Today we are breaking out the Christmas tree and decorations! But first... this week is Thanksgiving and we have two Turkey days planned. It's really just an excuse to eat more turkey and
carbs. Our first feast will be at our house tomorrow with my family and we are so excited!!
Well, I am excited. Carson has had a rough stomach bug for past two days and last night he spiked a fever of 104. I kicked him out the door to Urgent Care just 5 minutes before they closed. The good news is that he doesn't have the flu or any respiratory issues. The bad news is that it's most likely a stomach virus and is obviously contagious. I have been feeding my
OCD by sanitizing the house after anyone touches anything. He hasn't had any more fevers,
thank goodness, and he's sleeping the day away.
I'm praying that Owen hasn't caught Daddy's bug, but he has been puking ALL day long. Every feed I give him he pukes 1/2 way through, then at the end. Not just baby
spit-ups, but open up the floodgates and all six ounces come pouring out. Poor guy. He's now on a continuous drip of
pediasure and then we'll go back to continuous formula in a while. Thank goodness for the
Between feeds, and puking, Owen has wanted to eat by mouth. He is such a great eater and will eat anything offered to him. His only issue is volume. He currently gets 1300 calories of
pediasure a day and only gets four, one hour, breaks during the day. His tummy is constantly full and so he wouldn't want to eat a big
ol' meal anyway. Our main goal is to keep gaining weight, so we do what we'll do. I'm just surprised that he is so interested in eating orally, even with such a full tummy. Today is was "
piiiIIL", which translated is Pickle. He LOVES anything salty.... pickles, peppered beef jerky, chips, vinegar. Oh, and I'm pretty sure he's part rabbit because he loves salad, bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots,
zucchini, peas in the pod, most veges really. Isn't he such a great eater for a toddler??
Kamryn used to eat Chicken Fingers, Peanut Butter and Bread. That was it.

Owen has decided that he only needs one, one hour, nap a day now. He sleeps for about 10 hours at night from 7:30-5:30, and I really enjoy that 5am wake up,
sigh. He then naps sometime in the afternoon, but only for an hour. That's it! The rest of the time, he is up and playing, reading, butt - scooting, doing therapies and running errands with me.

In feeding therapy we are working on improving his chewing skills and swallowing large boluses of food. He has come SO far since last year!! His crazy high calories feeds seem to be working a little because Owen has gained almost a pound in the last month. He's up to 25.7lbs.
In occupational therapy we are working on puzzles, putting the correct shapes into the shape sorters, building with blocks (not throwing them) and actually playing with one toy for more than 2 seconds. He's really caught up in OT, but we love his therapist so we keep doing it! Plus she helps out with the eating and also works on PT.
In physical therapy we are working on pulling to stand, building his trunk muscles and standing for longer periods of time. He can stand, but he can't get
transition there by himself. I actually have to stand him up against the table and then he can stay there until his legs give out and then back to his tush he goes. He works hard on this all week long and each week he gets a little stronger. I can't imagine pushing myself as hard as he does if I only had 1/2 of a heart (that didn't work so well) and only 75% oxygen levels. We should get his gait trainer sometime in the next two weeks.. insurance approved it and it's been ordered... in shiny red!! Hopefully he will use it around the house a little so we can get him walking.

We just found a new speech therapist that will start next week. Without speech therapy, Owen's communication has taken off! He can tell us "yes or no" for what he wants, he is picking up on syllables (
Kamryn taught him 'technology' and he says "eh-o-ah-e"), he
imitates everything that we say, "uh-oh" and "
dooo" (thank you) are always used in context. He says other stuff, but those are the ones that I can think of right now.
We are so grateful for every moment with have with our mister Owen. He is always happy, dancing, singing, talking and he is a butt-scooting fool. I'm pretty sure if they had
Olympic speed for butt-scooting, he would win! Life is so much sweeter with him in it and we pray that we have a lifetime with him!!