Training this week and we went up North. Wednesday night we spent the night with the Cherry Hill 1st Sisters. Sleep over! We changed some things up this time around. Change is good! A little way through the training, we split up Elders and Sisters. Sister Hyatt and I had been contemplating certain things we needed to boldly get out on the table that hadn't been done during exchanges. We bounced ideas off each other, prayed, went to Mission Leadership council, and then strongly felt this was the right thing to do. And so we did. The Zone Leaders thought it was a good idea as well. Now, as we planned further, we wanted to skype in the Sisters from our zone as well... But the Zone Leaders there said no. We split our Sista Talk into 4 sections: Integrity, Obedience, Health, and Personal Responsibility. We were nervous and excited and it went over well!
When we got together as a whole group again, Sister Hyatt and I trained on the Book of Mormon. We used the 3 Keys of Failure and the opposite, 3 Keys of Success, in teaching about the Book of Mormon. I love getting to bare my testimony at every opportunity I can! I know the Book of Mormon is true now more than I ever have before. I know that that testimony has come rough reading it every day and delving deeper into it during my studies.
I had an amazing experience with the Book of Mormon this week. We were teaching the new family, the Lopezs. (I can't remember if I talked about them last week. Moved from San Diego. She is returning and her husband was baptized just before moving here.). They are amazing! We read 2 Nephi 2 and discussed the principles of the Plan of Salvation throughout. Now, I have known/ believed that the Bible and the Book of Mormon need each other. They are like brothers. But, I think in the back of my mind I felt the Book of Mormon could stand on its own, maybe the New Testament. After all, those are the books specifically for our time, right? The Old Testament was for those in the past. Nope. The Standard Works are a big family and needed together. For example, the story of Adam and Eve. Let's say you have no Biblical background. There is no way for anyone of knowing the full story of Adam and Eve just by reading the Book of Mormon, namely 2 Nephi 2. It doesn't tell us what the 2 commandments were. It doesn't tell us Eve ate the fruit first and then Adam. It doesn't tell us they hid from God because of their nakedness. They fill in the gaps for each other. Now I definitely know the scriptures are all needed together.
Planning. An eternal principle.
“Do not rely on planning every event of your life--even every important event. Stand ready to accept the Lord’s planning and the agency of others in matters that inevitably affect you. Plan, of course, but fix your planning on personal commitments that will carry you through no matter what happens. Anchor your life to eternal principles, and act upon those principles whatever the circumstances and whatever the actions of others. Then you can await the Lord’s timing and be sure of the outcome in eternity.”
Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “Timing,” Ensign, Oct. 2003, 17.
An anchor is firm and still. Christ is my anchor. No matter what storms lie ahead, the whirlwinds and hail that Satan stirs my way, Christ will keep me safe if I stand firm with Him. "When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed; When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost."
One thing I am grateful for this week is being able to think for myself. Our brains are amazing. We can hold so much information and yet sometimes information gets stored away and dusty because we forget. Randomly, something we forgot about might pop into mind!
Yesterday was the primary program! It was so cute! There were so many people because we were combined with the Landis Spanish Branch. Not many of our investigators came, which was sad. They missed a great program. The theme was Eternal Families. Best theme ever, right?!
Lance was sick but he came to lunch at the Lee's. While they prepped lunch, we read chapters 2 and 3 of first Nephi with him. He is smart and has a good reading comprehension. He accepted a baptismal date but from personal experience, I will have to help him know it is so vital he do this for himself and not his girlfriend. She even told him that in our lesson, which was good of her to say. He knows it... But does he know know it?
Wow I am not sure if I am making any sense today. You can either nod and pretend you understand or ask for clarification.
In the end, I hope you know and understand my love for you.
I love you a million and two brown MnMs.
Brown has less artificial coloring because chocolate is already brown :)
Sister Hanson
Monday, November 3, 2014
Chilly Chili
Monday night to Tuesday we exchanged with the Medford Sisters. Sister Minert came here with me. Things went pretty well.
That evening we had dinner at the Riveras. They had soda and it's been a good amount of time since Sister Hyatt and I have had any soda. And it was like 2 liters! So much! Well, Sister Hyatt very much dislikes soda and has been trying to be healthier this week. When the husband offered me seconds, I said sure and pour some more into Sister Hyatt's cup as well. She gave me the look. Later on during dinner she thought she would be clever and swap cups. Never fear, I noticed and swapped it back while she wasn't looking. Ha ha!
By this time of the week, our miles are killing us! This week miles will kill us too right from the start because this week we are going up North to their Zone Training and companion swap with Woodstown for Sister Hyatt's temple trip and then for transfers next week. And on and on. In case you didn't know, we have a limited amount of miles per month. I have never run out before until October and I will pray and cross my fingers for November. Brrrr it's cold and I do not want to walk if I do not have to! Luckily Elder Jones is a pretty great guy and we are able to communicate with him if miles are an issue.
We had our ward harvest party! Sister Hyatt was able to fins clothing of ours that look enough alike to pass off as twins. While cooking corn bread for the Trunk or Treat, Sister Hyatt straightened my hair with Sister Stretch's hair straightener. It was able to go up to 400 degrees! The Stretch family drove us up and we sat with them. Others enjoyed their costumes and asked to get pictures with them. I think it helped them to feel loved. On the off hand, Yonnie noticed that people were piling their plates with dessert and that there would not be enough for everyone. She wondered how some people could be so inconsiderate. I have noticed that before as well. I know it doesn't just happen at church functions, but when it comes to dessert, humans can be animals. Lance came to the Trunk or Treat as well as Sister Stretch's parents. It was raining earlier that day so the Trunk or Treat was half inside and half outside.
For District Meeting the following day, Sister Hyatt and I dressed up as twins again.
For lunch they made hot dogs and chili. A.) I do not care for hot dogs. But I thought it was funny and called them "Haloweenies". B.) Sister Hyatt and I are pretty much done with chili for a long, long time. She says chili is huge in Texas, though. I had chili at the Bishop's house a couple weeks ago. Then it was served at the soup kitchen. Then we had a chili cook off at our ward Trunk or Treat. We thought we were going to have it at the Place's for family dinner because that's what Ed said we were going to have but we ended up having taco stew. For a mini lunch after an RS meeting, they fed us chili. (See meeting info below.) Nonetheless, chili is a good fall food. 🍃 🍂
This past weekend was a Stake Women's Auxiliary Training. We are the Missionaries overseeing all the Sisters in the Stake. The Relief Society President asked President Anderson if we could go and help with a training portion and he said yes. It was a great privilege! We carpooled up with our Relief Society Presidency. It was fun!
For our training segment, we talked about our purpose as missionaries, the missionary schedule, how it is more productive to work with members for people to teach than tract, some ways that we can work together, we each shared a personal experience, and we had taken a poll from some of the missionaries in the stake "if they could ask or tell their Relief Society President anything, what would it be?" and listed those off. In return, we asked them what they would have us relay. There was a questions and answers segment. Our Stake Relief Society President is so good and worked well with us, as I hope we worked well with her.
After the training, Carli had a Baby Sprinkle for her twin boys. (A sprinkle is smaller than a shower. Same gender as before. Mainly asking for diapers, wipes, and gift cards.) She is due at the beginning of December but will probably have then in the next week or two. I had a lot of fun chatting and getting to know the members there more as well as visit with a few ladies who were not from the church.)
We had a lesson with Joell and her 3 little girls Saturday night and they ended up coming to church yesterday! A focus for the mission has been getting investigators to church. Once they come to the church for the first time, it is easier to come again. Once they get in the habit of coming and know its importance, then they are more likely to progress and desire to make covenants with God.
This week is going to be one of the best yet! Sister Hyatt and I are going to kick it for her last week! Hooorah!
💟 💝 😍 ❤️ 💗 💕 💖 💞
Sister Hanson
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