Christmas sparkling
sobota 17. novembra 2012
Keď svetlá sviečok zapália v detských očiach iskričky šťastia a čerstvý sneh sa zatrblieta v zimnom slnku, nastane tá pravá chvíľa na rozdávanie darčekov.
Ak Vám darček od nás urobí radosť, tak ste sa práve dočkali.
Do úhľadného balíčka "Christmas sparkling" sme zabalili časti 8 babinetiek. Každá pribalila kúsok vianočnej nálady a prianie, abz urobil radosť Vám i vašim blízkym.
Balíček nájdete na blogu Babinetiek ( ), zároveň Vás však pozývame na návštěvu blogu každej z nás.
Prajeme krásne Vianoce a tešíme sa na Vešu odozvu.
Nech aj Vám zaiskria oči, keď rozbalíte náš vianočný darček!
When the lighted candles will make light the sparkling of happines in the children eyes and the first snow will glitter in the winter sun, it'll be the right moment to get some gifts also to give it away.
If you would like to get the gift we've prepared for you, you've waited to right now.
There are eight parts included in our smart packet called "Christmas sparkling". Each of us eight Babinet girls gives into a piece of Christmas spirit and a wish of pleasure from this kit for you and your dears.
This packet, "Christmas sparkling" is situated on our blog ( ), but we actually invite you to visit blogs all of girls, they've taking part of this little collab.
So we wish you a Merry Christmas and we're looking forward to reading messages from you.
Let it enjoy sparkling in yours eyes, after you'll unwrap our Christmas gift!
Moja časť, my part:
My LO:
Happy scrapping!!!