Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Where Have I GONE?!

You would think that I fell off the face of this planet.  No, I have not. However,  I would say that I have entered into a place that feels out of this world.   I have entered a whole new world that 3 little children seem to run.  Three little beautiful, full of life, bright eyed, giggly wild girls...Yep that's me.  The mom of 3.  I love it, I live it, I breathe it, I sleep it, I clean it, I AM it.  Being a mom of three has changed me.  The moment my feet hit the floor in the mornings it is non stop.  Non stop has its ups and downs.  These days my house is not as clean as it used to be,  my organization has gone out the window,  and sitting to read, watch my own tv show, or blog, yeah right....
It's time for a little me! 
Here is my checklist: (for now)
get a good book
sign up for a gym membership
clean my room and decorate it!  make it my space and not the catch all for everyone's laundry!!
blog again!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Our Latest Trip to Farmington

This tree has had a lot of memories in it!  I have posed in it many times in my childhood!

Sage and Grandma making homemade ice cream!  YUM!

Coloring Easter Eggs with the cousins!

The best tree to climb ever!  Loved this tree as a child!  It's so fun to see my children play in it!

My Dad's cows and the cutest baby calves!  Sage had no fear!  I however have been away for too long and was a little nervous!

Notice the cows all staring at us!  The cows obviously have no fear of us either!

Rarely do I get a picture of the girls together!  So excited about this pic!

We had such a fun trip!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Reagan's Birthday Party!

Reagan's 2nd Birthday Pancake and Pajama Party!

For the Party Decor I made a birthday banner and hung up paper lanterns.  I chose a theme of colors using pink, orange, and a touch of yellow.  It was bright and fun for a breakfast party!

Oh the birthday cake.  This was a late night creation that I almost gave up on!  I did not plan well in making a good frosting.  It was tasty but not easy to work with, I can't tell you how much powdered sugar I kept adding!  I think it turned out cute enough! 

Hannah was so sweet to help Reagan make her crafts for the party!  We made fruit loop necklaces and door knob hangers!

Big sister Sage stringing her necklace!

My cute birthday necklace models!  Reagan, Sage, and Gabby.

Party Girls!  Reagan, Sage, Gabby and Chloe

After the party it was time for a Tea Party!  So cute to watch them set this up!

I hope you had a fun birthday my beautiful 2 year old!

I had fun with the batter of this cake!  Sorta made me feel like I was eating play dough!  So fun!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Reagan's BirthDAY celebrations!

I can't believe my baby is 2!!  It seems like she has been blossoming so much lately.  Like all of a sudden she became a little person with her own set of rules!  Reagan continues to be a sweet and lovable little girl.  She is quick to give a kiss or a hug, says thank you and sorry and excuse me at all the right times, loves to read a book, and LOVES for us to tell her stories.  Her vocabulary is growing everyday.  She absolutely knows how to say, "help me", "carry me", "I want a treat", or my recent favorite, "mommy, Sage is mean to me".  Sage isn't getting away with much any more!  I am so happy that Reagan can stick up for herself these days! 
Reagan has never stopped amazing me.  She continues to teach me and help me to grow as a mother and as a person.  Reagan is now strutting her stuff in her 3rd prosthetic leg that just so happens to be purple with Hello Kitty on it!  We get lots of rave reviews as people are so amazed at how cute it is!  You honestly would not even know that Reagan is different.  She does everything that her big sister does, even if it is in her own unique way. 
Reagan melts my heart, she is so full of life and so much joy!  I love to hear her giggle.  Pure happiness!

We packed our lunch, grabbed a blanket, and headed for the park on her birthday.  It was such a nice day and we really enjoyed playing in the sun!  Reagan has mastered the park by our house.  She climbs up and down and goes down the big and little slide!  I can finally sit on a blanket and lazily watch them play! 
For a fun birthday outing we visited Kangaroo Zoo!  One of our favorite bouncy house places!  The girls had a BLAST!  And so did Scott and I.  I was amazed that I had the energy to climb up those things!  Harder than it looks!  Especially when you are trying to get a 2 year old up with you!  WEEEEE!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Valentine's with Lady A and my Sweet Heart!

Scott and I had a BLAST this Valentine's Day!  He surprised me this year with tickets to LADY A!  It was such a fun night!  I sang all night long and I hardly had a voice by the end of it!  He did it right by getting us tickets in a suite, I was still in the first trimester of my pregnancy feeling a little nauseous, having room to move around and get food when I needed it made it a very enjoyable night for me!  Thanks babe!  I love you!

My Trip to Paradise

I feel so happy and blessed that I was able to make the trip to visit one of my best friends last month.  It was a trip that I needed so much for more than just a few reasons!  Since Terra moved I have missed her so much and really needed some girl time!  Our lazy days on the beach, indulging in delicious food, taking in gorgeous views, shopping til we honestly couldn't move our feet any longer, watching amazing dancers and performers at the PCC, visiting the Hawaii LDS Temple,  whale and sea turtle watching, seal duty and don't forget Jack Johnson singing at the school PTA fundraiser are just a few things that made up for those very much missed girls night out and play dates with our kids!  My husband made this trip possible by taking on major kid time and less work time.  I also am so thankful for those of you that watched my girls while I was gone!  I was so happy to know that my kids were in good hands.  I am also grateful to have such a warm welcome from Terra's family and to her husband for helping extra with her kids so that we could play all day long!  Now I am wondering when I can go next!