Showing posts with label December Daily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label December Daily. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

December Daily -Altered Album

Mission accomplished. It is still November and I finally made a dicision on the album for my Dec Daily. I found this chipboard album at Wal-Mart. It cost me all of $6.00!

I decidded to alter it with the numbers page by Pop Culture called Hopscotch Red Hot. I then used a strip of Teresa Collins' Christmas Home green damasque paper. I used the December punch out tag.

I also was determined to use a frame but I don't have one that fits the December punch out tag. So I opted to pipe around the edges with Ranger's Glossy Accents. My Dec Daily pages now have a place where to live.

Monday, November 7, 2011

December Daily -My foundation pages

I edited this post to fix the pages that I uploaded sideways. I have no idea how to turn them right side up so I re-uploaded them and added a few more pages I've been able to finish.

This is my first time doing a DD and I am having two issues that keep me pondering. The first one is should I use an album or should I create my own cover. I am leaning toward just creating my own cover from covered chipboard. Second, I cannot bring myself to put the numbers to my pages. I guess I have commitment issues, ha! I am afraid of putting the numbers to the pages and then in Dec when I start to document the doings of our day I may want to use another page. When I scrapbook the photos or the story drive my layout and selection of supplies. Doing the DD without knowing what will happen when is making it difficult for me to get it finished.

In any case here's what I've come up with.

Well, here it is. I have not been making the progress I wanted because of all the painting I've been doing in our living room/dinning room. Oh well it is still November so I am not too far behind.

I'm excited about this project. I wish I had more time to work on it and have more elaborate pages but I want to focus on journaling instead of all the bells and whistles design approach.

What is everyone else doing??

Friday, November 4, 2011

December Daily

Will be using Teresa Collins' Christmas Home Collection to create my December Daily. This will be my first one. I have been following the progress from Ali Edwards Blog and I love her album but her style is just not mine.

I am proud of myself. Last night I cut up the base pages for the daily album and I packed all the supplies and tools I will need in a carry box to take with me where I go and work on it any chance I get. Well, at least that is the plan. It will be interesting to see how it turns out and if I am going to be disciplined enough to record on it daily.

On a good note during a scrapbook retreat last month I created a grateful album so it is ready to go. I love the She Scrapbooks ladies who taught the grateful album class with Teresa Collins papers.

Photos of the progress are threatened but not sure when the threat will be executed. I just love the holidays!!!!