So if you ask me, this story starts about 2 weeks before Brynn was born (OK really it all started 9 months ago, but bear with me). About 2 weeks into January I started feeling really sharp/pinching contractions. In my pregnant experiences, this pain only occurs when your water is about to break. The pain would be so intense that I would naturally shove my hand in between my legs like I thought I was going to catch something. I told the doctor during my appointments, but every time he would check me I was only dilated to a 1. He felt bad for my discomfort, but promised that it wasn't changing anything. I accepted his answer unwillingly and continued to bear the pain. 2 days before Brynn was born, nothing about this scenario had changed. That being the case, it didn't seem unwise to let my husband attend a major lacrosse invitational with his team in Austin the last weekend of January. Besides, we had our planned c-section date of February 3rd. For those of you unaware, I have had 2 emergency c-sections as a result of attempting to deliver our 2 boys, so I was out of chances. Brynn had no choice but to be delivered the same way – via c-section.
Moving along, Brodie left for Austin, TX early Saturday (29th) morning. Knowing I was extremely pregnant and alone with the boys, my AWESOME sister-in-law Magan knew that I needed her. She came down that afternoon to keep me company and we chatted for a long time. Of course we had a very long conversation about the upcoming c-section and the whole plan that we had set out. I expressed my serious excitement for the plan, how well thought out it was, and how stress free the whole experience seemed based upon our plan. Everything from helpers to babysitters to Brodie taking time off had fallen into place and I was looking forward to the plan running smoothly. As dinner time approached, Magan convinced me that Chick-Fil-A was the best answer and I agreed. The boys loved their food and had a blast letting out some energy on the jungle gym. As we were finishing up our meal, Brayden casually walks back to the table and says that Rylan is crying. We ask why and he simply responds that it's because he fell and is stuck. We thought he was joking because he seemed soooo unconcerned. Magan and I jumped up and ran to the play area where we open the door and finally hear Rylan crying at the very top somewhere. Again because Magan is so awesome, she doesn't hesitate to start climbing up the jungle gym to rescue my boy. I would have never been able to make it up there, so I'm glad she was able and willing. We decided that was enough for one night and headed home, said good-bye to Magan, and settled into bed for the night.
Feeling restless I decided to fall asleep to a movie, The Blind Side. About half way into the movie I dozed off, only to be awaken a short hour later with EXTREMELY intense pinching contractions. I knew it the moment I woke up - this was it. The contractions were making me have to pee, but getting up might give gravity the advantage and might break my water sooner. I figured if I lie there on my side, breathing slowly and rubbing my belly that it would all go away. I text Brodie and explained the current situation so that way if he woke up at any point during the night he would know what was going on. Within a few minutes I knew that things were only getting worse so I quickly began to say a prayer in which I begged, no pleaded, with Heavenly Father not to let my water break. I don't even think I got to the amen part when IT had happened. All over the bed my water had broken. Honestly my first thought was that Heavenly Father has a sick sense of humor, my second thought was maybe I really did just pee, and my third thought was that no one has ever drank that much water so this must be it. I grabbed my phone and ran to the bathroom to verify what I already knew was true. I frantically called Brodie to tell him the news.
Apparently I was not the cool, calm, and collected person that I thought I was being. It took 3 times telling Brodie what had happened before he could understand me. I was crying and talking fast and barely breathing. I was so frantic that Brodie thought I was calling about a bad dream. Once the message and the shock finally hit him, Brodie went into survival mode. He told me to hang tight and he would be calling me right back. After hanging up the phone I felt like my world was spinning. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, and I couldn't feel. I was numb. I looked at the time and noted that it was only 2:30am and my night owl of a sister would still be up. I called her looking for help. Again, I was so blessed to have her pick up. I quickly told her what happened, explained that I need her to help me snap out of it, and asked for a good story. She began telling me funny stories about my brother-in-law and how he had full on conversations with her in his sleep and says some very funny things. That was all I needed. I got up and began to get ready for the hospital.
Being that we had a scheduled c-section date, I had not prepared any sort of hospital bag and was not about to pack one now. Brodie had gotten a hold of our friends Dan and Cheryl Potter who lived down the street and who were apparently still up (again another blessing in this whole mess). They were on their way over, and the only thing I could manage to do was put some dry clothes on and grab my purse. Dan stayed at our house with the kids and Cheryl and I hopped in the car. At 3am there's no need for lights to be turning red, so we cautiously ran red lights and stop signs the whole way there. We arrived at the hospital a little after 3am.
Nurses came out to greet me with a wheel chair to help me to a room since my contractions were now 3 minutes apart. We got to a room and they began asking me questions to get me admitted. They said, "let’s check to see if your water has broke and if so we'll get you admitted." They were speaking very calmly, and as if this were my first pregnancy. I quickly told them this was my 3rd child, I was scheduled for a c-section later that week, that this was the second time my water had broke, and I wasn't going anywhere. I'm telling them all of this as I stood up to change into a gown and more water went gushing down my leg. It was then that you could feel the atmosphere change to tense. Knowing I'd had 2 c-sections already made this a little bit more of an emergency. They quickly put me back in the wheel chair and got me to another room.
This is the part where in my head things were flying in all directions and it is kind of a blur. I was filling out paperwork, giving blood, getting an IV and DYING through extremely painful contractions. I couldn't have made it through without Cheryl though. Being a PA by profession she was extremely calm and comforting. I sucked at breathing through the painful contractions though and the nurses kept yelling at me that Brynn's heart rate was through the roof. I was so scared and this was not helping. My husband was driving from Austin with only a few hours of sleep which made me feel alone without him (despite Cheryl being so helpful), my water had broken and my labor was progressing faster than I'd ever heard of and I wasn't supposed to be in labor due to the millions of complications that could arise from my previous c-sections, and it didn't feel like things were going smoothly at all. This was not the plan, and in that moment I longed for the plan. I longed for my husband, and I was scared out of my mind that the worst would happen - that entails plenty of different scenarios. The silver lining at this point was that another woman had come in about 30 minutes before me so the anesthesiologist was already there. What a huge blessing because without him I was in trouble. The chaos continued, but the doctor finally came in to check on things and update me on the situation.
I was dilated to a 6 already and we were about to go in to the O.R. to get my epidural and start the surgery. Shortly after the doctor left the room I began to hyperventilate. My contractions were about 1 minute apart and breathing was not my forte at the moment. I started losing feeling in my legs, my arms, and my face. As I'm telling the nurse this I began to feel real sick. I told her I thought I was gonna puke. She hadn't even responded to me yet when up came my Chick-Fil-A. I was throwing up like a champion, in between contractions, and was still expected to keep breathing properly through it all - ahhhhhh was my thought right about then. Cheryl was given some scrubs and off we went.
In the O.R. I was quickly put on the teeny table where I was expected to lay very still - yeah right. Have you seen the contractions I've been having? My body involuntarily kept curling into a ball and the nurses kept yelling at me that I would fall off the table, but I didn't care. It was all I could do to make it through them. The doctor again came in to check me. I was already to an 8, and her announcing this made the air in the room feel thicker. They told the anesthesiologist to hurry in, it was time. I got up and leaned over the table the best I could. At this point there was no time in between contractions - they were just there - a constant pain and a serious hinder on my ability to breath or sit still. Everyone was yelling at me to sit still so the epidural could be put in. This is practically a 2 minute process and it seemed impossible at the moment to sit there. As they started, my contractions somehow got worse and I couldn't help it. My body began pushing out baby Brynn. My water went gushing all over the O.R. table and floor. The doctor quickly gloved her hand and stuck it under me in case Brynn fell out. The moment was too intense for words. I again said a prayer in which, I'll admit, I think I was screaming to the heavens. I proclaimed that I needed just a 1 minute break in which I could handle the pain enough to sit still and let this nice man complete the epidural without making me paralyzed. I think Heavenly Father felt sympathy for me at that moment because the second I was done with my prayer the pain subsided for a moment. The epidural was done, but we didn't have time for it to fully take effect, so they laid me down and applied another IV down in between my legs. Again the doctor checked me - I was dilated to a 10 and baby Brynn was on her way out.
I knew that things were happening, but with all the drugs, I didn’t care anymore. I was enjoying the moment. I couldn't feel anything and Cheryl had finally been able to come back in. I was so glad to have the procedure beginning because I knew that the end was almost here, that Brynn was going to come out the safest way, and that I could handle the rest of it now. All of a sudden I heard them say that I would feel a large push as they pulled the baby out (from both ends). Um hello - I had no idea they'd even started cutting me open, and then 1 moment later she was out. I took a deep breath (because it was physically possible now) and cried just a little. I was sad that my husband wasn't there to give me a congratulations kiss, but Cheryl smiling over at me was nice to see. The second she was out they announced the time - 4:20am. I honestly giggled and thought that Brodie would appreciate that. I had gone from my water breaking at 2:30am to almost having her fall out of me at 4:20am. What a crazy few hours it had been.
In all of the chaos I had forgotten to grab a camera, so luckily my cell phone has a decent one or who knows how we would have gotten photos taken. Cheryl ran over to snap a few of our new little girl.
She was exactly 2 weeks early and still managed to weigh 7 pounds 2 ounces. She's as tall as her brothers though measuring 20.5 inches. She's so long and skinny that nothing fits her properly. After getting her all measured, the nurse brought her over so I could kiss her :)
Then Cheryl went with Brynn and the nurses to the nursery and I stayed to get all stitched up. I was all done and wheeled back to my room a few minutes after 5am. At 5:15am Brodie showed up and another huge wave of relief rolled over me. He stayed with me for a few minutes and then went down to see Brynn. Just a few minutes later he came back and the nurses were on their way up with her.
It was over though - the night I didn't feel like I could possibly survive when it had all started was finally over and everything was OK. There were blessings all along the way, but in no way do I want to relive a night like that again. The next few days were so pleasant. A makeshift plan went into effect, and ran as smoothly as could be expected. The boys were taken care of, Brodie got work off, and my recovery was going better than the others which is amazing considering how close I got to delivering Brynn naturally. We had lots of visitors come and celebrate which was so nice to have.
I had the best experience in the hospital. The nurses were beyond amazing. They were very kind and thoughtful and always went above and beyond. I think this helped out in more ways than one.
The power even went out while we were there due to the intense cold front that had come in, but everyone was accommodating. Once we were all cleared by our doctors, we dressed Brynn up and got ready to go. In my head this outfit was going to be the cutest thing ever, but that was when I planned on her being a few pounds bigger. Even though she eats like a champion, she lost a half of a pound in the hospital putting her at 6 pounds 10 ounces as we were leaving. She definitely has some growing to do before this fits properly.
What an experience. Glad it's over and glad we're home recovering. Couldn't be more blessed to have so much help pouring into our home. Thanks to all of our family and friends who have chipped in to make this transition a smooth one. We love you all and are so glad to have Brynn Ireland Simmons in our lives. She is one loved little girl!