Kamryn's school had their yearly bookfair this week. You know... your mom sends you with money and you buy wacky stuff that she would never really buy you. Kamryn took $20 today and I said "don't spend it all, and please buy something interesting." I guess we have different opinions of 'interesting'. She didn't spend ALL of it, but has $3 left after picking out the Pokemon Ultimate Handbook, Pokemon pencil, twirly eraser, and this little thingy. I had to laugh because I had absolutely NO idea why she would buy a pointed finger on a stick for $5!

The short version of her response is "it's a pointy finger for reading... when you get distracted when reading, you can point the finger to the word you left off on and come back later." Really? Who thought of that? She thinks it's a great invention! :)
Owen thinks she bought it for his chewing pleasure. Thanks sister.

Owen is going to be 13 months old tomorrow! He is still working on doing anything besides sitting up or laying down. We're working on getting him to lie down or sit up by himself. He'll crawl and walk someday! Physical Therapy has been working him hard but he just exhausts so easily.
His speech is coming along great... "MAM (yelled when he's mad only), Da Da (said so sweetly all the time), Du - Du (Duck), Ah Dun (all done, usually when we're eating), Na Na Nu (no). The rest is a bunch of babble, but we know exactly what he means.
He waves bye bye, does the motions for "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Tiny Turtle", "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and helps with the animal sounds when we sing "Old McDonald's EIEIO".
This little man LOVES music... this weeks favorite... you ready for it?
SINGLE LADIES by BEYONCE... he just cracks up when he hears it! It might also have something to do with me dancing around like the video when it's on.

As you can see.. he is back to his delightful self again. He is still puking and can't tolerate even the tiniest amount of formula though. He keeps dropping pounds and yet I have NO idea what to do. He tolerates clear liquids and ice, but anything with calories he pukes. Maybe since he's acting more like himself, he's getting over it?!