Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sick Day x2

Owen soaked through his sheets last night. The little guy just sweat and sweat. I have been keeping on top of the Tylenol and Motrin. Keeping him hydrated with Pediaslite.. not Pediasure (typo in my last post). In fact, I gave him an entire jug of Pedialite yesterday. He's well hydrated!

I spoke with Dr Stock yesterday afternoon and he said to treat him as if he were a healthy kid... but err on the side of caution. Back off the Lasix if he shows signs of dehydration. Decrease the Captopril if his blood pressure seems too low. Keep him cool.

My kids don't usually get sick. Not like this. Kamryn has only had antibiotics 3 times in 10 years. Owen hasn't had a fever since he was an infant and has stayed healthy, despite his heart. I'm hoping he's on the upside of this bug. He's acting a little more like himself but looks kinda awful.

Today is another "catch-up day" for me. While Owen lays around and Kamryn reads... I am getting all the housework caught up. Today's list is to scrub the floors, vacuum, clean out the fridge, wash the sweat soaked bedding, and disinfect the things he has touched.

Speaking of sweaty. The Mormon missionaries just stopped by for some Popsicles and ice water. They really are such sweet boys.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Sick Lil' Man

Owen woke up from his nap yesterday and was smokin' hot to the touch. Fast forward to 7pm last night during tubby time, he started shaking hysterically and his entire body turned purple. I don't think I have ever scooped him up and hooked him up to the pulse ox faster. His oxygen was in the low 50's and he was on fire again. After a another dose of Motrin, more oxygen, and lots of fluids (so loving the Gtube access), he was back to "okay" status.

His heartrate was elevated, but I'm pretty sure that's normal when you have a fever. All through the night I kept rotating Tylenol and Motrin. He breathed heavily and quickly. None of us slept well, including Owen. He puked twice, I had to change his sheets twice. I almost took him into PCH, but wanted to save him all the pricks since he was responding to the meds and his O2 was stable.

We got up early and headed to the pediatrician. Dr Laks (his regular) was out today, so we went to our friend Dr Jean. His temp was 101.5, even with all the fever reducers in his system. His ears look good. His lungs sound clear. His throat looks red but the strep culture came back negative. We're pretty sure it's viral and that means there is nothing we can do but let him ride this out.

He's now in bed and seems a little miserable. He's tolerating his feeds okay, as long as I make him really bland blends. I'm also giving him lots of Pedisasure. I have a call into cardiology. I don't know at what point we need to take him in for cultures.

Background: When Owen was younger.. any little fever would give him a one-way-ticket to ICU. He was cultured and given IV antibiotics as a precaution. Now that he's older and he hasn't had a fever in years.. I just don't know what to do.

I had planned to take fun 4th of July pics this morning for his 29 month post. Maybe tomorrow.

PS. We are already down to 1 pink bink. Where do they go? It doesn't matter. If he needs one... he gets one... at naptime that is. Oh.. and his teeth are awesome... so his dentist says... and his smile lights up our lives!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Pink Bink

Owen loves his bink. His addiction started when he was a baby in ICU. Every time he would throw his binky on the hospital floor, his nurses would just bring in a new one. We always came home with a ton of binkys. Now that Owen is almost 2 1/2, his binks are getting old. I find them under the car seats, under his bed, in the couch .. and they are all chewed and nasty. I have just started pitching them. This week, we were down to ONE binky.

I had to make the decision. To buy more or bid farewell to the beloved binky. Owen only uses the binky at nap time and before bed. He also uses it as a major comfort when he is getting blood draws, immunizations, echos, before/after going under anesthesia, or when he just plain feels miserable.

I didn't have the heart to make him part from his Binky just yet. Since we were down to one, I had to buy more. The problem is they don't sell the 0-3 month binky that he loves anywhere. Amazon has everything... and only one seller had the right binks. I ordered 2 packages and in the fine wording it said "colors may vary". There was blue, green, yellow and pink. I took my chances on colors and here's what came in the mail.....
It's takes a real boy to rock a pink Binky like this!
Owen's newest "funny" of the week is this little comealittlecloser finger move. How can you not move in for a great big smooch!!?
We'll see if the new Binky's meet up to Owen's standards tonight!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lunching with Kids

My mom planned to take me out to lunch for my birthday today and we thought it'd be a great idea to take the kids. It was going great until Owen ripped Gigi's menu slash coloring page. Then he stole Kamryn's root beer and proceeded to spill it all over himself. Before I go any further, I just want to give a shout out to the awesome waiter who gave our kids balloons 15 minutes after sitting down. As I was attempting a conversation with my mom, Owen was batting his balloon against my head and the girls on the other end of the ginormous booth were being ever so crazy.

It was so wild.. it was hilarious. I couldn't help but laugh!! There was so much more that transpired in those 2 hours we spent at lunch. Good Times. Next time, we'll have to go out when the guys are home and we are kid free. You can tell we don't get out to restaurants much.
We are home now. Owen is taking a much needed nap and the girls are playing in the other room. It's so quiet.

THANK YOU for all the advice on flying! I will not take the car seat on the plane, good to know. I think getting insurance to cover the portable oxygen is going to be my biggest challenge. I spent 45 min on the phone with United Healthcare this morning and after being transferred six times... they finally told me oxygen is only covered if we use an In-Network durable medical equipment provider. Then I spent another hour talking to those companies and they DO NOT provide any type of portable oxygen concentrators that are FDA approved. There is one place that does, but it's $30 per day and $40 battery charge. There's a catch! They only provide this for their existing oxygen patients, and insurance won't cover it because they bill it as a "convenience" item.

Seriously?? What is convenient about flying with a toddler and an oxygen concentrator? I'll find a way to get the right concentrator and also to get one of his two insurance carriers to cover it. Has anyone had insurance issues with this? It's not as if I'm flying to an island for a beach getaway... we're going to another hospital for a cardiac cath. Good thing I have 3 months to figure it all out.

Have a great weekend!! We have plans to swim, take long naps and relax.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lazy and Hot ... Advice on Flying with Owen

Oh my goodness we have been LAZY!! It's SO hot in the desert. Today was a record breaker at 113 degrees. When it's that hot out, we don't feel like doing a darn thing. My Birthday was a good one. We went to the mall and met Carson at Cheesecake Factory after work, just after I got Owen's oxygen cord tangled around the stroller wheel and it wasn't pretty.

We had another Movie Fun day today and saw The Squeakuel, which both of my kids adore. After that, we came home and stayed home. I wish I could say that I tackled the house, or got something done, but I didn't. I didn't do anything. I felt SO lazy and I will be paying for my lack of housework tomorrow.... it looks like a tornado came through here.

Owen has been having one of his sleepy weeks. He's been taking 3 -4 hour naps in the afternoon. Meanwhile... Kamryn has been reading book after book after book this summer. I love that she enjoys it. I just don't understand it. I have never been a book worm and have to be up and doing something or else I go crazy.

Carson has been busy working. I have been busy with the usual Owen stuff, taking Kamryn to dance, trying to convince Owen to walk (yes, I use bribery). I will save all the fun things he's been up to for his monthly post on Monday.

I purchased my airline tickets for Stanford in October. If anyone has advice on flying with an oxygen concentrator... help! I have no idea if it's something insurance should cover. Do I just go rent one somewhere? He's on continuous flow and I read that some of them aren't continuous. Aye aye aye. Also... any advice on how to take a toddler on a plane, with a car seat or not? I just can't imagine taking a car seat, oxygen concentrator, laptop and diaper bag on the plane while holding a 30lb boy. Oh.. and do I take his compounded medications as a carry on too? Or is that not allowed because it's liquid? Please... if you know any of these answers... email me!!!

Thanks! :) I will have a real post with pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

...... to me! I am 30 plus 1 today.

Monday, June 21, 2010


My sister-in-laws and I took our kids to the aquarium on Friday. Our local library does a summer reading program and they handed out buy 1-get 1 free admission tickets. Who would have even thought to build a huge aquarium inside a mall? I guess that's what you do when you live in the middle of the desert. We had a good time, but it was crazy crowded. We waited forever to get in the door and we were stepping on kids left and right.
The kids had a great time and at least it was cool in there. I wouldn't say it's stroller friendly because I rolled over just about every one's toes in there. Owen kept asking to "walk... walk" and to get out of his stroller... oh, how I wish he would just walk!!
There were lots of fun little domes for the kids to pop their heads out of to see the fish in the aquariums. I had a huge bottle of sanitizer... yuck.
My favorite part was the walk through aquarium and the sharks.
Is that a shark? I don't even know. We saw the entire aquarium in about 90 minutes and the kids were ready for lunch. It was fun, expensive, crowded, but if you're looking for something fun to do for the afternoon... it's pretty cool to see once.
After lunch at the mall food court and Owen puking all over, we headed over to Gap. I couldn't find a hat for Owen that fit him. He loved this one though.
Sis liked this one...
The kids were keeping Owen entertained while we shopped. I love it. Owen was trying to steal Tatum's hat in this picture... little stinker.
We were hoping to get our moneys worth and go through the aquarium again before leaving the mall. That was until we saw the massive line outside. No thank you.

On Saturday, we met up with my best friend from high school to see Toy Story 3. It was great!! Owen slept through the first half and was thrilled to wake up and see "Buzz!!!" on the big screen. I was so worried that he would hate the movie theater but he loves it. This Thursday is The Squeakuel at the movies.. can't wait.

Summer vacation is so much fun. Kamryn is enjoying her time home, as are we. Today has been a rough day for Mister Owen, but he had a busy weekend. I guess we're forced to relax.
Thanks for all the Disneyland advice. We are totally excited! I have found several great hotel options and the Disneyland Hotel is on super sale for the week we're going.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the men in our lives! My kids are lucky to have such a fun, playful, laid back Daddy. I may gripe that he doesn't do enough around the house, or to get off the computer, or to change a diaper... but that's just "stuff." When it comes down to being a good dad... he is GREAT!! He loves to watch movies, read books and most of all... he's the cuddliest daddy around! Thanks for all you do!!
My dad is pretty awesome too! He wasn't always around when we were little because he was working so hard. He still works too hard. He has always made me laugh. He will do pretty much anything for me and I love that about him. My kids are lucky to have such a wonderful Grandpa and he only lives a mile away. Kamryn loves their date nights. Owen loves his raspberries. Gigi is a package deal. My dad is the most amazing dad to Gigi and would do anything for his little monster. We love you dad!
Roger isn't really our Dad, but he's always been like a second-one to us. Roger is my dad's older brother and never had kids of his own. We've been close to Roger since we were born and our kids LOVE Uncle Roger. He lets them climb all over him, they get him in trouble (for throwing balls in the house) and they know that Roger will let them do anything they want. Uncle Roger's birthday is tomorrow... so Happy Birthday Rog!
My father-in-law is an amazing man! He is spiritual and loving. Anytime we need him, he's there in a moments notice. He worked hard to raise six kids and they are all pretty great. It's hard not to love Todd, when my husband is his mini-me. They are alike in many ways. My kids love their Grandpa Todd!!
Brant was never a father, until he married my mother-in-law. Suddenly, he had six kids and ten grandkids. He has taken on the role perfectly. He is a wealth of knowledge for all things techy and has given me some great photography resources. My kids love hanging out with Grandpa Brant when we get together. Thanks for everything Brant!
We had a wonderful Father's Day today. Lots of yummy food, fun, and relaxing together. Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads out there!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Eleven Years Ago

We were married in 1999. It was a HOT, hot day in the desert. I spent the morning getting ready and running back and forth to the church to help fill up the helium balloons for the reception. I was running on little sleep because we were up late dipping the strawberries in chocolate. That was a good time! I didn't even think of getting pictures taken prior to the reception because the thought of putting my wedding dress on in 115 degree heat seemed miserable. On top of it all, I was in my first trimester with Kamryn and I had some serious all day sickness.

What got me through the morning, besides all my friends and family by my side, was knowing that I was marrying an amazing man. In hindsight, I would have eloped. Joking. Maybe.

I have little memory of walking down the aisle and saying my vows, but every memory of dancing our first dance as a married couple. It was perfect.
I didn't eat one thing that night. Except for the cake that Carson fed me, before I smashed one in his face in return.We spent the night at a local hotel and it was less than romantic as we were so exhausted. Then we took our first road trip to Vegas for our honeymoon. It was a great time!! Music, talking, puking (not so fun) and laying in bed. If only I had been 21, it might have been a little more fun.

I can hardly believe it's been 11 years since that day. We were babies. We grew up together. We've made good and bad decisions together. We DID it together. I love you babe!! Happy Anniversary. Now it's time to drop off the kids and have some FUN tonight!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Learning to Sew

Kamryn and her friends decided to take a sewing class the last couple weeks. I can't touch a sewing machine without breaking it, so I am no help in Kamryn's quest to sew. Thankfully, my mom has a pretty cool machine she let Kamryn borrow and the instruction booklet so I could show her how to turn it on.
Kamryn had a ton of fun learning to sew with her friends, but spent lots of time away from home. Owen was very excited when it was finally time to pick Sis up.
I was amazed at how well Kamryn did. Day 1 she learned how to make a pillowcase. When I picked her up on the first day she was using the iron to press her pillowcase. I never even thought to teach her how to iron. It's probably because Carson irons, I don't. Did I just admit that?On day 2, the girls made these adorable pajama bottoms. Kamryn loves to wear them and she did a darn near perfect job with all the seams. See? I sound like I know what I'm talking about.
On day 3, they made the cutest reversible aprons. I should have her make me one. I love it! Perhaps I should teach her how to cook now.
On day 4, she made this really fun purse. She even learned to sew a zipper and use interfacing. She knows more about sewing than I ever wanted to know.
The fantastic foursome. These girls are smart, funny and totally sweet. I couldn't have picked a more perfect group of friends for Kamryn. Annalisa (far left) is moving this summer, so I'm sure the blondies will be miss her dearly.
I'm so glad they had the opportunity to learn a new skill together. I'm going to have to convince myself to buy her a sewing machine now. Good thing we have tons of family that really know how to sew and will help her. :)

Tomorrow we are off to the Aquarium at the mall. Who puts an aquarium in the middle of a mall in the desert?? It's supposed to be cool and the same owners of huge aquariums all over the world. I'll have pictures!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We're headed to the happiest place on earth this fall for the Simmons' Family reunion. We've been many times and our favorite place to stay in the Disneyland Resort, but I want to save a little money and play for less this time.

At first I wanted to just go for two days... one day at Disney, one day at California Adventure. For just $30 more, we can go for five days. I'm not a Disney maniac that can spend day after day at the park from open to close.... I can only take so much. With that said, we rarely have time to stop and enjoy the parades and light shows. I think five days would be a great way to make it relaxing, hit all the rides, and also enjoy the shows as well.

Here's where I need your help. Where do ya'll stay when you visit Disneyland? What are some of your favorite places to eat? HELP!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Grandma's 90th Birthday!

(picture from Dec 09)

This past Saturday was Grandma Simmons' 90th Birthday Party in Tucson. We were excited to drive down and spend the day with Grandma and the entire Simmons' family. After (almost) 11 years of marriage, I think I finally figured out which cousins go with which aunts and uncles. Just in time for people to keep reproducing. There were so many babies around.

Grandma Simmons has a great big backyard with a pool, so the kids were occupied. We had a yummy BBQ and the weather was a perfect 87 degrees. It doesn't get much better than that!

I am so bummed that I only took two pictures ALL day. I was busy watching Owen climb in and out of the pool. Eating delicious food and catching up with cousins. We spend some time indoors with Grandma and she seems to be doing okay since Grandpa's passed away a few months ago. She was happy that we were all there and I don't know how she keeps up with all the Great-Grand kids running around. She always makes sure to acknowledge each of her Grand kids and try to remember their names. I can't even remember all their names. :)

I love that Grandma and Grandpa Simmons have lived in the same house since my father-in-law was little. I love that their bathroom tiles are the exact same ones that my Grandpa and Grandma Boulden used to have. It reminds me of my Grandparents each time I visit and there are so many great memories!! I think it's great that my kids get to grow up knowing some of their Great-Grandparents.

Grandpa Todd (Carson's dad) was sitting at the Organ with Owen. Who wouldn't love to play with all those gadgets!?
After swimming, eating tons of food, cake and Popsicles... I found the girls outside on the porch swing. I hope Grandma Emily had a great birthday! She looks amazing at 90! We are so glad that we spent the day in Tucson with family, it was well worth the drive.
Then of course we stopped at Lucky Wishbone on our way out of town for some greasy, artery-clogging steak fingers, french fries and garlic toast. Nothing like a greasy dinner after eating junk by the pool all day!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cardiology Update

We went for a visit with Dr Stock (Cardiology) today. Owen's appointment was originally scheduled for June 21st, but we bumped it up a couple weeks. Even though Owen has been more energetic lately, I can't forget how crummy he felt a couple weeks ago.
Owen's weight is up... 29.06 lbs and 36" tall. We didn't take his blood pressure, but I'm going to guess it was 70/40 like it was last time. Low. Nothing too concerning. We talked about our visit to Stanford, transplant, and increasing his medications. Dr Rosenthal (from LPCH) wants us to go up on his medications, based on his weight increase. The new doses are insane!!! He is already on 60mg of Captopril a day and based on his size, he would need to be on 75mg a day!! Also, we need to increase his Carvedilol (beta blocker) to 6.5mg a day, which is also a very hefty dose of a strong medication. I guess if they're keeping him stable... what choice do we have. We all have the same goal... keep him stable and growing.
I was having a Mommy downer day and Dr Stock listened and was encouraging. We had a long talk. We talked about how he exhausts, can't eat, can't walk, can't keep up with other kiddos his age. Dr Stock reminded me that's all he has ever known and not to compare him to a healthy toddler. We talked about transplant and the benefits of keeping him and his heart working together a long as possible. We discussed signs that Owen would show when he's ready to be listed. Lowering saturations (that won't increase with added oxygen), exhaustion, irritability, lowered heart function, ect. We talked about the Fontan and if Owen had been a candidate, we would be planning his surgery for early fall. Neither of us know when Owen will need a new heart, but agreed that the cath in October will be a pretty big indicator of what's to come.
I keep reminding myself that this is all out of my hands. There is a plan for Owen and I just need to have faith that it will all work out. I am amazed at how well he continues to do, despite the odds against him. I can't imagine what it's like to have so little energy to walk, or eat. I worry that he's not living a great quality of life. Then I look at the silver lining...

It's his life, and it's all he knows. He is so happy. What may seem weird to others is normal to him. He lifts his shirt for feeds (every 30 minutes throughout the day) and says thank you when I'm done. He gets excited when the UPS man brings his delivery of formula and supplies. He gives knuckles to the oxygen delivery man. He loves his therapists that come and play with him, even when he doesn't cooperate. He doesn't mind the countless doctors visits. He lives life the best way he knows how.
I wrote this post last night. This morning when Daddy was leaving for work, he accidentally kissed Owen on the nose. "Daddy -- my -- nose!" I knew what he meant. He has been giving Eskimo kisses to me and Sis all morning since, each time with a small giggle. I'm in love!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Party Crashers

Saturday night was Livvy's first birthday party. We celebrated in the pool because it was 110 degrees out. The party started out with lots of swimming, followed by Owen getting in and out of the pool (mister independent) and Livvy screaming in my arms because she just wasn't havin' it. Things spiraled downhill fast when Owen puked hulk style (purple and green) in the water. Guess throwing him after feeding him wasn't such a great idea in hindsight.

While showering him off, calming him down and cleaning up vomit... we heard Kamryn SCREAM. Not just a scream, but an ear shrieking scream. She was stung by a naughty bee. I had the great idea to grab her towel to dry her off and there was a bee sitting on her shoulder... awesome. Another scream. We calmed her down, got her ice and assessed the damages.
No allergy to bees. Just a tiny little dot and a fear of bees forever. Thanks bee.
Owen recovered from his puking fit and after 30 minutes of party crashing from my small family... the party continued.
Olivia loved her birthday cupcake and watermelon and chips and everything else that was edible. The girl can EAT.
Happy 1st Birthday Livvy!! We love you. Thanks for letting us celebrate with you and bring along some excitement!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Guess who's standing?

This little man....
has figured out...
how to...
STAND with no hands!!
Here is a little video clip of his new skill!
(forgive my obnoxious Elmo voice... apparently I watch too much Elmo)

Untitled from Andrea Simmons on Vimeo.