Bebel Without a Clause

Bebel Without a Clause

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bila Pari-pari menjadi pari menjadi paari dan pari …ah? Kesinambungan dari Perkasam Punk

Haraf maaf. Siaran tergendala sebentar. Sejak akhir-akhir ini, banyak bloggers marah dengan kenyataan anak SV dan juga dari Gerakan Anti-Sami (GAS). Teman hendak lari sikit dari Nuke or not to Nuke....
Kita sering dengar kisah-kisah pari-pari.

Siapa tidak tahu kisah cerita-ceriti dalam filem lama, seperti Jula-Juli bintang tujuh yang dimana ada yang berpendapat itu adalah kisah alam pari-pari (atau fairies dalam bahasa Inggeris nya).

Makna 'fairies' yang telah berubah maknanya mengikut edaran masa. Kini pondan-pondan pun memberi maksud yang sama.


Dalam masa yang akhir ini, pari-pari mungkin bermaksud seorang yang pengecut dan biadap yang berselindung dibalik bapa yang boleh dikatakan telah menabur banyak bakti kepada kaum India di Malaysia. Tapi agak terlalu lama dan pari-pari telahpun berjuta kali naik turun ke muka bumi ini sehingga orang-orang India sudah mula membencinya.

Ikan pari pula sedap dimakan sebagai lauk asam pedas.

Sehandal-handal ikan pari melibas dengan ekornya, masuk jugak ikan besau ini dalam Asam Pedas.

Bila pedas itu tidak cukup lada hitam sehitamnya maka si  Pari dalam Assam Pedas ini akan bertukar menjadi Pariah sehitam-hitamnya yang cuba menjad lada kepada UMNO.
(More about him on Maika scandal :

Monday, May 24, 2010

To nuke or not to nuke that is the question (Part 2)

To nuke or not to nuke that is the question (Part 2)

We had seen in part 1 the possibility of looking at this issue more objectively. Let us see first what are the benefits that can bring to us when having a nuclear plant in Malaysia.


There are two glaring benefits that we can see right now, namely:



It is safe to assume that the whole purpose of building of the power plant is for the potential power that it can generate (POWER). The intensity of importance of building the plant is extreme compared to the importance of jobs creation when building the plant.

We can say that POWER is extremely important than the JOBS that it will create, graphically represented using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) comparison style:


2 potential opportunities:

1. As a potential power exporter (PWREX), and

2. An expert in nuclear power (so what!)
Being a net power exporter allows us to sell our excess power in the future to our ASEAN neighbors, Thailand, Singapore or Indonesia. Being a power exporter will allow us to leverage against the initial layout costs in the long run.

Similar as in the case of PETRONAS, which over the years, we had gained insight into oil production and now have become a global player in oil and gas exploration and the related industries.

Being in similar unknown territory will take us to what has no ASEAN country has gone before (just like Star Trek), and we may find ourselves a little bit of an expert and a global player in such areas. In this Bolehland, We believe the Malaysians after so many years would be able to say “Nuklear, Malaysia pun Boleh”!

See you in Part 3

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To nuke or not to nuke,that is the question..Black Monkey Part 1

To nuke or not to nuke?

Of late we are bombarded with many trivial questions. Many such questions had been around as long as we had lived. One of these are to building a nuclear plant here in Malaysia.

The intent of the Malaysian Government had been going on since the inception of an institute to study on Nuclear Technology.

More information can be found on Wikipedia:

The Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT) is a Malaysian nuclear technology research facility located in Bangi, Selangor.

Recently, MINT has been re-branded as Malaysia Nuclear Agency (Agensi Nuklear Malaysia).

Malaysia Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) has a role to introduce and promote the application of nuclear science and technology for national development.

Established in 19 September 1972, Malaysian Nuclear Agency was then known as Centre for Application of Nuclear Malaysia (CRANE) before it was formally named as Tun Ismail Atomic Research Centre (PUSPATI).

In June 1983, PUSPATI was placed under the patronage of Prime Minister Department and was called Nuclear Energy Unit (UTN). It was then placed under Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in October 1990. In August 1994, its name was changed to Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT).

On 28 September 2006, following its restructuring, MINT was given a new identity,which is Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia). Its strategic location, near higher learning institutions, besides its close proximity to the National Administration Centre, Putrajaya, and the Multimedia Super Corridor, Cyberjaya, has stimulated Nuclear Malaysia to meet its aspirations.

The rebranding followed mass restructuring of its organisation departments, human resource, and the re-alignment of its core business towards establishing nuclear power in Malaysia as an alternative form of renewable energy.

A friend of mine embarked on a study just to address on this particular issue. He used a decision suport tool he had just acquired for his company. The tool uses a special technique called AHP. Information on the AHP will get clearer as the reader journeys further.

On approaching this kind of complex problem, a Benefits-Costs-Opportunities-Risks model is the most suitable.

Let’s begin with the definitions first.

Benefits are defined as what the stakeholders including the public gets in the short term. The stakeholders include the public, the environment, our foreign neighbours, the state government, etc. Anything that may have an impact or concern to the building of the plant.

Opportunities is defined as long term benefits or contribution.

Costs may not only be in terms of currencies, it may be also intangible.

Risks are those negative impacts that we may in the long run had to endure, safety risks and environmental risks.

(Black Monkey returns in Part2)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Adakah Perkasam Pang mengatakan Nik Ajis Kufur?


Nik Aziz mungkin telah kufur?
Kufur Jika Sokong Guna Kalimah Allah - Dr. Haron Din

Dato Dr Haron Din tetap dengan pendirian beliau mengatakan sesiapa yang menyokong penggunaan Kalimah Allah KUFUR tapi..

Wali Selipar aka Nik Aziz tetap berdegil kata boleh.Liat macam SELIPAR hati dia dan bangang tahap TEROMPAH buat pegi jamban


Coba kita bandingkan mereka berdua ni.


Dato Dr Haron Din ulamak yang dihormati baik di kalangan penyokong Pas maupun Umno.Orang nya berhemah bila berkata kata,tidak memaki hamun,tidak mencaci dan tidak mendoakan bala dan mudharat kepada orang lain


Wali Selipar mulut macam 'cibai'(macam mulut aku),suka maki hamun dan suka mendoakan bala kepada mereka yang tak ngam dengan dia.Lulusan sekolah KEMAS,pernah lompat dari Pas masuk Umno kerana nak bertanding tahun 1974.

Jadi..cakap siapa yang boleh kita pakai..


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lapuran Awal: BN Kalah Teruk di SIBU

Mengikut sumber dari SIBU, BN akan kalah teruk di SIBU. Statistik bancian awal yang di ambil dari tiap2 pusat daerah mengundi (PDM) menunjukkan lebih kurang 45% BN dan 54% SUPP dan selebihnya Bebas.


Siamang Radio.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Benarkah dalam Islam bertenung nasib yang haram dan tidak disebutkan judi?

Teman terperanjat besar kelmarin sedang teman perkena Teh di Craven, teman terdengar perbualan ahli PAS di bukit ini bahawa bahasa sebenarnya yand digunakan memang tiada ayat Alquran dan Hadis menyatakan bahawa judi itu haram tapi  yang disebut ialah bertenong nasib.

Teman hanya ingin mendapat kepastian betul ke?

Ada kah mamat yang berani menghuraikan isu ini.

Teman hanya berjudi nasib kerana banyak babi hutan di bukit antarabangsa ini

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seloka UMNO 64 - When I am 64

Salam sahabat
Saya dapat
Umno sudah 64
Masih perlu ubat
Ubat bukan sebarang ubat
Bukan Ubat mahrifat
bukan Ali bertongkat

Musabah diri sentiasa bermuafakat
Mesra Rakyat
Jangan jadi pepijat
Nama dapat
Lain keringat

Jangan lambat
Ini lah dia Ubat kuat
sampai kiamat

Kepada UMNO selamat ulangtahun....ke64

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Vote for DAP = vote for Chin Peng and communist terrorists

We know what many if these ultra Chineses did last many summers.
Some bangEd other Chinese and some went
all out to show their concern for CPM chief who has murdered mercilessly malaysians, including Chinese
. To the bumis, voting for them
means having to listen to karpal Singh and the kid relentlessly to end
the concept of protection of the natives making them slaves
in the one country they only know of.
Balck monkey from Kuantan.

P/s teman ingin ucpakan kpd semua kaum ibu "happy mother's day".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Be wary of men in religous robes

"With the first link, the chain is forged.

The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied chains us all irrevocably."

Judge Aaron Satie

We think we've come so far.

Torture of heretics

Burning of witches is all ancient history.then,before the blink an eye suddenly , it threatens to start all over again .

Villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot.

Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.

Someone like that will always be with us waiting for the right climate on which to flourish spreading fear in the name of righteouness.

Be Vigilante. That is the price we have to continually pay.

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