Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SC we are not friends

It has been almost a year since I have posted. I know, I know, it has been too long! I really don't have any excuse as to why I have slacked off, other than I did not, could not, or had the time to post. I am back and we will see how long my hiatus will be this time. Well, as most of you know Steve broke his ankle 3 weeks ago and has been home bound and couch bound. It has been an experience to take care of him and I will honestly say I can't wait until he can walk again. I am excited for him to be able to walk and get around on his own, but most importantly I am so excited to not watch SPORTS CENTER!!! Please no more football, basketball (other than the Jazz), or anything else that has to do with a ball. I guess since I am a woman I don't see the intense draw men have to Sports Center. To me it seems like the same people sitting around the same desk and commentating about the same thing. What makes it so interesting? Now give me TLC anyday and I will tell you the interest behind it! Cake Boss, Say Yes to the Dress, What Not To Wear...what's not to love? I could just keep going on. One day I asked Steve how late the sports anchors on the show stayed on and do you know what he told me? All night!!! He said that he thought they are on all night! How can that be? Don't people sleep, don't sports have an intermission time? Thank goodness Steve enjoys sleep or I know that he would be up all night watching Sports Center. I will never understand the draw behind this channel, but I will say it is almost time for you to sign off SC!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

#1 Pet Peeve!

For many of you who don't know me very well or for those of you who do know me well I would consider myself a very patient and understanding person. I would hope my friends would agree. In different circumstances when I'm at the store or out in public and get treated badly with bad service I try not to let it get to me. I try to put myself in that person's shoes and just brush things off because life is to short to hold grudges, but the one thing I will not stand for and have no understanding for is bad service at a restaurant!!! That is my #1 pet peeve! I believe that if I voluntarily choose to go to a restaurant and decide to give them my money I am expecting them to treat me well. All I ask for is when I first walk into your restaurant until I leave I am treated well. I will not stand for crap! There has only been twice so far that I have had the worse service at a restaurant. The first time was a few months ago, Steve and I went to Olive Garden around 3 in the afternoon and we were completely ignored. I will not get into that story, but in the end we did walk out. The second time was this last weekend, Valentines' Day weekend to be exact! On Saturday Steve and I planned to go to Madeline's Steakhouse for dinner. I had only been there once before and their prime rib was delicious. We got there later, around 8, but we had hoped we had missed the Valentines' Day crowd. We didn't make reservations, but the young high school hostess (let me repeat, young high school hostess!) told us the wait would be 45 minutes. We were okay with that so we sat down and watched the Slam Dunk contest. To make a long story short, 45 minutes had now passed and we still hadn't been called back. Steve went up to ask the hostess how much longer we had to wait and guess what he found out? We had been passed up 3 times!!! I was livid! I was to the point where if I talked to anyone I would not be saying very nice things. The hostess looked embarrassed (which she should have been) and told him we would be next she told him that they had been having problems with their pagers all night. Well, that's fine that they were having problems with their pagers, but if the person you paged didn't come up to the desk in a couple minutes wouldn't you call out their name? I hate the round pagers! They never work with me. 5 minutes later they sat another couple, 10 minutes later they sat 2 more couples. What happened to "we would be next?" Steve then went up again, and asked them again what was going on. The young high school hostess was really embarrassed now, hurried and grabbed two menus and told us to follow her. She took us back and there were no tables available! She had us wait in the middle of the restaurant while they finished cleaning a table! You bet I gave her a dirty look! I had never been so upset in my life! I could not even look at her without looking mean. That is how upset I was. I'm not the type of person to cause a scene when I am upset, but you bet your life I will let you know in my own way that I am upset with you. Steve and I were finally seated and I was literally shaking because I was so mad. As Steve was trying to calm me down, somehow the manager found out what happened and came over to apologize and offer us a complimentary dessert. He felt really bad and I'm sure he did, but that couldn't change the situation. We tried to enjoy the rest of our dinner which turned out pretty well. Our server was really great and tried to be helpful and at the end of the meal Steve and I both got a dessert! Not one dessert, two. We were going to make the complimentary dessert worth it. Needless to say, our night started out badly, but it did end on a high note, a very little high note!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Is anybody else excited that the semester is over? Yahoo!!! I have been so busy the last week and a half with studying for finals I will have to admit I have neglected a few things. I just barely finished putting up my Christmas decorations and what day is it? Yes, that is right the 14th of December. I have also neglected my poor husband who has been so patient with me the last week and a half. He was very understanding and didn't complain that all we had for dinner were leftovers, soup, and macaroni and cheese. Very healthy, I know! :) This semester I only took one class (pathophysiology) and it was online. You would think since my class was online it would actually be pretty easy. But if you know me (like Candyce and Sally do) I am a big procrastinator and didn't always stay on top of my work for the class. It was very hard to get myself motivated to listen to the lectures online and to force myself to study. It was hard, but I got through it. I don't know how people go to school full time and work full time. I worked full time and barely went to school part time and I still had a hard time. Good for those of you who are more disciplined than I. Now that this semester is over I am completely finished with every prerequisite class I can take for nursing school. I will be applying to the program again this month for the summer of 2009 so everyone wish me luck! As for now I will definitely enjoy my time off from school and maybe reread the Twilight books!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Read Me, Read Me!

Hello! Everybody out there who has ever read my blog please come back! I have been very bad and have not updated in a very, very long time! I am still here, living and alive (yes, Ryan I am still alive). I have been distracted by too many things the past 3 months and blogging was not on my list of important "to-dos". Sorry guys! At the end of my blog I have included some fun pictures of things Steve and I have done so please enjoy. I will try to do a quick update and not drag on too long. Since my last blog, Steve and I went on our Vegas trip and had a blast at Hoover Dam. It was so awesome! I am not into dams, but Hoover was pretty cool! The dam was humungous ( I don't think I spelled that right) and we had a lot of fun learning about its history and construction. After our Vegas trip, it was demo time! We tore down half the walls in our kitchen to open things up a bit. We planned on the project being maybe 2 weeks, but it ended up taking us a lot longer. Thank goodness my dad came over to help because it probably would have taken us even longer than it did. It was a fun project, but what a mess it made! My house was covered in sheetrock dust and we had no furniture to sit on. Steve and I ate, watched tv, and just chilled on the floor. Even though we had no furniture for a few weeks, at least now, Steve and I can say we are no longer beginner home improvement workers we could be project managers! Once the demoing was complete in our condo, before Steve started pharmacy school, to officially welcome him as a future pharmacist his school hosted a White Coat ceremony! It was so fun to see him in his white coat and I was really proud that he worked so hard and soon he would be able to see the end result. That is all that happened the past 3 months. Right now, school is getting pretty tough for Steve, but Christmas break is coming up which we are both looking forward to. I am still working, but also taking pathophysiology online. Not the funnest! I love the class, but there is so much to know. I will be applying AGAIN to nursing school in December so wish me luck. Other than that our lives are pretty boring. I will try my hardest to keep my blog updated so please don't be mad! Enjoy the pictures!

Steve's White Coat Ceremony

Steve being helped into his white coat

It's official, he's got it on!

Steve and I at his white coat ceremony

Finally demo day!

Isn't my hubby working hard!

Construction zone with walls!

No more construction zone and look, no more walls!

Didn't Steve and I (with my dad's help) do a good job? The room looks a lot more open!

Hoover Dam

Here is a view of the bottom of the dam...

... and here is a side view!

Here is a picture of Steve and I at Hoover Dam. Isn't the dam amazing!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

To All Who Are Reading-I Am Still Alive!

Sorry to everyone who checks my blog and hasn't seen a new post in over 2 months. That is my fault. I am a big blog slacker! I hope none of you have lost hope and will come back and visit me! A few things have happened the past 2 months, but I won't bore everyone to death by updating everything about my life so don't worry. I feel like this summer is going by too fast! It is already August! How sad! I haven't done anything at all this summer that would be called exciting or fun. Unless, you think waking up at 3 in the morning to draw blood is fun! All I do is work so to take a little break from my obvious "hobby" of drawing blood Steve and I are going on a road trip to Vegas in a week. I am so excited! I am excited to go to Vegas, but I am more excited to be getting out of Utah! We will only be going for 3 days, but it will be a nice little vacation for us before Steve starts school again on the
25th. Now Vegas is not the exciting part of our little vacation; the exciting part will be when we get back and start "demoing" (as they say in "Flip This House") our kitchen! Yes, Steve and I will be tearing down walls in our kitchen to open up our place a little bit. I am a little nervous because it is a big project and Steve and I have never done anything like that before, but I am excited to see the end result. No worries though to anyone who thinks Steve and I will be doing this alone. My dear dad will be here to supervise (thank goodness)! Wish us luck and I will keep you posted on our home improvement project.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Steve and I celebrated our first anniversary on Friday, June 6. I can't believe we have been married a year! This year has just flown by! I can remember last year how I was so excited to marry Steve and be with him for time and all eternity. What wonderful words those are! This past year Steve and I have experienced so many things together. We have disagreed, cried, laughed, and compromised together and our marriage is stronger for it. There were many changes that happened when we became husband and wife, but I wouldn't change anything for it. If some of you get nauseous over cheesy things, then I would stop reading my blog now because I want to tell everyone how much I appreciate and love my husband. Steve is a wonderful man who takes care of me and makes me feel safe. He is my best friend and I can tell him anything. He makes me laugh, especially at myself when I have my "blonde" moments, but most importantly we laugh together. He is such a smart person and teaches me new things daily about everything. He is a worthy priesthood holder and I know will make a great father one day for our children. He will teach them values and morals that will make them become wonderful people. He is very good with handling our finances and even though he just rolls his eyes when I tell him I spent money on something he still lets me go shopping! He is able to calm me down when I get flustered over something and is my shoulder to cry on. Even though challenges may come our way I know that with Steve at my side we can get through them together. I hope if you (Steve) ever read our blogs you especially read this one because I want to tell you that I love you very much and you make me a better person everyday! Happy Anniversary! I know that was pretty cheesy, but I did warn everybody! I did post a slideshow of our first year together so I hope everyone enjoys!

Friday, May 30, 2008

No Indiana Jones For Us!

When I think of Memorial Day, I think of spending time with loved ones, barbeques, not going to work, and of course being outside. This Memorial Day I did 1 out of the 4 things on my list. The only thing I was able to enjoy was not going to work, but that might have been better than what Steve and I actually did on our Memorial Day. Everyone sit back and relax for a story is about to start! About a month ago, the association for our complex sent out a flier telling the residents that on May 8 someone would be coming around our complex to take out the covers over the swamp coolers and to also fill the tanks with water (I guess that's what they were doing, I'm just not really sure!) Well, Steve and I were not home on this particular day because like any American we were at work. We were very lucky that we have had a really cool spring so we haven't turned on our swamp cooler until recently. When we turned it on it was making this weird noise, wasn't cooling down our place, and if we had it on long enough we would start smelling smoke. Not a good sign. So the Sunday before Memorial Day, Steve and our good friend Darin decided after church to go onto the roof and see what the problem was with our swamp cooler. They were up there for a while cleaning it off and trying to readjust the water level. When they finally finished our swamp cooler was fixed! I guess the problem was that there was so much dirt around the tubing and everything else on our swamp cooler that water wasn't able to flow. Now that the problem was fixed Steve and I thought our troubles with our swamp cooler were over. Boy, was I wrong! That night we had gone over to Steve's parents for dinner and we didn't get back until almost 11. Well, when we walked into our home Steve thought he heard water running somewhere. We listened and looked everywhere and finally realized it was coming from outside and it was our swamp cooler overflowing! How could that be? We thought we had fixed the problem, but apparently Steve and Darin set the water level at the wrong level and the water was able to overflow. Steve was really nervous about it overflowing all night so he hurried and called Darin to see if he could help him fix the problem. Now understand it was 11:30 at night when Steve called Darin and I was getting pretty tired and I really didn't understand why it had to be fixed now. I guess Steve didn't want our place to get flooded which is a good reason, but still couldn't this be done in the morning? Darin is such a good friend that he said yes so they once again went up to the roof. They were only up there for about 15 minutes when I heard a "thud" noise. I didn't think anything of it until all of a sudden these loud footsteps were running down the stairs, then I knew something was wrong. Within a matter of minutes there was a loud banging on the door, when I opened it Steve was standing there and the only thing he said was, "Darin fell!" My heart jumped into my throat and the first thought that popped into my head was, "Do I need to call the police?" I hurried and followed Steve, but he was headed up the stairs not around the building. That was odd, if Darin had fallen wouldn't he have ended up outside? I didn't have time to ask so I just followed Steve upstairs, all the way up to the 3rd floor and into our neighbors home. When I walked into their place, right away I saw Darin covered with insulation and dirt standing in their kitchen! Darin had fallen all right, but not off the roof, he had fallen into our neighbors kitchen ceiling! It was a mess everywhere! Their whole kitchen was covered with insulation, not only that now there was a big, gaping hole in their ceiling! What a sight! Darin was so embarrassed and Steve and I felt so bad. The worst part of it all wasn't the big whole in their ceiling, our neighbors are from Serbia and didn't understand a thing of english! Try explaining to Serbians what you were doing on the roof at 11:30 at night! Now that is really confusing! We did the best we could to explain the situation and how we were going to fix the hole. I think they understood (hopefully). We cleaned everything up for them and told them in english and some hand gestures that we would come back in the morning to patch the hole and to fix everything up. That is exactly what Steve and Darin did (notice I said Steve and Darin)! They went to Home Depot at 7 am to get supplies and they did not finish the project until 4 that afternoon. I did help somewhat with the cleaning and of course the running back and forth to Home Depot for things they had forgotten to buy. Why can't men make lists? What a long day! Even though this project took the whole day to complete we were just happy that we had finished it and didn't have to come back for anything else. It was a very memorable day and Steve and Darin learned a very important lesson. When you are walking around the attic of a building DO NOT step on the sheetrock, step on the beams!