We have had a busy week and the kids have had so much fun. Owen had another biopsy first thing Monday morning. Janesa came down from San Fran to spend the night and take care of Logi for us. It was a lifesaver and Logi had so much fun with "Je-E." Owen had me bunny suit up and head into the cath lab with him. He seriously doesn't need me to walk him back anymore because I stand in the corner of the room all by myself as he is Mr Chatty with the entire team. He doesn't do premeds, he is just laughing because he's excited about the drug induced nap he's about to take.

The biopsy went great, his pressures were (RA 2, Wedge 7), and we got a ZERO rejection score! He continues to feel great, eat well and play hard. We followed up with labs, echo and clinic appointment on Wednesday morning. Everything looked great and we didn't need to make any changes to anything. He is officially off sternal precautions so we can start working his core and upper body strength in Physical Therapy. All good things. We are having open conversations about when we can go home. Our center has a pretty strict rule where they want transplant patients to stay local for three months post transplant because that is the most fragile time period with a new heart. We are working on getting out of here at about 8-10 weeks post op. While we are here, we will make the most of it.
Logi loves the "baby room" and the play room. He is always running off into the lounges and train table room. I seriously cannot keep up. Having a toddler in a giant house with 70 other families and telling him he can't go play in certain rooms at certain times alone has me crazy at times. We go to parks, play out back of the RMH and he loves all the kids around.

Tuesday night there was a couple boys celebrating birthdays in the house so there was a massive nerf gun war on the 3rd floor. Cake, pizza and lots of kids running around with nerf guns. It's seriously humbling seeing all the kids fighting BIG battles running around and having fun. Gage and Owen were tackling Hunter, Logi was pushing baby Alivia around in her baby walker and trying to sneak bites of the birthday cake, and it was happy chaos.

Last night was another "Epic Nerf Battle" out back at dinner time. They were out there for a long time and there must have been 20 kids fighting. Then as always, there was kid drama and we called it a night.
Owen is eating well and trying new, healthy, foods everyday. Logi hardly eats anything healthy but will always go for a big bowl of guacamole! When you can't beat them, you join them! Who doesn't love Guacamole? Oh and we are totally NOT eating food in our no food allowed RMH room. I promise we obey the rules!

Life is good and we are all getting thorough these next few weeks until we get the green light to head home. Logi is happy and Owen loves having Logi with us. Owen is kicking butt with PT and I haven't used his feeding tube in over a week. We miss Kam and Carson like crazy!!! Kam has dance concerts tonight and tomorrow night and this is the second concert I missed this year. :( I'm so heartbroken that I can't be there because I LOVE watching my baby girl on stage.
We think about our donor families every single day and Owen prays for their families every night. We will continue to live the best life and make every moment count and honor their gift to Owen. This is our Happy!