I was very happy with the way they turned out! Thanks for stopping by and will post more tonight so I hope you'll come back! Thanks again for sticking by me and always leaving me such sweet and encouraging comments! Until next time, take care.
We all don't like to make sympathy cards, but at some time or another, we have to. I made this one for dear friends who recently, and very unexpectedly, lost their mother/mother-in-law. I got the idea from the wonderful Patty Bennett and you can find her post here.
Happy Sunday everyone! Wow - can you believe I'm actually posting?!? I know, I've been MIA for a while now; life happens, you know? Thanks to all of YOU for checking me out and sticking by me. I also want to say a special thanks to my two Shirleys, Shirley C., and Shirley N. Shirley N., sorry I never got back to you - thanks for checking up on me. I'm ok and will try to be better at responding to e-mails. Shirley C., thanks for always sending me the funniest e-mails - it's a great way for me to start my day!
Now, on to my card. I'm entering it into the Tiddly Inks Challenge #43, Picture Me. Check out the post here for all the details. I decided to use "Tiny Dancer" and I'm very happy with the way my card turned out!