Owen has a BIG personality. He is funny, smart, witty and has a kind heart. He loves to play quietly and enjoys having his own space to imagine. He will play in his room for hours with Legos and comes up with the best "creations". He is an Encyclopedia for all things Superheros and wants to become a scientist so he can create "potions and cures." He loves watching YouTube videos and has been begging me to create a YouTube channel for him all year. He is reading really well but given the choice, it's the last thing he'd choose. He can play video games for hours and loves playing with his cousins. He loves to snuggle and have long conversations.. I often hear him talking Kam's ear off at night when they are supposed to be asleep. If I had only one word to describe Owen it would be Brave! No matter what challenge he faces in front of him.. he puts on a brave face and he Conquers.
Here is a recap of the post I wrote last year... Let's take a walk down memory lane. Look at this little peanut.. born with half a heart and ready to fight. Who knew that he would be thriving, with a strong new heart, celebrating his 8th Birthday!
His first year was intense full of unknowns. Two open heart surgeries, 3 cardiac catherizations, transplant evaluations, oxygen, 24/7 NG tube feeds, therapy 3x a week...
At two he was butt scooting around the house, manueving around his oxygen tubing. We ditched his NG tube and had a Gtube surgically placed. Owen started being treated at Stanford for heart failure and we had a couple more caths this year. He was talking up a storm and such a stubborn little spitfire!
By three, we finally had a walking boy! He would say the silliest things all the time and we knew he was trouble. We told him to bring it! Owen had his third open heart surgery at Stanford to repair his Tricuspid Valve, another couple cardiac caths and we continued to talk transplant. Owen wrapped up his year with his Make A Wish trip to Disneyworld!
By four, we knew Owen was having a tough time keeping up, satted in the low 60s and was listed for a heart transplant. He had a great year with many ups and downs, but such a tough guy!! He continued to work hard with PT, OT and Speech therapy weekly and always impressed us.
Owen's fifth year has been the year of change. He received his heart transplant in July and has thrived ever since!!! When we look back at the first part of his fifth year and compare to the last half, we are so grateful for this amazing gift of life he has been given. He had started Kindergarten with a homebound teacher, learned to jump on the tramp, and improved in every area of development. It's like he is a new boy!
Six has been the year of transformation!! Owen has physically, emotionally, cognitively.. every area has changed for the better. He is growing like a weed (finally)...he started 1st grade..he is running (almost), jumping on the trampoline (getting air)..wicked smart in math.. his writing has improved so much.. he is reading (when he has to). He is happy, smart, funny, and such a delight to be around! He no longer has hulk rage and his teacher says he is the most obedient, kind boy. Even with a bajillion biopsies and trips to Stanford, you always have such a positive attitude.
Owen's 7th year started off a little rocky. I know your biggest goals were to make it to 2nd grade and to finally ditch your Gtube for good. You have done amazing with second grade at home and the gtube will have to stay a bit longer. We are so, SO proud of you!!! I hope you always remember how brave you are and what you have overcome as it has molded you into the incredible boy you are today!