About Me

22, B Medical Science/B Arts in International (Japan) 2012: My year @Kansai Gaidai. This is just a place for me to personally record my everyday happenings =)

Sunday, 13 April 2008

# 28 - I'm officially a working girl ^^Y

woo! well i haven't actually started working but i will soon. I've been warned i will be bored enough to quit though =/ So we'll see what happens haha...either way it is good money so it must be pretty horrendous for me to want to quit ><" I'm in telecommunications as one of those research people hehe...I know what it is to be annoying *poke poke* so seems this job is good for me :P

I have exams coming. Exams are poo :( Currently it is really hard to predict what sort of marks i expect to recieve =/ Oh how i miss the predictability of high school classes. What is worse is that i can't even start some SERIOUS memorizing study. I just sit staring at my textbook thinking about random things and next thing i know i'm asleep dribbling all over my expensive pile of paper!! I hope i can get my act together soon or it will not end well..

I will not be suprised to fail atleast one subject in first year but i would prefer it not to be in first semester =/ I think i'll just feel really set back.

I had a good chat with anna over a facebook message. it was fun to hear what's been happening with that girl. I can't wait to see her in a few months!! =D I'm so pleased that she's finally booked the tickets..it seems that the time she returns is getting closer ^^..

My parents freaked out at me about the whole job thing. I've been yelled at everyday about something in relation to it. I wish they'd stop being so unstable about things and just support me when i need them to...and not try to be so supportive that i don't do anything.

Isn't it better to learn from one's mistakes instead of just taking what other people say as gospel? I think it is important and they don't understand that. Well i better get back to this biospere crud...

WORST SUBJECT EVAAA! (after stats of course)

Sunday, 6 April 2008

# 27 - Some people are plain stupid...

These guys are so ignorant and immature sometimes....i love being immature as much as the next person but god! sometimes i just want to punch them. Even if they aren't personally attacking me it bugs me so much...

I wish they would fucking grow some brains...

I'm dissapointed

Maybe I should distance them.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

# 26 - Procrastination is a stubborn habit.

So i'm sitting here with about 3hours left in my 6hr break. I think i shall go upstairs as soon as i finish blogging for a bit of a snooze or maybe some study. Whichever comes first ;)

My last couple of weeks have been pretty bland. Nothing has happened and the stress of university is mounting even more!! I really want to see people :( Blah university friends are boring me as of late...haha i've been here for too long already :P

I've had the WORST luck this week and i dont know why! its so strange.
Sunday i had a really bad fall pulling on my pajama pants..YES I WAS PUTTING ON MY PANTS AND I STACKED IT REALLY BADLY!! ><"...i never do that and atleast that was barely anything really. On tuesday i go to university to loose both my phone and my textbook (n i think my sunnies...still not sure but atleast i got a plush pig toy named pikamishi out of it xD) Wednesday i went back and got both my phone and my textbook back...today i got up to get off at central and my plastic bag with EVERYTHING inside it ripped so dramatically...it was rather embarressing and i had to stumble out barely making it out on time....then i sat in lecture and i heard the back of my sole half come off my shoe -.-' grrr...so now i'm walking around with a broken shoe + my back breaking from holding everything in my arms and shoulder.

i see a pattern in all the random n small shitty things that keep happening to me every second day...i'm ready for it.

damn you karma!!