Mark Lee did a beautiful job, to no surprise, capturing this gorgeous temple. Just looking at it warms my heart. For the majority of my married life I was right there... next to this temple. This was my home. And it's so dear to my heart. I thought I would miss Hawaii a LOT. Most of my friends that had left before me would talk about all the things they missed or wished they'd done more of. So I tried to make sure I did all I would want myself to have done! I haven't felt like I missed out on anything, really. I do miss the people. My dear friends that were my only family for so long! Cheesey? Well, you try being stranded on an island where you know of no one and see if you cling to dear people that love you, once stranger but love you like a sibling! :> I love my OHANA from Hawaii!
I'm in the MiaMaids now {and i LOVE IT}! This last Sunday as they set the new MiaMaid presidency apart Elena, a Hawaiian girl, had to word by word repeat her full Hawaiian name to the man giving her the blessing it made me smile, warmed my heart, and a tear to my eye to hear the language again! She has a beautiful name. But most of all it just filled me with Aloha. I realized that there is one thing I miss from Hawaii... the Aloha Spirit! So Kim, Angie, anyone in paradise... can you bottle that up for me and send it over! I need a heavy dose :D xox
Thank you Hawaii for adopting me for a few years! For harboring so many dear and precious memories! My child's birth and first year and a half of life. For forcing me to grow up. To branch out. To make me rely on my Relief Society sisters. To love so many people from around the world! And for so many other heart felt reasons. I love you and Mahalo Nui Loa